
Loops are structures which allow one to run code a repeated number of times based on a condition. The currently supported looping structures in TLang are:

  1. while loops

while loops

One can declare a while loop using the while keyword followed by a condition (an expression) as follows:

int i = 5;
    // Put some code here

    i = i - 1;

for loops

One can declare a for loop using the for keyword. A for loop consists of 4 parts:

  1. A pre-run statement
    • This is run once before the loop begins
  2. A condition
    • Checked before starting the next iteration
  3. The body
    • The code in-between the { and }
  4. A post-iteration statement
    • Run at the end of each iteration

!!! info Currently it is required that your provide 1, 2 and 4 or else the program will not compile (see variations)

An example for loop is as follows:

int i = 0;
for(int idx = i; idx < i; idx=idx+1)
    i = i + 1;

    for(int idxInner = idx; idxInner < idx; idxInner = idxInner +1)
