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Code emit

The code emit process is the final process of the compiler whereby the initQueue, codeQueue and all assorted auxilllary information is passed to an instance of CodeEmitter (in the case of the C backend this is sub-typed to the DGen class) such that the code can be written to a file. At this stage all queues consist simply of instances of the Instruction class.

Our C backend or custom code emitter, DGen, inherits from the CodeEmitter class which specifies that the following methods must be overriden/implemented:

  1. emit()
    • Begins the emit process
  2. finalize()
    • Finalizes the emitting process (only to be called after the emit() finishes)
  3. transform(Instruction instruction)
    • Transforms or emits a single Instruction and returns the transformation as a string


There are several notable queues that the CodeEmitter class contains, these are as follows:

  1. initQueue
    • Despite its name this holds instructions for doing memory allocations for static entities (not initialization code for said entities)
  2. globalsQueue
    • This queue holds instructions for the globals executions. This includes things such as global variable declarations and the sorts.
  3. Function definitions map
    • This is a string-to-queue map which contains the code queues for every function definition.

Along with these queues there are some methods used to manipulate and use them, these are:

  1. selectQueue(QueueType, string)
    • Select the type of queue: ALLOC_QUEUE (for the initQueue), GLOBALS_QUEUE (for globalsQueue and FUNCTION_DEF_QUEUE (for the function definitions queue)
    • For function definitions, the optional string argument (second argument) must specify the name of the function definition you would wish to use. An invalid name will throw an error. (TODO: Ensure we do this actually)
    • This automatically calls resetCursor().
  2. nextInstruction()
    • Moves the cursor to the next instruction. Throws an exception if out of bounds. (TODO: Ensure we do this actually)
  3. previousInstruction()
    • Moves the cursor to the previous instruction. Throws an exception if out of bounds. (TODO: Ensure we do this actually)
  4. resetCursor()
    • Resets the position of the instruction pointer to 0.
  5. getCurrentInstruction()
    • Retrieves the current instruction at the cursor.

Custom code emits

We override/implement the transform(Instruction instruction) in DGen to work somewhat as a big if-statement that matches the different sub-types of Instructions that exist, then the respective code-emit (C code) is generated. This method has the potential to be recursive as some instructions contain nested instructions that must be transformed prior before the final transformation, in which case a recursive call to transform(Instruction) is made.

Code emit example: Variable declarationsTODO: Update this with new symbol mapper code

The example below is the code used to transform the in-memory representation of a variable declaration, known as the VariableDeclaration instruction, into the C code to be emitted:

/* VariableDeclaration */
else if(cast(VariableDeclaration)instruction)
    VariableDeclaration varDecInstr = cast(VariableDeclaration)instruction;
    Context context = varDecInstr.getContext();
    Variable typedEntityVariable = cast(Variable), varDecInstr.varName);

    string renamedSymbol = SymbolMapper.symbolLookup(typedEntityVariable);

    return varDecInstr.varType~" "~renamedSymbol~";";

What we have here is some code which will extract the name of the variable being declared via varDecInstr.varName which is then used to lookup the parser node of type Variable. The Variable object contains information such as the variables type and also if a variable assignment is attached to this declaration or not.

TODO: Insert code regarding assignment checking

Right at the end we then build up the C variable declaration with the line:

return varDecInstr.varType~" "~renamedSymbol~";";

Symbol renaming

In terms of general code emitting we could have simply decided to use the TLang-esque symbol name structure where entities are seperated by periods such as simple_module.x where simple_module is a container-type such as a module and x is some entity within it, such as a variable. However, what we have decided to do in the emitter process, specifically in DGen - our C code emitter - is to actually rename these symbols to a hash, wherever they occur.

The renaming mechanism is hanlded by the symbolLookup(Entity) method from the SymbolMapper class. This method takes in a single argument:

  1. entity
    • This must be a type-of Entity, this is the entity of which the symbol renaming should be applied on.

This allows one do then translate the symbol name with the following usage. In this case we want to translate the symbol of the entity named x which is container in the module-container named simple_variables_decls_ass. Therefore we provide both peices of information into the function symbolLookup:

// The relative container of this variable is the module
Container container = tc.getModule();

// Lookup a variable named "x"
string varLookup = "x"

// The Variable (type-of Entity)
Variable variable = cast(Variable)tc.getResolver().resolveBest(context.getContainer(), varLookup);

// Symbol map
string renamedSymbol = SymbolMapper.symbolLookup(variable);

// renamedSymbol == t_c326f89096616e69e89a3874a4c7f324

The resulting hash is generated by resolving the absolute path name of the entity provided, applying an md5 hash to this name and then pre-pending a t_ to the name. Therefore for the above code we will have simple_variables_decls_ass.x mapped to a symbol name of t_c326f89096616e69e89a3874a4c7f324 to be emitted into the C code file.