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module tlang.compiler.typecheck.dependency.core;
import tlang.compiler.symbols.check;
import std.conv : to;
import std.string;
import std.stdio;
import gogga;
import tlang.compiler.parsing.core;
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.resolution;
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.exceptions;
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.core;
import tlang.compiler.symbols.typing.core;
import tlang.compiler.symbols.typing.builtins;
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.dependency.exceptions : DependencyException, DependencyError;
2021-11-09 16:26:50 +00:00
2021-11-09 17:00:23 +00:00
* Passed around
2021-11-09 16:26:50 +00:00
2021-11-09 17:00:23 +00:00
* 1. Contains containership (some Statements are not contained) so we need to track this
* 2. InitScope, STATIC or VIRTUAL permission
* 3. `allowUp`, when resolving names in this Context use
* resolveBest instead of resolveWithin (stay inside Context solely
* don't travel up parents)
2021-11-09 16:26:50 +00:00
2021-11-09 17:00:23 +00:00
public final class Context
// Required for cases where we need the functionality of the type checker
Command-line - All compilation stages now make use of the `Compiler` object Compiler - Added new exception type `CompilerException` complete with a sub-type enum, `CompilerError` - `getConfig()` will now throw a `CompilerException` when a key is not found, rather than return false (which didn't work under different template types anyways) - Implemented `hasConfig()` to check for the existence of a key in the configuration sub-system's key-value store - The `Compiler` object now stores the `Token[] tokens` generated from the call to `doLex()` - The `Compiler` object now stores the resulting container (`Module`) generated from the call to `doParse()` - Set default symbol mapping technique to the hashmapper technique - Implemented `dolex()` for performing tokenization, it will create and store a `Lexer` instance and the produced `Token[] tokens` into the `Compiler` object - Added `getTokens()` to fetch the tokens generated by `doLex()` - Implemented `doParse()`, `doTypeCheck()` and `doEmit()` in a similiar fashion to `doLex()` - Implemented `getMdoule()` to get the container (`Module`) generated by `doParse()` - Implemented `compile()` which calls `doLex()`, then `doParse()`, then `doTypeCheck()` and finally `doEmit()` CodeEmitter - The `CodeEmitter` constructor now takes in an instance of the chosen `SymbolMapper` DGen - Switched to the instance of the `mapper` inheited from the `CodeMapper` parent class for any `symbolMap` calls required - Use the inherited `TypeChecker` instance and not an instance of it provided by `Context` SymbolMapper - Reworked this class into an abstract class which must have its children implement a `symbolMap(Entity)` interface, this provides us pluggable mapping techniques HashMapper - Moved hashing symbol-mapping technique into `HashMapper` Lebanese - Created a kind-of `SymbolMapper` which, unlike `HashMapper`, produces human-redable-yet-valid C symbols (by replacing the `.`'s with `_`'s) TypeChecker - Removed code for setting now-nonexistent `` - Removed code for setting now-nonexistent `` Context - Removed `static TypeChecker tc` field
2023-01-23 18:44:35 +00:00
// static TypeChecker tc;
2021-11-09 17:00:23 +00:00
InitScope initScope;
Container container;
bool allowUp = true;
this(Container container, InitScope initScope)
this.initScope = initScope;
this.container = container;
public bool isAllowUp()
return allowUp;
public void noAllowUp()
allowUp = false;
public Container getContainer()
return container;
public override string toString()
return "Context [ContPtr(valid?): "~to!(string)(!(container is null))~", InitScope: "~to!(string)(initScope)~"]";
2021-11-09 17:00:23 +00:00
2021-11-09 16:26:50 +00:00
* FunctionData
* Contains the dependency tree for a function,
* it's name, context as to where it is declared
*TODO: TO getn this to work DNode and DNoeGenerator
* must become one to house `private static DNode root`
* and `private static DNode[] pool`, which means FunctionData
* may remain completely seperated from Module's DNode
* Of course DNode must have a FunctionData[] array irrespective
* of the sub-type of DNode as we look up data using it
* techncially it could be seperate, yeah, global function
* The FunctionData should, rather than Context perhaps,
* take in the DNode of the Modulle, to be able to idk
* maybe do some stuff
public struct FunctionData
public string name;
public DNodeGenerator ownGenerator;
public Function func;
public DNode generate()
return ownGenerator.generate();
* All declared functions
private FunctionData[string] functions;
* Returns the declared functions
public FunctionData[string] grabFunctionDefs()
return functions;
* Creates a new FunctionData and adds it to the
* list of declared functions
* Requires a TypeChecker `tc`
private void addFunctionDef(TypeChecker tc, Function func)
/* (Sanity Check) This should never be called again */
foreach(string cFuncKey; functions.keys())
FunctionData cFuncData = functions[cFuncKey];
Function cFunc = cFuncData.func;
if(cFunc == func)
* Create the FunctionData, coupled with it own DNodeGenerator
* context etc.
FunctionData funcData;
funcData.ownGenerator = new DFunctionInnerGenerator(tc, func); = func.getName();
funcData.func = func;
functions[] = funcData;
* DNode
* Represents a dependency node which contains sub-dependencies,
* an associated Statement (to be initialized) and status flags
* as to whether the node has been visited yet and whether or
* not it has been initialized
public class DNode
/* The Statement to be initialized */
2021-06-15 10:23:08 +01:00
protected Statement entity;
2021-06-15 11:44:37 +01:00
protected string name;
2021-06-15 10:23:08 +01:00
protected DNodeGenerator dnodegen;
protected Resolver resolver;
private bool visited;
private bool complete;
private DNode[] dependencies;
this(DNodeGenerator dnodegen, Statement entity)
this.entity = entity;
this.dnodegen = dnodegen;
this.resolver = dnodegen.resolver;
2021-06-15 11:44:37 +01:00
public void needs(DNode dependency)
dependencies ~= dependency;
public bool isVisisted()
return visited;
public void markVisited()
visited = true;
public void markCompleted()
complete = true;
public bool isCompleted()
return complete;
public Statement getEntity()
return entity;
2021-06-09 19:47:52 +01:00
public static ulong count(string bruh)
ulong i = 0;
foreach(char character; bruh)
if(character == '.')
return i;
2021-06-09 20:14:48 +01:00
public static ulong c = 0;
2021-06-15 10:23:08 +01:00
2021-06-15 11:44:37 +01:00
public final string getName()
return name;
2021-06-15 10:23:08 +01:00
* Should be overriden or have something set
* inherited variable, this should make the
* implementation of `print()` a lot more
* cleaner
2021-06-15 11:44:37 +01:00
private void initName()
2021-06-15 10:23:08 +01:00
2021-06-15 11:44:37 +01:00
name = "bruh";
2021-06-15 10:23:08 +01:00
// NOTE: Below may be useful just sfor sub-tree dependecy, idk why one would want that but we may as well make the API work everywhere
// ... and in more cases :) for uniformity-sake (not urgent this case though as we don't plan on using it like that)
// TODO: Add support later for relinearization even though not really a much needed feature
// NOTE: We could also get rid of `markCompleted()` and then wipe visited and use that rather for tree generation/linearization
private bool hasLinearized = false;
private DNode[] linearizedNodes;
private string dependencyTreeRepresentation;
public void performLinearization()
throw new DependencyException(DependencyError.ALREADY_LINEARIZED);
// Perform the linearization on this DNode's `linearizedNodes` array
dependencyTreeRepresentation = print(linearizedNodes);
// Mark as done
hasLinearized = true;
public DNode[] getLinearizedNodes()
return linearizedNodes;
throw new DependencyException(DependencyError.NOT_YET_LINEARIZED);
public string getTree()
return dependencyTreeRepresentation;
throw new DependencyException(DependencyError.NOT_YET_LINEARIZED);
* Performs the linearization and generates a tree whilst doing so.
* The user provides the array to write into (a pointer to it).
* Params:
* destinationLinearList = the DNode[] to write the linearization into
* Returns: a string representation of the dependency tree
private string print(ref DNode[] destinationLinearList)
2021-06-09 20:14:48 +01:00
string spaces = " ";
/* The tree */ /*TODO: Make genral to statement */
2021-06-09 19:47:52 +01:00
string tree = " ";
2021-06-15 10:15:08 +01:00
2021-06-15 15:23:53 +01:00
tree ~= name;
2021-06-09 19:47:52 +01:00
tree ~= "\n";
2021-06-09 20:14:48 +01:00
foreach(DNode dependancy; dependencies)
tree ~= spaces[0..(c)*3]~dependancy.print(destinationLinearList);
/* TODO: I think using `isDone` we can linearise */
gprintln("Done/Not-done?: "~to!(string)(isDone));
// TODO: What is this for and do we even need it? See issue #41 Problem 5
destinationLinearList ~= this;
2021-06-09 20:14:48 +01:00
return tree;
// TODO: What is this for and do we even need it? See issue #41 Problem 5
private bool isDone()
bool done = false;
foreach(DNode dependency; dependencies)
return false;
return true;
Lexer - Fixed missing flushing for issue #65 (see "Flushing fix ✅") - Added unit test for flushing fix VariableDeclaration (Instruction) - Added support for the embedding of a VariableAssignmentInstr inside (added a getter too) (a part of issue #66) - Conditional support for if statements: Added two new instructions (IfStatementInstruction and BranchInstruction). See issue #64 DGen - Added depth increment/decrement on enter/leave scope of `transform()` - Correct tabbing for nested if-statements using new method `genTabs(ulong)` (which uses the above mechanism). Makes code emitted for if statements (issue #64) look nicer. - Updated VariableDeclarations (with assignments) handling in `transform()` in the manner similar to BinOpInstr (see issue #66) - Added a TODO for formatting BinOpInstr's `transform()` a little more aesthetically nicer - Added code emitting support for if statements (the `IfStatementInstruction` instruction) (see issue #64) - Updated `emitEntryPoint()` to only emit testing C code for the correct input test file Parser - `parseIf()` now returns an instance of IfStatement which couples multiple `Branch` objects consisting of `Statement[]` and `Expression` - Ensured that each `Statement` of the generated `Statement[]` from `parseBody()` for a given `Branch` is parented to said Branch using `parentToContainer()` - Ensured each generated `Branch` in `Branch[]` is parented to the generated `IfStatement` using `parentToContainer()` - `parseBody()` now adds to its `Statement[]` build-up array the generated `IfStatement` from the call to `parseIf()` Check - Added support for back-mapping `SymbolType.EQUALS` to `getCharacter(SymbolType)` Data - Added `Branch` parser node which is a Container for body statements (`Statement[]`) - Added `IfStatement` parser node which is a Container of `Statement[]` which are actually `Branch[]` TypeChecker - Moved import for `reverse` to top of module - Implemented `tailPopInstr()` method which will pop from the back of the `codeQueue` "scratchpad" - Fixes handling of `StaticVariableDeclaration` and `VariableAssignmentNode` (fixes issue #66) - Added handling for IfStatement entities (if statement support #64) Resolution - Added a debug statement to `resolveUp(Container, string)` to print out the container to lookup from and the name being looked up Dependency - Added a default `toString()` to the DNode class which prints `[DNode: <entity toString()]` - Added a TODO and debug print related to issues #9 - Disabled InitScope.STATIC check for now as it caused issues with if statement parsing (probably due to VIRTUAL being default and therefore skipping if statment processing) - issue #69 - Cleaned up handling of Entity type `Variable` (variable declarations) - removed repeated code - Undid the VarAss->(depends on)->VarDec, reverted back to VarDec->(depends on)->VarAss, fixed by #66 (and closes it and #11) - Added support for `IfStatement` (if statements) in `generalPass(Container, Context)` Test cases - Added new test case testing nested if statements (`nested_conditions.t`) - Added another test case for if statements, `simple_conditions.t`
2022-12-19 13:37:55 +00:00
public override string toString()
return "[DNode: "~to!(string)(entity)~"]";
* DNodeGenerator (Next-generation) base
* This is a base class for a DNode generator,
* all it requires to construct is:
* 1. Context (to know what we are in or so)
* 2. Statements[] (to know what to process)
* 3. TypeChecker (to know how to resolve names)
public class DNodeGeneratorBase
/* Type checker (for name lookups) */
private TypeChecker tc;
/* Statements to process */
private Statement[] statements;
/* Information about our current container for said statements (and initscope) */
private Context context;
this(TypeChecker tc, Statement[] statements, Context context)
{ = tc;
this.statements = statements;
this.context = context;
public final class DFunctionInnerGenerator : DNodeGenerator
private Function func;
this(TypeChecker tc, Function func)
this.func = func;
public override DNode generate()
/* Recurse downwards */
/* FIXME: We need to no use modulle, but use some fsort of Function Container */
Context context = new Context(func, InitScope.STATIC);
DNode funcDNode = generalPass(func, context);
return funcDNode;
public class DNodeGenerator
* Type checking utilities
private TypeChecker tc;
public Resolver resolver;
* Supporting string -> DNode map for `saveFunctionDefinitionNode`
* and `retrieveFunctionDefintionNode`
private DNode[string] functionDefinitions;
* Given a DNode generated by a Function (function definition)
* this will extract the name of the function and save the DNode
* into the map for later retrieval by `retrieveFunctionDefinitionNode`
private void saveFunctionDefinitionNode(DNode funcDefNode)
gprintln("saveFunctionDefinitionNode: Implement me please");
// Extract the name of the function
Function functionDefinition = cast(Function)funcDefNode.getEntity();
string functionNameAbsolutePath = resolver.generateName(cast(Container)root.getEntity(), cast(Entity)functionDefinition);
// Save to the map
functionDefinitions[functionNameAbsolutePath] = funcDefNode;
* Given the absolute path to a function, this will retrieve the
* Function (function definition) DNode from the map
private DNode retrieveFunctionDefinitionNode(string functionAbsolutePath)
gprintln("retrieveFunctionDefinitionNode: Implement me please");
// TODO: Add an assertion for failed lookup
return functionDefinitions[functionAbsolutePath];
* DNode pool
* This holds unique pool entries
private static DNode[] nodePool;
this(TypeChecker tc)
// /* NOTE: NEW STUFF 1st Oct 2022 */
// Module modulle = tc.getModule();
// Context context = new Context(modulle, InitScope.STATIC);
// super(tc, context, context.getContainer().getStatements()); = tc;
this.resolver = tc.getResolver();
/* TODO: Make this call in the TypeChecker instance */
* Crashes the dependency generator with an
* expectation message by throwing a new
* `DependencyException`.
* Params:
* message = the expectation message
public void expect(string message)
throw new DependencyException(DependencyError.GENERAL_ERROR, message);
public DNode root;
public DNode generate()
/* Start at the top-level container, the module */
Module modulle = tc.getModule();
/* Recurse downwards */
Context context = new Context(modulle, InitScope.STATIC);
DNode moduleDNode = generalPass(modulle, context);
/* Print tree */
// gprintln("\n"~moduleDNode.print());
return moduleDNode;
private DNode pool(Statement entity)
foreach(DNode dnode; nodePool)
if(dnode.getEntity() == entity)
return dnode;
* If no DNode is found that is associated with
* the provided Entity then create a new one and
* pool it
DNode newDNode = new DNode(this, entity);
nodePool ~= newDNode;
return newDNode;
2021-06-15 13:56:40 +01:00
* Templatised pooling mechanism
* Give the node type and entity type (required as not all take in Statement)
private DNodeType poolT(DNodeType, EntityType)(EntityType entity)
foreach(DNode dnode; nodePool)
if(dnode.getEntity() == entity)
return cast(DNodeType)dnode;
* If no DNode is found that is associated with
* the provided Entity then create a new one and
* pool it
DNodeType newDNode = new DNodeType(this, entity);
nodePool ~= newDNode;
return newDNode;
2021-11-09 17:00:23 +00:00
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.dependency.expression;
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.dependency.classes.classObject;
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.dependency.classes.classVirtualInit;
2021-06-15 14:45:31 +01:00
/* TODO: As mentioned in classObject.d we should static init the class type here */
private ClassVirtualInit virtualInit(Clazz clazz)
/* TODO: Pass over variables but we need own pool as instance variable a, must be unique per object */
/* TODO: COnstructor dependency, implicit super, climb class virtual hierachy */
/* TODO: Constructor run remainders */
/* TODO: Init classes, vars (check order) */
return null;
private ObjectInitializationNode objectInitialize(Clazz clazz, NewExpression newExpression)
/* We don't pool anything here - a constructor call is unique */
ObjectInitializationNode node = new ObjectInitializationNode(this, clazz, newExpression);
2021-06-15 14:45:31 +01:00
/* TODO: Call a virtual pass over the class */
return node;
2021-06-15 12:12:27 +01:00
2022-10-14 17:01:35 +01:00
* Used for maintaining dependencies along a trail of `x.y.z`
private DNode[][string] pathTrailDeps;
private void addToPathTrail(string finalEntityName, DNode dep)
bool found = false;
foreach(string entityName; pathTrailDeps.keys)
if(cmp(entityName, finalEntityName) == 0)
found = true;
if(found == false)
pathTrailDeps[finalEntityName] = [];
pathTrailDeps[finalEntityName] ~= dep;
2021-06-15 13:56:40 +01:00
private DNode expressionPass(Expression exp, Context context)
2021-06-15 09:51:40 +01:00
ExpressionDNode dnode = poolT!(ExpressionDNode, Expression)(exp);
2021-06-15 09:51:40 +01:00
gprintln("expressionPass(Exp): Processing "~exp.toString(), DebugType.WARNING);
gprintln("expressionPass(Exp): Context coming in "~to!(string)(context));
2021-06-15 09:51:40 +01:00
/* TODO: Add pooling */
2021-06-15 09:51:40 +01:00
* Number literal
/* TODO: Make number LiteralNode */
return dnode;
2021-06-15 13:56:40 +01:00
* Function calls (and struct constrctors)
else if (cast(FunctionCall)exp)
/* TODO: Implement argument expression dependency */
FunctionCall funcCall = cast(FunctionCall)exp;
gprintln("FuncCall: "~funcCall.getName());
2021-06-15 13:56:40 +01:00
/* TODO: We need to fetch the cached function definition here and call it */
Entity funcEntity = resolver.resolveBest(context.container, funcCall.getName());
// FIXME: The below is failing (we probably need a forward look ahead?)
// OR use the addFuncDef list?
//WAIT! We don't need a funcDefNode actually. No, we lierally do not.
//Remmeber, they are done in a seperate pass, what we need is just our FUncCall DNode
// WHICH we have below as `dnode`!!!!
// DNode funcDefDNode = retrieveFunctionDefinitionNode(tc.getResolver().generateName(tc.getModule(), funcEntity));
// gprintln("FuncCall (FuncDefNode): "~to!(string)(funcDefDNode));
// dnode.needs(funcDefDNode); /* NOTE: New code as of 4th October 2022 */
//NOTE: Check if we need to set a context here to that of the context we occuring in
funcCall.context = context;
* Go through each argument generating a fresh DNode for each expression
foreach(Expression actualArgument; funcCall.getCallArguments())
ExpressionDNode actualArgumentDNode = poolT!(ExpressionDNode, Expression)(actualArgument);
// dnode.needs(actualArgumentDNode);
2022-04-08 00:15:31 +01:00
// gprintln("We need to add recursion here", DebugType.ERROR);
// gprintln("Func?: "~to!(string)(cast(FunctionCall)actualArgument));
// gprintln("Literal?: "~to!(string)(cast(NumberLiteral)actualArgument));
// gprintln("Hello baba", DebugType.ERROR);
2022-04-08 00:15:31 +01:00
/* TODO: Ensure the correct context */
dnode.needs(expressionPass(actualArgument, context));
2021-06-15 13:56:40 +01:00
* `new A()` expression
else if(cast(NewExpression)exp)
/* The NewExpression */
NewExpression newExpression = cast(NewExpression)exp;
/* Get the FunctionCall */
FunctionCall constructorCall = newExpression.getFuncCall();
/* Get the name of the class the function call referes to */
string className = constructorCall.getName();
Type type = tc.getType(context.container, className);
Clazz clazz = cast(Clazz)type;
/* TODO: Process class static initialization */
/* Get the static class dependency */
ClassStaticNode classDependency = classPassStatic(clazz);
/* Make this expression depend on static initalization of the class */
/* TODO: Process object initialization */
ObjectInitializationNode objectDependency = objectInitialize(clazz, newExpression);
2021-06-15 14:25:11 +01:00
2021-06-15 13:56:40 +01:00
/* TODO: Process function call argument */
expect("Only class-type may be used with `new`");
2021-06-15 13:56:40 +01:00
2023-08-16 10:08:20 +01:00
gprintln("King of the castle");
2021-06-15 13:56:40 +01:00
expect("Invalid ryp");
2021-06-15 13:56:40 +01:00
// FunctionCall
* Variable expression
* Example: `p`, `p.p.l`
* First example, `p`, would have expressionNode.needs(AccessNode)
* Second example, `p.p.l`, would have expressionNode.needs(AccessNode.needs(AccessNode.needs(AccessNode)))
else if(cast(VariableExpression)exp)
// Extract the variable's name
VariableExpression varExp = cast(VariableExpression)exp;
string nearestName = varExp.getName();
2021-08-11 22:33:53 +01:00
// Set the context of the variable expression
2022-10-14 17:01:35 +01:00
// Resolve the entity the name refers to
Entity namedEntity = tc.getResolver().resolveBest(context.getContainer(), nearestName);
2021-08-11 22:33:53 +01:00
/* If the entity was found */
2021-08-11 22:33:53 +01:00
/* FIXME: Below assumes basic variable declarations at module level, fix later */
* If `namedEntity` is a `Variable`
* Think of, well, a variable
/* Get the entity as a Variable */
2021-08-12 14:03:56 +01:00
Variable variable = cast(Variable)namedEntity;
/* Pool the node */
VariableNode varDecNode = poolT!(VariableNode, Variable)(variable);
* Check if the variable being referenced has been
* visited (i.e. declared)
* If it has then setup dependency, if not then error
* out
2021-08-12 14:03:56 +01:00
expect("Cannot reference variable "~nearestName~" which exists but has not been declared yet");
2021-08-12 14:03:56 +01:00
* If `namedEntity` is a `Function`
* Think of a function handle
else if(cast(Function)namedEntity)
* FIXME: Yes it isn't a funcall not, and it is not a variable and is probably
* being returned as the lookup, so a FUnction node i guess
Function funcHandle = cast(Function)namedEntity;
* FIXME: Find the best place for this. Functions will always
* be declared (atleast for basic examples as like now) in
* the module level
Context cont = new Context(tc.getModule(), InitScope.STATIC);
// cont.container = tc.getModule();
// cont.
2022-10-13 17:29:30 +01:00
// funcHandle
* FIXME: Do we have to visit the function, I am not sure, like maybe declaration
* or surely it is already declared??!?!?
* Does pooling it make sense? Do we force a visitation?
FuncDecNode funcDecNode = poolT!(FuncDecNode, Function)(funcHandle);
gprintln("Muh function handle: "~namedEntity.toString(), DebugType.WARNING);
/* TODO: Add check ? */
2021-08-11 22:33:53 +01:00
/* If the entity could not be found */
expect("No entity by the name "~nearestName~" exists (at all)");
2021-06-15 09:51:40 +01:00
* Binary operator
else if(cast(BinaryOperatorExpression)exp)
/* Get the binary operator expression */
BinaryOperatorExpression binOp = cast(BinaryOperatorExpression)exp;
2021-06-15 09:51:40 +01:00
* If the operator is a dot operator
* We then treat that as an accessor
* Example: func().p1
* Example: new A().p1
if(binOp.getOperator() == SymbolType.DOT)
* Get the left-node (the thing being accessed)
* Either a `new A()`, `A()`
Expression leftExp = binOp.getLeftExpression();
* Process the right-hand side expression
* but we should give it the Context that
* it is accessing some sort of class for example
* such that resolution can work properly
* (hence the need for `Context` in this function)
* 1. The Container is the type of the object and
* we then call expresssionPass on it which
* will eensure static init of class type etc
/* The NewExpression */
NewExpression newExpression = cast(NewExpression)leftExp;
/* Get the FunctionCall */
FunctionCall constructorCall = newExpression.getFuncCall();
/* Get the name of the class the function call referes to */
string className = constructorCall.getName();
Type type = tc.getType(context.container, className);
Clazz clazzType = cast(Clazz)type;
Container clazzContainer = cast(Container)clazzType;
Context objectContext = new Context(clazzContainer, InitScope.VIRTUAL);
/* Also, only resolve within */
* Pass the newExpression and static init the class
* using current context
* We now know the class is static inited, and also
* the object
DNode lhsNode = expressionPass(leftExp, context);
* Now using this pass the right-hand side with context
* being that the object access has virtual (static and
* non-static access as it is, well, an object `new A()`)
* Context being eithin the object and its class
DNode rhsNode = expressionPass(binOp.getRightExpression(), objectContext);
// if(cast(NewExpression)leftExp)
* 1. Split up and recurse down the path (rhsExpression)
* 2. Above is done already in varExp (well needs to be implemented)
* 3. Make the rhsNode finanly depend on lhsNode
* 4. dnode (whole expression, dot operator expresiosn) relies on rhsNode
* Anything else are mutually exlsuive (i.e. not chained)
* FIXME: For now
/* Process left and right */
DNode leftNode = expressionPass(binOp.getLeftExpression(), context);
DNode rightNode = expressionPass(binOp.getRightExpression(), context);
/* Require the evaluation of these */
/* TODO: Add specific DNode type dependent on the type of operator */
2021-06-15 09:51:40 +01:00
* Unary operator
else if(cast(UnaryOperatorExpression)exp)
/* Get the unary operator expression */
UnaryOperatorExpression unaryOp = cast(UnaryOperatorExpression)exp;
/* Process the expression */
DNode expressionNode = expressionPass(unaryOp.getExpression(), context);
/* Require the evaluation of the expression */
/* TODO: Add specific DNode type dependent on the type of operator */
* Type cast operator (CastedExpression)
else if(cast(CastedExpression)exp)
CastedExpression castedExpression = cast(CastedExpression)exp;
// Set the context as we need to grab it later in the typechecker
castedExpression.context = context;
/* Extract the embedded expression and pass it */
Expression uncastedExpression = castedExpression.getEmbeddedExpression();
DNode uncastedExpressionDNode = expressionPass(uncastedExpression, context);
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 10:21:50 +01:00
* Array indexing (ArrayIndex)
else if(cast(ArrayIndex)exp)
ArrayIndex arrayIndex = cast(ArrayIndex)exp;
// Set the context as we need to grab it later in the typechecker
arrayIndex.context = context;
/* The index's expression */
Expression indexExp = arrayIndex.getIndex();
DNode indexExpDNode = expressionPass(indexExp, context);
/* The thing being indexeds' expression */
Expression indexedExp = arrayIndex.getIndexed();
DNode indexedExpDNode = expressionPass(indexedExp, context);
2021-06-15 09:51:40 +01:00
// dnode = new DNode(this, exp);
2021-06-15 09:51:40 +01:00
// dnode.needs()
gprintln("Interesting", DebugType.ERROR);
2021-06-15 09:51:40 +01:00
return dnode;
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.dependency.variables;
private ModuleVariableDeclaration pool_module_vardec(Variable entity)
foreach(DNode dnode; nodePool)
if(dnode.getEntity() == entity)
return cast(ModuleVariableDeclaration)dnode;
* If no DNode is found that is associated with
* the provided Entity then create a new one and
* pool it
ModuleVariableDeclaration newDNode = new ModuleVariableDeclaration(this, entity);
nodePool ~= newDNode;
return newDNode;
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// TODO: Work in progress
private DNode generalStatement(Container c, Context context, Statement entity)
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// /* Pool the container as `node` */
// Entity namedContainer = cast(Entity)c;
// assert(namedContainer);
// DNode node = pool(namedContainer);
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
* Variable paremeters (for functions)
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
VariableParameter varParamDec = cast(VariableParameter)entity;
// Set context
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// Pool and mark as visited
// NOTE: I guess for now use VariableDNode as that is what is used in expressionPass
// with the poolT! constrcutor, doing otherwise causes a cast failure and hence
// null: /git/tlang/tlang/issues/52#issuecomment-325
DNode dnode = poolT!(VariableNode, Variable)(varParamDec);
return null;
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
* Variable declarations
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
else if(cast(Variable)entity)
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Get the Variable and information */
Variable variable = cast(Variable)entity;
/* TODO: 25Oct new */
// Context d = new Context( cast(Container)modulle, InitScope.STATIC);
/* TODO: Above 25oct new */
Type variableType = tc.getType(c, variable.getType());
assert(variableType); /* TODO: Handle invalid variable type */
DNode variableDNode = poolT!(StaticVariableDeclaration, Variable)(variable);
writeln("VarType: "~to!(string)(variableType));
/* Basic type */
/* Do nothing */
/* Class-type */
else if(cast(Clazz)variableType)
writeln("Literally hello");
/* Get the static class dependency */
ClassStaticNode classDependency = classPassStatic(cast(Clazz)variableType);
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Make this variable declaration depend on static initalization of the class */
/* Struct-type */
else if(cast(Struct)variableType)
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 10:21:50 +01:00
/* Stack-based array-type */
else if(cast(StackArray)variableType)
// TODO: For array support not all too sure what I shoudl put here, perhap nothing?
StackArray arrayType = cast(StackArray)variableType;
// TODO: We might need to do pointer magic
// (TODO) Check component type
Type componentType = arrayType.getComponentType();
// If the component type is a primitive type
/* Do nothing (I presume?) */
// If not
// TODO: Add more advanced handling here
gprintln("Advanced component types l;ike arrays of arrays or arrays of classes etc not yet supported", DebugType.ERROR);
gprintln("Arrays (and these are stack arrays) are not yet supported", DebugType.ERROR);
// assert(false);
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Anything else */
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* This should never happen */
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 10:21:50 +01:00
gprintln("#ThisShouldNeverHappen Fault: A variable declaration with a kind-of type we don't know", DebugType.ERROR);
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Set as visited */
/* If there is an assignment attached to this */
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Extract the assignment */
VariableAssignment varAssign = variable.getAssignment();
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Set the Context of the assignment to the current context */
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Pool the assignment to get a DNode */
DNode expressionNode = expressionPass(varAssign.getExpression(), context);
/* The variable declaration is dependant on the assigne expression */
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* The current container is dependent on this variable declaration */
// node.needs(variableDNode);
return variableDNode;
* Variable asignments
else if(cast(VariableAssignmentStdAlone)entity)
VariableAssignmentStdAlone vAsStdAl = cast(VariableAssignmentStdAlone)entity;
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* TODO: CHeck avriable name even */
gprintln("YEAST ENJOYER");
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// FIXME: The below assert fails for function definitions trying to refer to global values
// as a reoslveBest (up) is needed. We should firstly check if within fails, if so,
// resolveBest, if that fails, then it is an error (see #46)
assert(tc.getResolver().resolveBest(c, vAsStdAl.getVariableName()));
gprintln("YEAST ENJOYER");
Variable variable = cast(Variable)tc.getResolver().resolveBest(c, vAsStdAl.getVariableName());
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Pool the variable */
DNode varDecDNode = pool(variable);
/* TODO: Make sure a DNode exists (implying it's been declared already) */
/* Pool varass stdalone */
DNode vStdAlDNode = pool(vAsStdAl);
/* Pool the expression and make the vAStdAlDNode depend on it */
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
DNode expression = expressionPass(vAsStdAl.getExpression(), context);
return vStdAlDNode;
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
expect("Cannot reference variable "~vAsStdAl.getVariableName()~" which exists but has not been declared yet");
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
return null;
Array support (#1) * Parser - Added ability for `parseName()` to recognize array types - Added array type handling to `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Removed unneeded `derefCount` and comment in `parseTypedDeclaration()` Check - Added new symbol types `OBRACKET` and `CBRACKET` * Tets cases - We will now be using `simple_arrays2.t` as our testing bench for array support * Dependency - When a variable declaration has a kind-of type we are unaware of then print out an error message before asserting `false` * Builtins - `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` will now return a `Pointer` object for arrays of which the type was `<componentType>[]` (non-stack bound) as effectively they are pointers with a different syntax -doing it here means that it is transparent and typechecking, code gen and emit will just see a pointer type which makes life a lot easier * Builtins - Added information about the current bug faced in issue #81 (third sub-issue) * Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to show case bug sub-issue 3 in issue #81 * Builtins - Removed seperate handling of `<componentType>[]` and incorporated it into the pointer check, now we have fixed sub-issue 3 of issue #81 Test cases - Updated test case `simple_arrays2.t` to showcase the aforementioned fix * Builtins - Updated TODO * Builtins - Removed comment as now fixed * Array - Added `getComponentType()` method which will return the array's element type * Dependency - When processing the `Array` type which is now to be seen as a stack-based array (fixed size), error out in processing it during variable declarations * Builtins - Added `bool isStackArray(string)` in order to check if a given type string is designated as a stack-array type or not - `Type getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` now can generate the `StackArray` type including the component type and the size of the stack allocation Parser - Added support to`parseTypedDeclaration` to be able to parse stack-based array types - Added terminator `]` to `parseExpression()` DGen - Added stack-based array type transformation support to `string typeTransform(Type)` - Added transformation support for stack-based arrays for the `VariableDeclaration` instruction StackArray - Renamed `Array` type to `StackArray` ` The `StackArray` type now has an `arraySize` field and is included in the constructor's paremeters - Added a `getAllocatedSize()` method to retrieve the `arraySize` field Dependency - Temporarily enabled the `StackArray` type in dependency processing for `VariableDeclarations` such that we can continue through the pipeline Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays.t` to test stack-based array types * Tets cases - Added new test case for testing (later) multi-dimensional stack-arrays * Parser - Working on adding array index assignment support Test cases - Added test case to test array assignments with * Parser - We can now detect when infact we are doing an array-indexed assignment and when not, we then flip` arrayIndexing` to `true` if that is the case and ensure that `=` SymbolType.ASSIGN is not triggering the varaible-declaration-with-assignment but rather eters a different branch based on this boolean - Set the identifier being assigned to (in the array indexing case) to the `type` with the `[]...` stripped Notes - Added a TODO file `wip.txt` with notes about what is to be done for adding full array support * Parser - Handle the case whereby `SymbolType.ASSIGN` or `SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE` is not found by throwing an error * Parser - Moved logic for array assignments into the branch for it (deferred it) * Data - Added new work-in-progress parser node type `ArrayAssignment` Parser - Added TODO about the type of returned parse node needing to be updated down the line Notes - Updated `wip.txt` with more thoughts * Expressions - Added new parse node (a sub-type of `Expression`) for representing array indexing; `ArrayIndex` Data - Fixed compilation error caused by missing semi-colon * Parser - Added support for array accesses/indexing in `parseExpression()` - Added a token-rerun mechanism that lets us replay the needed tokens which needed to be looked ahead in order to determine an array access was about to occur * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO relating to array accesses in `parseExpression()` * Parser - Added right-hand side expression parsing for array assignments Test cases - Updated test case to test both array expressions on the left-hand side of an assignment and as a free-standing expression on the right hand side Data - Implemeneted `ArrayAssignment` which is to be used for assigning into arrays * Instruction - Added new instruction for indexing into arrays, a new `Value`-type instruction called `ArrayIndexInstruction` * DGen - Handle `ArrayIndexInstruction` which is for whenever you index into a point-based array (an expression like `myArray[i]` is now being supported in emit (first steps)) * Instructions - Added a new instruction type, `StackArrayINdexInstruction`, which is used to know when we are indexing into a stack-based array rather than a pointer-based array (just to be able to disambiguate between the two) - Added a work-in-progress type `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which will be used for assigning to stack arrays at a given index * Instructions - Added implementation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which represents the assignment of some `Value` instruction to a stack-based array (indicated by the `arrayName` string field) at the index indicated by the provided `Value` instruction * DGen - Added a stub emitter for `ArrayIndexInstruction` (pointer-based array indexing) - Added a stub emitter for `StackArrayINdexInstruction` (stack-array based array indexing) * INstructions - Added `getArrayName()`, `getIndexInstr()` and `getAssignedValue()` to `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Instructions - Added `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` which is intended to be used for when one wants to assign into a pointer-based array - It embeds a `Value` instruction which is what is to be assigned and then an `ArrayIndexInstruction` representing the base of the poiinter-based array (base address) coupled with an "index" (offset) - Added a `toString()` override for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Test cases - Added `complex_stack_arrays1.t` - This tests a stack array of a fixed size of `int[]` (basically `int*`) and assigneing into it * Test cases - Added `simple_arrays4.t` which makes an `int[]` (which is an `int*`) and then assignes into it at `i` whilst referring to itself at `i` and doing a binary operation * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays2.t` which tests a stack array of a fixed size and then assigns into it a value * Test cases - Added `simple_stack_arrays4.t` which just tests assigning to a stack array of a fixed size BUT referring to said stack array itself as part of the assignment expression * DGen - Removed TODO comment for `ArrayIndexInstruction` transformation branch - Added a description for when the `ArrayIndexInstruction` branch is activated for a transformation - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment on when `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` activates - Implemented transformation for `ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` - Added comment for when the `StackArrayIndexInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexInstruction` - Added comment for when `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` branch activates - Implemented transformation for `StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction` * Dependency - Added dependency node generation for the `ArrayIndex` - This will pool the `ArrayIndex` parser-node - This will then set the context of the parser-node to the current context - The index expression will be depended upon - The indexed expression (the entity being indexed) will be depended upon --- - Added dependency generation for `ArrayAssignment` - The `ArrayAssignment` parser node will be pooled - The `ArrayAssignment` will have its context set to the current context - The assigned expression will be depended upon - The entity being indexed will be depended upon - The index expression will be depended upon * Parser - Added a branch to `parseName()` which handles array assignments's semicolon consumption and token cursor movement to the next token - Updated `parseTypedDeclaration()` to return an object of type `Statement` rather than `TypedEntity` - Disabled the intentional `assert(false)` when handling array assignments - Assign the generated `ArrayAssignment` to the `generated` variable - Updated `parseExtern()` to cast to `TypedEntity` to ensure that the `Statement` returned is of that sub-type (added an assertion to then check this fact) * Typechecker/Codegen - Implemented `isStackArray(Value)` which checks if the given `Value` instruction is a `FetchValueVar`, then extracts the `Variable` being referred to in said instruction and checks if its declared type is that of `StackArray` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayAssignment` - Implemented code generation for `ArrayIndex` * Test cases - WIP: Added `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` as we want to add coercion for this now * Typecheck - Added rudimentary check for checking if an argument is a stack array, and if the parameter (to a function call) is a pointer and if so then returns whether they have matching component types in a new function named `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` * Typecheck - Fixed `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to actually coerce the first type first into a pointer type (coercing the stack array's component type to `<compType>*`) and THEN apply the `isSameType(Type, Type)` check * Typecheck - Hoisted up `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to the class-level of `TypeChecker` - Removed debug prints from `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` - Added a TODO where the check should be done in the `FunctionCall` branch of the `DNode` processor * TypeChecker - Added a seperate check for function call `DNode` processing which now checks if we can coerce the stack-array-based argument to the pointer-based type parameter Notes - Emit now fails as we haven't implement an emit for this case, so we need to do that. - Also, should we change the type of what is being passed in - perhaps that actually makes sense here - we haven't fully coerced it actually * TypeChecker - Updated `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type)` to now take in `canCoerceStackArray(Type, Type, ref Type)` to set the newly created coerced type - Fixed bug whereby if the coercion succeeded we didn't actually add to the list of evaluation-instructions in the `FuncCallInstr` object, hence there would be a `null` Instruction object appearing in the code emit phase. - Added some NOTEs which we can clean up this code using * TypeChecker - Cleaned up commented-out code * Added CI/CD test for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' * Added CI/CD test for 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_stack_array_coerce.t' and 'complex_stack_arrays1.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Added CI/CD semantic tests (WIP) for 'simple_arrays2.t' and 'simple_arrays4.t' * Fixed filepath for test 'simple_arrays.t' * Fixed typechecking tests for arrays * DGen - Added instrumentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` Test cases - Updated `simple_stack_array_coerce.t` to update the array passed in a manner such that we can sum the two elements later, return it and assert to ensure it is set correctly * Parser - Had to ensure the old identifier code was removed too, was too early; therefore this now-dead code was removed * Test cases - Added this test (even though it is a bad test, the syntax ie wrong) * Test cases - Update `simple_stack_arrsys4.t` to return an `int` such that we can verify it works. - Also added more tests to it. DGen - Added semantic test code generation for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` CI - Re-organised tests for semantics in emit for arrays into those "Which have semantic tests" and "those which don't (yet)" - Added semantic/emit test for `simple_stack_arrays4.t` * Test cases - Updated `simple_arrays2.t` to test casting of complex array types * Test cases - Updated `complex_stack_arrays1.t` * Test cases - Added new test for testing pointer syntax; `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` - FIXME: It is broken as we don't have the latest pointer code - that must still be finished * Test cases - Added test case `simple_stack_array_ceorce_wrong.t` where coercion must fail * Test cases - Added `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` which should test the `int[] == int*` stuff * DGen - Made semantic test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t` Test cases - Added a test for `simple_pointer_array_syntax.t.t` * Branding - Added logo here * Test cases - Addes semantic code emit instrucmentation for `simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax.t` * Pipelines - Added test case for `source/tlang/testing/simple_stack_array_coerce_wrong.t` for typechecking phase * Test cases - Added test case `complex_stack_array_coerce.t` * Test cases - Added extensive positive test case `complex_stack_array_coerce_permutation_good.t` which has a lot of different ways to write `int**` (think `int*[]` etc) - Added negative test cases `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad1.t`, `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad2.t` and `complex_stack_array_coerce_bad3.t`
2023-04-20 10:21:50 +01:00
* Array assignments
else if(cast(ArrayAssignment)entity)
ArrayAssignment arrayAssignment = cast(ArrayAssignment)entity;
DNode arrayAssDerefDNode = pool(arrayAssignment);
/* Pass the expression to be assigned */
Expression assignedExpression = arrayAssignment.getAssignmentExpression();
DNode assignmentExpressionDNode = expressionPass(assignedExpression, context);
* Extract the ArrayIndex expression
* This consists of two parts (e.g. `myArray[i]`):
* 1. The indexTo `myArray`
* 2. The index `i`
ArrayIndex arrayIndexExpression = arrayAssignment.getArrayLeft();
Expression indexTo = arrayIndexExpression.getIndexed();
Expression index = arrayIndexExpression.getIndex();
DNode indexToExpression = expressionPass(indexTo, context);
DNode indexExpression = expressionPass(index, context);
gprintln("Please implement array assignment dependency generation", DebugType.ERROR);
// assert(false);
return arrayAssDerefDNode;
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
* Function definitions
else if(cast(Function)entity)
/* Grab the function */
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
Function func = cast(Function)entity;
/* Don't forget to set its context */
func.context = context;
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Add funtion definition */
addFunctionDef(tc, func);
App - Added newline to release info print - Fixed module docstring Commands - Added new command-line options: `syntaxcheck`, `typecheck` - Added todo to `help` command - Re-ordered commands for order of appearance in help text Compiler - Added docstring to `beginCompilation(string[])` function Mapper - Added debug print of the Container being used for the symbol lookup CodeEmitter - Re-worked CodeEmitter class to use a single so-called "selected queue" - Added methods to move back and forth between said "selected queue", get the length, etc. - Remove old queue-specific methods DGen - Use the new CodeEmitter "selected-queue" functionality - Emit function definitions now supported Exceptions - Added this keyword Check - Added support for SymbolTYpe.OCURLY and SymbolType.CCURLY to `getCharacter(SymbolType)` Data - Added a `hasParams()` method to the Function entity type TypeChecker - Added support for emitting function definitions (required DNode.poes = [] (cleaning), codeQueue cleaning etc.) - Added `getInitQueue()` method to make a copy of the current "scratchpad" `codeQueue` - Build up a copy of the global queue now (make a copy similiar to what we did for `getInitQueue()` but inline) - Added a debug print Dependency - Added a FIXME note for issue #46 - Added a TODO relating to `static DNode[] poes` Test cases - Added test case `simple_function_decls.t` to test function definition code emit - Updated test case `simple_variables.t` to note that the T code generates invalid C code README - Build instructions now generate coverage files (`.lst`s) - Updated link to documentation
2022-12-14 17:49:08 +00:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
return null;
* Return statement
else if(cast(ReturnStmt)entity)
ReturnStmt returnStatement = cast(ReturnStmt)entity;
App - Added newline to release info print - Fixed module docstring Commands - Added new command-line options: `syntaxcheck`, `typecheck` - Added todo to `help` command - Re-ordered commands for order of appearance in help text Compiler - Added docstring to `beginCompilation(string[])` function Mapper - Added debug print of the Container being used for the symbol lookup CodeEmitter - Re-worked CodeEmitter class to use a single so-called "selected queue" - Added methods to move back and forth between said "selected queue", get the length, etc. - Remove old queue-specific methods DGen - Use the new CodeEmitter "selected-queue" functionality - Emit function definitions now supported Exceptions - Added this keyword Check - Added support for SymbolTYpe.OCURLY and SymbolType.CCURLY to `getCharacter(SymbolType)` Data - Added a `hasParams()` method to the Function entity type TypeChecker - Added support for emitting function definitions (required DNode.poes = [] (cleaning), codeQueue cleaning etc.) - Added `getInitQueue()` method to make a copy of the current "scratchpad" `codeQueue` - Build up a copy of the global queue now (make a copy similiar to what we did for `getInitQueue()` but inline) - Added a debug print Dependency - Added a FIXME note for issue #46 - Added a TODO relating to `static DNode[] poes` Test cases - Added test case `simple_function_decls.t` to test function definition code emit - Updated test case `simple_variables.t` to note that the T code generates invalid C code README - Build instructions now generate coverage files (`.lst`s) - Updated link to documentation
2022-12-14 17:49:08 +00:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
DNode returnStatementDNode = pool(returnStatement);
🐞️ Functions: Expressionless return and enforcing requirement (#7) * Parser - Added a TODO in `parseReturn()` for issue #113 * Data - The `ReturnStmt` now has a default constructor which is for cases where one doesn't want to provide an expression (for expressionless returns) Parser - `parseReturn()` now supports expressionless returns Test cases - Added `simple_return_expressionless.t` to test expressionless return statement * Data - Added a method `hasReturnExpression()` to `ReturnStmt` which returns `true` if the return statement has an expression attached, `false` otherwise * Dependency - When processing a `ReturnStmt` only run do dependency generation for the return statement's expression IF it has one * Instruction - Made `ReturnInstruction` have a constructor which takes in no `Value` instruction (intended for return expression) - Added a `hasReturnExpInstr()` to `ReturnInstruction`such that during typechecking/codegen we can check for it * TypeChecker - Added a TODO regarding the missing typechecking for `ReturnStmt` typechecking. Added notes on how we'd go about this. - Fixed crash due to assuming there was always an expression on the stack that could be popped off for generating a `ReturnInstruction` (this is not the case when the return statement is expressionless) * Tests - Added a typecheck test for `simple_return_expressionless.t` * TypeChecker - Update `isSameType(Type t1, Type t2)` to check if the actual types of both `Type` objects are the same as a last resort - Added a `NOTE` comment on how `isSameType(Type t1, Type t2)` is implemented - Added typechecking code for `ReturnStmt` and updated the code generation with it. We now do the following: 1. We extract the container of the `ReturnStmt` and cast it to a `Function`; if it is not a `Function` we throw an error because you cannot have a `ReturnStmt` appear in a non-`Function` container 2. We extract the function's name relative to it container (the function's container) for use of it in error messages 3. Next, we get the return type of the function and do the following: a. If the return type is `void` i. If the return has an expression we throw an error ii. If the return has NO expression we pass typechecking and generate the `ReturnInstr` b. If the return type is non-`void` i. If the return has an expression we ensure that its type matches that of the function's return type and generate the `ReturnInstr` ii. If the return has NO expression we raise an exception as one is expected 4. If we pass and got here then we set the `ReturnInstr`'s context and `addInstrB(returnInstr)` * Test cases - Added test case `simple_return_type.t` which is here to test our return type checking * - Updated `.gitignore` * Parser - Use `lexer` for all `Token`-based operations
2023-07-11 20:43:21 +01:00
/* Check if this return statement has an expression attached */
/* Process the return expression */
Expression returnExpression = returnStatement.getReturnExpression();
DNode returnExpressionDNode = expressionPass(returnExpression, context);
🐞️ Functions: Expressionless return and enforcing requirement (#7) * Parser - Added a TODO in `parseReturn()` for issue #113 * Data - The `ReturnStmt` now has a default constructor which is for cases where one doesn't want to provide an expression (for expressionless returns) Parser - `parseReturn()` now supports expressionless returns Test cases - Added `simple_return_expressionless.t` to test expressionless return statement * Data - Added a method `hasReturnExpression()` to `ReturnStmt` which returns `true` if the return statement has an expression attached, `false` otherwise * Dependency - When processing a `ReturnStmt` only run do dependency generation for the return statement's expression IF it has one * Instruction - Made `ReturnInstruction` have a constructor which takes in no `Value` instruction (intended for return expression) - Added a `hasReturnExpInstr()` to `ReturnInstruction`such that during typechecking/codegen we can check for it * TypeChecker - Added a TODO regarding the missing typechecking for `ReturnStmt` typechecking. Added notes on how we'd go about this. - Fixed crash due to assuming there was always an expression on the stack that could be popped off for generating a `ReturnInstruction` (this is not the case when the return statement is expressionless) * Tests - Added a typecheck test for `simple_return_expressionless.t` * TypeChecker - Update `isSameType(Type t1, Type t2)` to check if the actual types of both `Type` objects are the same as a last resort - Added a `NOTE` comment on how `isSameType(Type t1, Type t2)` is implemented - Added typechecking code for `ReturnStmt` and updated the code generation with it. We now do the following: 1. We extract the container of the `ReturnStmt` and cast it to a `Function`; if it is not a `Function` we throw an error because you cannot have a `ReturnStmt` appear in a non-`Function` container 2. We extract the function's name relative to it container (the function's container) for use of it in error messages 3. Next, we get the return type of the function and do the following: a. If the return type is `void` i. If the return has an expression we throw an error ii. If the return has NO expression we pass typechecking and generate the `ReturnInstr` b. If the return type is non-`void` i. If the return has an expression we ensure that its type matches that of the function's return type and generate the `ReturnInstr` ii. If the return has NO expression we raise an exception as one is expected 4. If we pass and got here then we set the `ReturnInstr`'s context and `addInstrB(returnInstr)` * Test cases - Added test case `simple_return_type.t` which is here to test our return type checking * - Updated `.gitignore` * Parser - Use `lexer` for all `Token`-based operations
2023-07-11 20:43:21 +01:00
/* Make return depend on the return expression */
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Make this container depend on this return statement */
// node.needs(returnStatementDNode);
return returnStatementDNode;
* If statements
else if(cast(IfStatement)entity)
IfStatement ifStatement = cast(IfStatement)entity;
DNode ifStatementDNode = pool(ifStatement);
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Add each branch as a dependency */
foreach(Branch branch; ifStatement.getBranches())
DNode branchDNode = pool(branch);
// Set context of branch (it is parented by the IfStmt)
// NOTE: This is dead code as the above is done by Parser and
// we need not set context here, only matters at the generalPass
// call later (context being passed in) as a starting point
branch.setContext(new Context(ifStatement, context.initScope));
// Extract the potential branch condition
Expression branchCondition = branch.getCondition();
// Check if this branch has a condition
if(!(branchCondition is null))
2022-10-15 15:55:10 +01:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// We use container of IfStmt and nt IfStmt otself as nothing can really be
// contained in it that the condition expression would be able to lookup
DNode branchConditionDNode = expressionPass(branchCondition, context);
2022-10-15 15:55:10 +01:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
gprintln("branch parentOf(): "~to!(string)(branch.parentOf()));
gprintln("branch generalPass(context="~to!(string)(context.getContainer())~")");
// When generalPass()'ing a branch's body we don't want to pass in `context`
// as that is containing the branch container and hence we skip anything IN the
// branch container
// NOTE: Check initScope
Context branchContext = new Context(branch, context.initScope);
DNode branchStatementsDNode = generalPass(branch, branchContext);
/* Make the if statement depend on this branch */
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Make this container depend on this if statement */
// node.needs(ifStatementDNode);
return ifStatementDNode;
* While loops
else if(cast(WhileLoop)entity)
WhileLoop whileLoopStmt = cast(WhileLoop)entity;
DNode whileLoopDNode = pool(whileLoopStmt);
// Extract the branch (body Statement[] + condition)
Branch whileBranch = whileLoopStmt.getBranch();
DNode branchDNode = pool(whileBranch);
gprintln("Branch: "~to!(string)(whileBranch));
// If this is a while-loop
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// Extract the condition
Expression branchCondition = whileBranch.getCondition();
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// Pass the expression
DNode branchConditionDNode = expressionPass(branchCondition, context);
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// Make the branch dependent on this expression's evaluation
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// Now pass over the statements in the branch's body
Context branchContext = new Context(whileBranch, InitScope.STATIC);
DNode branchBodyDNode = generalPass(whileBranch, branchContext);
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// Finally make the branchDNode depend on the body dnode (above)
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// If this is a do-while loop
// TODO: I don't think we really need to reverse this?
// Logically we should, but the typechecker will add this things in the correct order anyways?
// We need to look into this!
// Our nodes at the back will always be placed at the back, and the expression will end ip upfront
// i think it is a problem oif maybe other expressions are left on the stack but is that ever a problem
//now with the statement <-> instruction mapping (like will that ever even occur?)
Lexer - Fixed missing flushing for issue #65 (see "Flushing fix ✅") - Added unit test for flushing fix VariableDeclaration (Instruction) - Added support for the embedding of a VariableAssignmentInstr inside (added a getter too) (a part of issue #66) - Conditional support for if statements: Added two new instructions (IfStatementInstruction and BranchInstruction). See issue #64 DGen - Added depth increment/decrement on enter/leave scope of `transform()` - Correct tabbing for nested if-statements using new method `genTabs(ulong)` (which uses the above mechanism). Makes code emitted for if statements (issue #64) look nicer. - Updated VariableDeclarations (with assignments) handling in `transform()` in the manner similar to BinOpInstr (see issue #66) - Added a TODO for formatting BinOpInstr's `transform()` a little more aesthetically nicer - Added code emitting support for if statements (the `IfStatementInstruction` instruction) (see issue #64) - Updated `emitEntryPoint()` to only emit testing C code for the correct input test file Parser - `parseIf()` now returns an instance of IfStatement which couples multiple `Branch` objects consisting of `Statement[]` and `Expression` - Ensured that each `Statement` of the generated `Statement[]` from `parseBody()` for a given `Branch` is parented to said Branch using `parentToContainer()` - Ensured each generated `Branch` in `Branch[]` is parented to the generated `IfStatement` using `parentToContainer()` - `parseBody()` now adds to its `Statement[]` build-up array the generated `IfStatement` from the call to `parseIf()` Check - Added support for back-mapping `SymbolType.EQUALS` to `getCharacter(SymbolType)` Data - Added `Branch` parser node which is a Container for body statements (`Statement[]`) - Added `IfStatement` parser node which is a Container of `Statement[]` which are actually `Branch[]` TypeChecker - Moved import for `reverse` to top of module - Implemented `tailPopInstr()` method which will pop from the back of the `codeQueue` "scratchpad" - Fixes handling of `StaticVariableDeclaration` and `VariableAssignmentNode` (fixes issue #66) - Added handling for IfStatement entities (if statement support #64) Resolution - Added a debug statement to `resolveUp(Container, string)` to print out the container to lookup from and the name being looked up Dependency - Added a default `toString()` to the DNode class which prints `[DNode: <entity toString()]` - Added a TODO and debug print related to issues #9 - Disabled InitScope.STATIC check for now as it caused issues with if statement parsing (probably due to VIRTUAL being default and therefore skipping if statment processing) - issue #69 - Cleaned up handling of Entity type `Variable` (variable declarations) - removed repeated code - Undid the VarAss->(depends on)->VarDec, reverted back to VarDec->(depends on)->VarAss, fixed by #66 (and closes it and #11) - Added support for `IfStatement` (if statements) in `generalPass(Container, Context)` Test cases - Added new test case testing nested if statements (`nested_conditions.t`) - Added another test case for if statements, `simple_conditions.t`
2022-12-19 13:37:55 +00:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// Pass over the statements in the branch's body
Context branchContext = new Context(whileBranch, InitScope.STATIC);
DNode branchBodyDNode = generalPass(whileBranch, branchContext);
Lexer - Fixed missing flushing for issue #65 (see "Flushing fix ✅") - Added unit test for flushing fix VariableDeclaration (Instruction) - Added support for the embedding of a VariableAssignmentInstr inside (added a getter too) (a part of issue #66) - Conditional support for if statements: Added two new instructions (IfStatementInstruction and BranchInstruction). See issue #64 DGen - Added depth increment/decrement on enter/leave scope of `transform()` - Correct tabbing for nested if-statements using new method `genTabs(ulong)` (which uses the above mechanism). Makes code emitted for if statements (issue #64) look nicer. - Updated VariableDeclarations (with assignments) handling in `transform()` in the manner similar to BinOpInstr (see issue #66) - Added a TODO for formatting BinOpInstr's `transform()` a little more aesthetically nicer - Added code emitting support for if statements (the `IfStatementInstruction` instruction) (see issue #64) - Updated `emitEntryPoint()` to only emit testing C code for the correct input test file Parser - `parseIf()` now returns an instance of IfStatement which couples multiple `Branch` objects consisting of `Statement[]` and `Expression` - Ensured that each `Statement` of the generated `Statement[]` from `parseBody()` for a given `Branch` is parented to said Branch using `parentToContainer()` - Ensured each generated `Branch` in `Branch[]` is parented to the generated `IfStatement` using `parentToContainer()` - `parseBody()` now adds to its `Statement[]` build-up array the generated `IfStatement` from the call to `parseIf()` Check - Added support for back-mapping `SymbolType.EQUALS` to `getCharacter(SymbolType)` Data - Added `Branch` parser node which is a Container for body statements (`Statement[]`) - Added `IfStatement` parser node which is a Container of `Statement[]` which are actually `Branch[]` TypeChecker - Moved import for `reverse` to top of module - Implemented `tailPopInstr()` method which will pop from the back of the `codeQueue` "scratchpad" - Fixes handling of `StaticVariableDeclaration` and `VariableAssignmentNode` (fixes issue #66) - Added handling for IfStatement entities (if statement support #64) Resolution - Added a debug statement to `resolveUp(Container, string)` to print out the container to lookup from and the name being looked up Dependency - Added a default `toString()` to the DNode class which prints `[DNode: <entity toString()]` - Added a TODO and debug print related to issues #9 - Disabled InitScope.STATIC check for now as it caused issues with if statement parsing (probably due to VIRTUAL being default and therefore skipping if statment processing) - issue #69 - Cleaned up handling of Entity type `Variable` (variable declarations) - removed repeated code - Undid the VarAss->(depends on)->VarDec, reverted back to VarDec->(depends on)->VarAss, fixed by #66 (and closes it and #11) - Added support for `IfStatement` (if statements) in `generalPass(Container, Context)` Test cases - Added new test case testing nested if statements (`nested_conditions.t`) - Added another test case for if statements, `simple_conditions.t`
2022-12-19 13:37:55 +00:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// Make the branchDNode depend on the body dnode (above)
Lexer - Fixed missing flushing for issue #65 (see "Flushing fix ✅") - Added unit test for flushing fix VariableDeclaration (Instruction) - Added support for the embedding of a VariableAssignmentInstr inside (added a getter too) (a part of issue #66) - Conditional support for if statements: Added two new instructions (IfStatementInstruction and BranchInstruction). See issue #64 DGen - Added depth increment/decrement on enter/leave scope of `transform()` - Correct tabbing for nested if-statements using new method `genTabs(ulong)` (which uses the above mechanism). Makes code emitted for if statements (issue #64) look nicer. - Updated VariableDeclarations (with assignments) handling in `transform()` in the manner similar to BinOpInstr (see issue #66) - Added a TODO for formatting BinOpInstr's `transform()` a little more aesthetically nicer - Added code emitting support for if statements (the `IfStatementInstruction` instruction) (see issue #64) - Updated `emitEntryPoint()` to only emit testing C code for the correct input test file Parser - `parseIf()` now returns an instance of IfStatement which couples multiple `Branch` objects consisting of `Statement[]` and `Expression` - Ensured that each `Statement` of the generated `Statement[]` from `parseBody()` for a given `Branch` is parented to said Branch using `parentToContainer()` - Ensured each generated `Branch` in `Branch[]` is parented to the generated `IfStatement` using `parentToContainer()` - `parseBody()` now adds to its `Statement[]` build-up array the generated `IfStatement` from the call to `parseIf()` Check - Added support for back-mapping `SymbolType.EQUALS` to `getCharacter(SymbolType)` Data - Added `Branch` parser node which is a Container for body statements (`Statement[]`) - Added `IfStatement` parser node which is a Container of `Statement[]` which are actually `Branch[]` TypeChecker - Moved import for `reverse` to top of module - Implemented `tailPopInstr()` method which will pop from the back of the `codeQueue` "scratchpad" - Fixes handling of `StaticVariableDeclaration` and `VariableAssignmentNode` (fixes issue #66) - Added handling for IfStatement entities (if statement support #64) Resolution - Added a debug statement to `resolveUp(Container, string)` to print out the container to lookup from and the name being looked up Dependency - Added a default `toString()` to the DNode class which prints `[DNode: <entity toString()]` - Added a TODO and debug print related to issues #9 - Disabled InitScope.STATIC check for now as it caused issues with if statement parsing (probably due to VIRTUAL being default and therefore skipping if statment processing) - issue #69 - Cleaned up handling of Entity type `Variable` (variable declarations) - removed repeated code - Undid the VarAss->(depends on)->VarDec, reverted back to VarDec->(depends on)->VarAss, fixed by #66 (and closes it and #11) - Added support for `IfStatement` (if statements) in `generalPass(Container, Context)` Test cases - Added new test case testing nested if statements (`nested_conditions.t`) - Added another test case for if statements, `simple_conditions.t`
2022-12-19 13:37:55 +00:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// Extract the condition
Expression branchCondition = whileBranch.getCondition();
Lexer - Fixed missing flushing for issue #65 (see "Flushing fix ✅") - Added unit test for flushing fix VariableDeclaration (Instruction) - Added support for the embedding of a VariableAssignmentInstr inside (added a getter too) (a part of issue #66) - Conditional support for if statements: Added two new instructions (IfStatementInstruction and BranchInstruction). See issue #64 DGen - Added depth increment/decrement on enter/leave scope of `transform()` - Correct tabbing for nested if-statements using new method `genTabs(ulong)` (which uses the above mechanism). Makes code emitted for if statements (issue #64) look nicer. - Updated VariableDeclarations (with assignments) handling in `transform()` in the manner similar to BinOpInstr (see issue #66) - Added a TODO for formatting BinOpInstr's `transform()` a little more aesthetically nicer - Added code emitting support for if statements (the `IfStatementInstruction` instruction) (see issue #64) - Updated `emitEntryPoint()` to only emit testing C code for the correct input test file Parser - `parseIf()` now returns an instance of IfStatement which couples multiple `Branch` objects consisting of `Statement[]` and `Expression` - Ensured that each `Statement` of the generated `Statement[]` from `parseBody()` for a given `Branch` is parented to said Branch using `parentToContainer()` - Ensured each generated `Branch` in `Branch[]` is parented to the generated `IfStatement` using `parentToContainer()` - `parseBody()` now adds to its `Statement[]` build-up array the generated `IfStatement` from the call to `parseIf()` Check - Added support for back-mapping `SymbolType.EQUALS` to `getCharacter(SymbolType)` Data - Added `Branch` parser node which is a Container for body statements (`Statement[]`) - Added `IfStatement` parser node which is a Container of `Statement[]` which are actually `Branch[]` TypeChecker - Moved import for `reverse` to top of module - Implemented `tailPopInstr()` method which will pop from the back of the `codeQueue` "scratchpad" - Fixes handling of `StaticVariableDeclaration` and `VariableAssignmentNode` (fixes issue #66) - Added handling for IfStatement entities (if statement support #64) Resolution - Added a debug statement to `resolveUp(Container, string)` to print out the container to lookup from and the name being looked up Dependency - Added a default `toString()` to the DNode class which prints `[DNode: <entity toString()]` - Added a TODO and debug print related to issues #9 - Disabled InitScope.STATIC check for now as it caused issues with if statement parsing (probably due to VIRTUAL being default and therefore skipping if statment processing) - issue #69 - Cleaned up handling of Entity type `Variable` (variable declarations) - removed repeated code - Undid the VarAss->(depends on)->VarDec, reverted back to VarDec->(depends on)->VarAss, fixed by #66 (and closes it and #11) - Added support for `IfStatement` (if statements) in `generalPass(Container, Context)` Test cases - Added new test case testing nested if statements (`nested_conditions.t`) - Added another test case for if statements, `simple_conditions.t`
2022-12-19 13:37:55 +00:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// Pass the expression
DNode branchConditionDNode = expressionPass(branchCondition, context);
Lexer - Fixed missing flushing for issue #65 (see "Flushing fix ✅") - Added unit test for flushing fix VariableDeclaration (Instruction) - Added support for the embedding of a VariableAssignmentInstr inside (added a getter too) (a part of issue #66) - Conditional support for if statements: Added two new instructions (IfStatementInstruction and BranchInstruction). See issue #64 DGen - Added depth increment/decrement on enter/leave scope of `transform()` - Correct tabbing for nested if-statements using new method `genTabs(ulong)` (which uses the above mechanism). Makes code emitted for if statements (issue #64) look nicer. - Updated VariableDeclarations (with assignments) handling in `transform()` in the manner similar to BinOpInstr (see issue #66) - Added a TODO for formatting BinOpInstr's `transform()` a little more aesthetically nicer - Added code emitting support for if statements (the `IfStatementInstruction` instruction) (see issue #64) - Updated `emitEntryPoint()` to only emit testing C code for the correct input test file Parser - `parseIf()` now returns an instance of IfStatement which couples multiple `Branch` objects consisting of `Statement[]` and `Expression` - Ensured that each `Statement` of the generated `Statement[]` from `parseBody()` for a given `Branch` is parented to said Branch using `parentToContainer()` - Ensured each generated `Branch` in `Branch[]` is parented to the generated `IfStatement` using `parentToContainer()` - `parseBody()` now adds to its `Statement[]` build-up array the generated `IfStatement` from the call to `parseIf()` Check - Added support for back-mapping `SymbolType.EQUALS` to `getCharacter(SymbolType)` Data - Added `Branch` parser node which is a Container for body statements (`Statement[]`) - Added `IfStatement` parser node which is a Container of `Statement[]` which are actually `Branch[]` TypeChecker - Moved import for `reverse` to top of module - Implemented `tailPopInstr()` method which will pop from the back of the `codeQueue` "scratchpad" - Fixes handling of `StaticVariableDeclaration` and `VariableAssignmentNode` (fixes issue #66) - Added handling for IfStatement entities (if statement support #64) Resolution - Added a debug statement to `resolveUp(Container, string)` to print out the container to lookup from and the name being looked up Dependency - Added a default `toString()` to the DNode class which prints `[DNode: <entity toString()]` - Added a TODO and debug print related to issues #9 - Disabled InitScope.STATIC check for now as it caused issues with if statement parsing (probably due to VIRTUAL being default and therefore skipping if statment processing) - issue #69 - Cleaned up handling of Entity type `Variable` (variable declarations) - removed repeated code - Undid the VarAss->(depends on)->VarDec, reverted back to VarDec->(depends on)->VarAss, fixed by #66 (and closes it and #11) - Added support for `IfStatement` (if statements) in `generalPass(Container, Context)` Test cases - Added new test case testing nested if statements (`nested_conditions.t`) - Added another test case for if statements, `simple_conditions.t`
2022-12-19 13:37:55 +00:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// Make the branch dependent on this expression's evaluation
Lexer - Fixed missing flushing for issue #65 (see "Flushing fix ✅") - Added unit test for flushing fix VariableDeclaration (Instruction) - Added support for the embedding of a VariableAssignmentInstr inside (added a getter too) (a part of issue #66) - Conditional support for if statements: Added two new instructions (IfStatementInstruction and BranchInstruction). See issue #64 DGen - Added depth increment/decrement on enter/leave scope of `transform()` - Correct tabbing for nested if-statements using new method `genTabs(ulong)` (which uses the above mechanism). Makes code emitted for if statements (issue #64) look nicer. - Updated VariableDeclarations (with assignments) handling in `transform()` in the manner similar to BinOpInstr (see issue #66) - Added a TODO for formatting BinOpInstr's `transform()` a little more aesthetically nicer - Added code emitting support for if statements (the `IfStatementInstruction` instruction) (see issue #64) - Updated `emitEntryPoint()` to only emit testing C code for the correct input test file Parser - `parseIf()` now returns an instance of IfStatement which couples multiple `Branch` objects consisting of `Statement[]` and `Expression` - Ensured that each `Statement` of the generated `Statement[]` from `parseBody()` for a given `Branch` is parented to said Branch using `parentToContainer()` - Ensured each generated `Branch` in `Branch[]` is parented to the generated `IfStatement` using `parentToContainer()` - `parseBody()` now adds to its `Statement[]` build-up array the generated `IfStatement` from the call to `parseIf()` Check - Added support for back-mapping `SymbolType.EQUALS` to `getCharacter(SymbolType)` Data - Added `Branch` parser node which is a Container for body statements (`Statement[]`) - Added `IfStatement` parser node which is a Container of `Statement[]` which are actually `Branch[]` TypeChecker - Moved import for `reverse` to top of module - Implemented `tailPopInstr()` method which will pop from the back of the `codeQueue` "scratchpad" - Fixes handling of `StaticVariableDeclaration` and `VariableAssignmentNode` (fixes issue #66) - Added handling for IfStatement entities (if statement support #64) Resolution - Added a debug statement to `resolveUp(Container, string)` to print out the container to lookup from and the name being looked up Dependency - Added a default `toString()` to the DNode class which prints `[DNode: <entity toString()]` - Added a TODO and debug print related to issues #9 - Disabled InitScope.STATIC check for now as it caused issues with if statement parsing (probably due to VIRTUAL being default and therefore skipping if statment processing) - issue #69 - Cleaned up handling of Entity type `Variable` (variable declarations) - removed repeated code - Undid the VarAss->(depends on)->VarDec, reverted back to VarDec->(depends on)->VarAss, fixed by #66 (and closes it and #11) - Added support for `IfStatement` (if statements) in `generalPass(Container, Context)` Test cases - Added new test case testing nested if statements (`nested_conditions.t`) - Added another test case for if statements, `simple_conditions.t`
2022-12-19 13:37:55 +00:00
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* Make the while-loop/do-while loop depend on the branchDNode */
/* Make the node of this generalPass we are in depend on the whileLoop's DNode */
// node.needs(whileLoopDNode);
return whileLoopDNode;
* For loops
else if(cast(ForLoop)entity)
ForLoop forLoop = cast(ForLoop)entity;
DNode forLoopDNode = pool(forLoop);
// Check for a pre-run statement
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
Statement preRunStatement = forLoop.getPreRunStatement();
DNode preRunStatementDNode = generalStatement(c, context, preRunStatement);
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// Get the branch
Branch forLoopBranch = forLoop.getBranch();
Expression forLoopCondition = forLoopBranch.getCondition();
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// TODO: The below context won't work until we make the `preLoopStatement` (and maybe `postIterationStatement`??)
// a part of the body of the for-loop (see issue #78)
// Pass over the condition expression
DNode forLoopConditionDNode = expressionPass(forLoopCondition, new Context(forLoop, InitScope.STATIC));
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// TODO: What we need here now is effectively the equivalent of the Parser's `parseStatement()`
// (i.e. for a single statement), so this body of code should be `generalStatement(Container, Context, Statement)`
// and should be called within this loop
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
// We want to generalPass the Branch Container and the context if within the Branch container
DNode branchDNode = generalPass(forLoopBranch, new Context(forLoopBranch, InitScope.STATIC));
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
return forLoopDNode;
Instruction - Added `getOperator()` and `getOperand()` methods to `UnaryOpInstr` - Added new instruction `PointerDereferenceAssignmentInstruction` for pointer support DGen - Updated `transform()` to emit code for instruction type `UnaryOpInstr` - Updated `transform()` to emit code for instruction type `PointerDereferenceAssignmentInstruction` - Added testing emit code in `emitEntryPoint()` for pointer testing Parser - Updated `parseName()` to trigger `parseTypedDeclaration()` on occurene of `SymbolType.STAR` (for pointer type declarations) - Added pointer-type support for function parameters (so far only single) in `parseFuncDef()` - `parseExpression()` terminates on occurence of a single `=` (ASSIGN) operator - Declaring of pointers of any depth implemented in `parseTypedDeclaration()` - Added support for pointer dereferncing assignments with the addition of `parseDerefAssignment()` - `parseStatement()` will now call `parseDerefAssignment()` on occurence of a `SymbolType.STAR` - Added a unittest for testing pointers - Finished unittest for for loops Check - Added backmapping for `SymbolType.ASSIGN` -> `&` Data - Added new parser node type `PointerDereferenceAssignment` for pointer support in the parser TypeChecker - Because function parameters are type che cked upon function call I had to add typechecking code for pointer support in the `UnaryOperatorExpression` case - Added code generation support for `PointerDereferenceAssignment` type Dependency - Added support for `PointerDereferenceAssignment` type (pointer support) to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added pointer test `simple_pointer.t`
2023-01-12 08:53:48 +00:00
* Pointer dereference assigmnets (PointerDereferenceAssignment)
else if(cast(PointerDereferenceAssignment)entity)
PointerDereferenceAssignment ptrAssDeref = cast(PointerDereferenceAssignment)entity;
DNode ptrAssDerefDNode = pool(ptrAssDeref);
/* Pass the expression being assigned */
Expression assignmentExpression = ptrAssDeref.getExpression();
DNode assignmentExpressionDNode = expressionPass(assignmentExpression, context);
/* Pass the pointer expression */
Expression pointerExpression = ptrAssDeref.getPointerExpression();
DNode pointerExpressionDNode = expressionPass(pointerExpression, context);
return ptrAssDerefDNode;
* Discard statement (DiscardStatement)
else if(cast(DiscardStatement)entity)
DiscardStatement discardStatement = cast(DiscardStatement)entity;
DNode discardStatementDNode = pool(discardStatement);
gprintln("Implement discard statement!", DebugType.ERROR);
/* Pass the expression */
Expression discardExpression = discardStatement.getExpression();
DNode discardExpresionDNode = expressionPass(discardExpression, context);
return discardStatementDNode;
Check - Added new symbol types `EXTERN`, `EXTERN_EFUNC` and `EXTERN_EVAR` and related back-mappings Parser - `parseFuncDef()` now accepts a default argument (set to `true`) on whether to expect a body for a function or not, in the not case expect a semi-colon - this helps with extern support - Likewise because `parseFuncDef(bool wantsBody = true)` is called by `parseTypedDeclaration()` we have added same argument to `parseTypedDeclaration(bool wantsBody = true)` - Ensure we pass the parameter from `parseTypedDeclaration()` into `parseFuncDef(bool)` in function definition case - Implemented `parseExtern()` for extern support - `parse()` supports `SymbolType.EXTERN` now Data - Added `ExternStmt` to represent the parser node derived from a call to `parseExtern()` - The `Entity` parser node type now has an `isExternal()` flag to know if the entity is marked for `extern` link time or TLang internal time (default) Typechecker - Implemented `processPseudoEntities(Container)` which loops through the given container and finds all extern statements and then extracts those nodes, parents them to the given container and marks them as external (pseudo-handling support) - Added first call inside `beginCheck()` to be a call to `processPseudoEntities(modulle)` Dependency - Added useless no-op check for `ExternStmt` - it does nothing DGen - In `emitFunctionSignature()`, prepend the string `extern ` to the signatur if the given `Function` entity is marked as external (`isExternal()` is true) - In `emitFunctionDefinitions()` do not emit a function body at all (or anything, no signature) if the `Function` is marked as external (`isExternal()` is true) - Added entry point test for `simple_extern.t`
2023-01-15 18:48:40 +00:00
* Extern statement (ExternStmt)
else if(cast(ExternStmt)entity)
/* We don't do anything, this is to be handled in typechecker pre-run */
/* NOTE: If anything we ought to remove these ExternSTmt nodes during such a process */
return null;
🧠 Feature: Direct function calls (#11) * Test cases - Added `simple_direct_func_call.t` to test direct function calls * Test cases - Removed tabs which broke lexing * AST nodes - `FunctionCall` now has the ability to be marked as statement-level by calling `makeStatementLevel()`, this can then be queried later via `isStatementLevelFuncCall()` * Parser - Statement-level function calls were never actually returned, resulting in `null` being returned by `parseName()` - this has now been fixed. - Along with this we now "mark" this `FunctionCall` AST node as statement-level when it occurs in `parseName()` * Instruction - Allow `FuncCallInstr` to be makred as statement-level and queired much in the same manner as its corresponding AST-node/parser-node `FunctionCall` * Dependency - Added support for `DNode` generation in `generalPass()` for `FunctionCall` AST nodes * TypeChecker - Handle `FunctionCall`s differently in terms of code generation dependent on whether or not rhe call is within an expression of statement-level * DGen - Handle statement-level function calls (`FuncCallInstr`s) differently by tacking on an additional `";"` to the emit string * - Added `simple_direct_func_call.t` to GitHub pipeline * DGen - Added instrumentation for semantic code generation for `simple_function_recursion_factorial.t` - Added TODO for future `simple_func_call_direct.t` Test cases - Added `simple_function_recursion_factorial.t` to test recursion Pipelines - Added `simple_function_recursion_factorial.t` to `emit` stage * DGen - Made `if` an `else if` - this wouldn't of affected anything but just to be correct * DGen - Added semantic code generation instrumentation for test case `simple_direct_func_call.t` Test cases - Updated test case `simple_direct_func_call.t`
2023-04-28 10:03:46 +01:00
* Function call (statement-level)
else if(cast(FunctionCall)entity)
FunctionCall funcCall = cast(FunctionCall)entity;
// It MUST be if we are processing it in `generalPass()`
gprintln("Function calls (at statement level)", DebugType.INFO);
// The FunctionCall is an expression, so to get a DNode from it `expressionPass()` it
DNode funcCallDNode = expressionPass(funcCall, context);
return funcCallDNode;
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
return null;
* Performs a general pass over the Statement(s) in the given container
* and with the given Context
* Params:
* c = the Container on which to pass through all of its elements
* context = the Context to use for the pass
* Returns: a DNode for the Container c
private DNode generalPass(Container c, Context context)
Entity namedContainer = cast(Entity)c;
DNode node = pool(namedContainer);
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
/* FIXME: Fix this later, currently using it for Function definitions */
bool ignoreInitScope = true;
/* If this is a Module then it must become the root */
root = node;
/* NOTE: 1st October: Just for now ignore funciton stuff InitScvope? */
else if(cast(Function)namedContainer)
* Get the statements of this Container
Statement[] entities;
foreach(Statement statement; c.getStatements())
if(!(statement is null))
entities ~= cast(Statement)statement;
* Process each Entity
* TODO: Non entities later
foreach(Statement entity; entities)
gprintln("generalPass(): Processing entity: "~entity.toString());
Entity ent = cast(Entity)entity;
// NOTE: COme back to and re-enable when this makes sense (IF it even needs to be here)
// if(ent && ent.getModifierType() != InitScope.STATIC && ignoreInitScope)
// {
// writeln("Did we just skip someone?");
// writeln("InitScope: "~to!(string)(ent.getModifierType()));
// writeln(ent);
// //TODO: Come back to this and check it!!!!! Maybe this can be removed!
// continue;
// }
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
DNode statementDNode = generalStatement(c, context, entity);
if(statementDNode is null)
gprintln("Not adding dependency '"~to!(string)(statementDNode)~"' as it is null");
Instruction - Added a new instruction, `ForLoop`, which contains a pre-run Instruction and a `Branch` instruction, coupled with some flags DGen - Added a TODO for WhileLoops (we need to implement do-while loops) - Implemented C code emitting in `emit()` for `ForLoop` instruction Check - Added missing back-mapping for `SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN` Data - Added new parser node type `ForLoop` Parser - Fixed typo in `parseWhile()` - Implemented `parseDoWhile()` for do-while loops - Implemented `parseFor()` for for-loops - Implemented `parseStatement()` for singular statement parsing - `parseStatement()` can now have the terminating symbol specified, defaults to `SymbolType.SEMICOLON` - `parseName()` and `parseAssignment()` now also accept a terminating symbol parameter as per `parseStatement()`'s behavior - `parseBody()` now makes multiple calls to `parseStatement()` for singular Statement parsing (dead code below still to be removed) - Removed commented-out unittests - Unittests that read from files now have the file source code embedded - Added unit test for while loops, for-loops (unfinished) and some other smaller language constructs (roughly 70% coverage) TypeChecker (CodeGen) - Do-while loops will fail if used (for now) - Added for-loop code generation Dependency - Implemented `generalStatement()` for statement processing - `generalPass()` now makes calls to `generalStatement()` Tests - Added `simple_for_loops.t` to test for-loops - Added `simple_do_while.t` to test do-while loops
2023-01-11 08:43:29 +00:00
return node;
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.dependency.classes.classStaticDep;
private ClassStaticNode poolClassStatic(Clazz clazz)
/* Sanity check */
if(clazz.getModifierType() != InitScope.STATIC)
expect("SanityCheck: poolClassStatic(): Cannot pool a non-static class");
// assert(clazz.getModifierType() == InitScope.STATIC);
foreach(DNode dnode; nodePool)
Statement entity = dnode.getEntity();
if(entity == clazz && cast(ClassStaticNode)dnode)
return cast(ClassStaticNode)dnode;
* If no DNode is found that is associated with
* the provided Entity then create a new one and
* pool it
ClassStaticNode newDNode = new ClassStaticNode(this, clazz);
nodePool ~= newDNode;
return newDNode;
* Passes through the given Class to resolve
* dependencies, creates DNode(s) for them,
* adds them to a DNode created for the Class
* given and then returns it
* This is called for static initialization
private ClassStaticNode classPassStatic(Clazz clazz)
/* Get a DNode for the Class */
ClassStaticNode classDNode = poolClassStatic(clazz);
gprintln("classPassStatic(): Static init check for?: "~to!(string)(clazz));
/* Make sure we are static */
gprintln("classPassStatic(): Not static class", DebugType.ERROR);
/* Crawl up the static initialization tree of parent static classes */
if(clazz.parentOf() && cast(Clazz)clazz.parentOf())
/* Get the dependency node for the parent class */
ClassStaticNode parentClassDNode = classPassStatic(cast(Clazz)clazz.parentOf());
/* Make ourselves dependent on its initialization */
2021-06-09 19:07:23 +01:00
/* TODO: visiation loop prevention */
* If we have been visited then return nimmediately
return classDNode;
/* Set as visited */
generalPass(clazz, new Context(clazz, InitScope.STATIC));
return classDNode;