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Meta processor

The meta processor is a mechanism that acts somewhat like a shim (something you shove in-between two things) between the parser and the typechecker. Therefore because the parser provides us with an AST tree rooted in a Module of which is then passed to the type checker it would imply that the place where the meta processor fits in is something that consumes the AST tree, applies manipulations to its nodes or completely replaces some, and then finally returns to let the type checker begin its process.

Examples of things which require AST manipulation are:

  1. Type aliases
    • size_t and ssize_t need to be resolved to their concrete types
  2. Macros
    • Macros such as sizeof(<type>) need to be replaced with a NumberLiteral with the value that is equal to the bit-width (in bytes) of the type <type>

Meta API

There are some core interfaces which various Statement(s) (parser nodes) can implement in order to be able to be manipulated by the meta-processor, we describe these in this section. These are all defined in source/tlang/compiler/symbols/mcro.d.

the MStatementSearchable

Anything which implements this has the ability to search for objects of the provided type, and return a list of them.

TODO: Method table (required methods to implement)

Method name Return type Description
)` Statement[] Searches for all objects of the given type and returns an array of them. Only if the given type is equal to or sub-of Statement

TODO: Add an example of it being used here please

the MStatementReplaceable

Anything which implements this has the ability to, given an object x, return a ref x to it hence allowing us to replace it.

FIXME: This description is wrong and wrong in the code, no more ref stuff is ysed AT ALL, and hasn't been for a long time anyways, so that comment needs to get updated

Method name Return type Description
Statement)` bool Replace a given Statement (the first argument) with another Statement (the second argument), returns true if the replacement is successful, false otherwise

TODO: Add an example of it being used here please

the MTypeRewritable

TODO: Description

Method name Return type Description
getType() string Gets this entity's type
setType(string) void Sets this entity's type to the provided one

TODO: Add an example of it being used here please

the MCloneable

NOTE: This one isn't even used yet anywhere that I know of, hence do not document yet

Anything which implements this can make a full deep clone of itself.

Method name Return type Description
clone() Statement Returns the deeply cloned Statement

TODO: Add an example of it being used here please

the MetaProcessor

The MetaProcessor is the actual processing facility which can apply different types of AST manipulations to a given Container. It is run prior to type checking but after parsing. This makes sense as we want to do AST node manipulation just after the parse tree has been constructed, then we can pass the changed program to the TypeChecker and it wouldn't know any different. For all the type checker knows, this is just the original program.

Method name Return type Description
process(Container) void Processes the various types of meta statements in the provided Container
Statement)` void Performs the replacement of type aliases such as size_t, ssize_t
MTypeRewritable)` void Updates any type fields in TypedEntitys (these are the only ones really implementing the MTypeRewritable interface)
string)` string Given an assumed type alias this will try resolve it to its concrete type
isTypeAlias(string) bool Given an assumed type alias this checks if it is a type alias
isSystemType(string) bool Checks if the given type is a system alias (so, is it size_t/ssize_t)
getSystemType(string) string Resolves size_t/ssize_t to their concrete types using the CompilerConfig

AST processing

The process(Container) method is the entry point to the whole meta-processor engine and it is called by the TypeChecker by passing in the parsed Module instance such that the meta-proessing and AST manipulation can be applied to the entire program tree.

This method is recursive in that what it first does is apply the AST manipulations, that you will see in the next sectiom, to each body Statement of the current container. Right at the end after all these manipulations have taken place we then check if the current Statement is a kind-of Container, if so then we recurse by calling process(childContainer) on the child container. Therefore reaching the depths of the AST tree.

Type alias replacement

The first step which is applied is to replace all type aliases with their concrete values. This is accomplished by calling the doTypeAlias(Container, Statement) method from the current container with the Statement we have iterated to.

This does two checks:

  1. Is the current statement MTypeRewritable-compatible?
    • If so then it means that the statement is some sort of TypedEntity which has a type field
    • This field is then updated by calling setType(string) with the new concrete type
  2. Is the current statement MStatementSearchable and MStatementReplaceable?
    • This means that the statement can be searched and have parts of it replaced
    • A search is normally done via the Container, however, for any AST node of type IdentExpression
    • We search for IdentExpression because, for example if you have 1+sizeof(size_t), then the identity expression (named variable) would be that of size_t within the argument to sizeof(...).
    • We can then replace the IdentExpression there with one referring to the concrete type
    • The concrete type is retrieved by calling getConcreteType(string) (with "size_t" in this case)