
498 lines
17 KiB

module tlang.compiler.typecheck.meta;
import : Statement, TypedEntity, Function, FunctionCall, IdentExpression;
import tlang.compiler.symbols.expressions : Expression, IntegerLiteral, IntegerLiteralEncoding;
import tlang.compiler.symbols.typing.core;
import tlang.compiler.symbols.containers : Container;
import tlang.compiler.symbols.mcro;
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.core;
import tlang.misc.logging;
import std.conv : to;
import tlang.compiler.configuration;
import tlang.compiler.symbols.aliases : AliasDeclaration;
import std.string : format;
* The `MetaProcessor` is used to do a pass over a `Container`
* to process any macro and macro-like entities
public class MetaProcessor
private TypeChecker tc;
private bool isMetaEnabled;
private CompilerConfiguration compilerConfig;
* Constructs a new `MetaProcessor` for the purposes of
* modifying the AST tree before the typechecker traverses
* it
* Params:
* tc = the `TypeChecker` instance to process
* isMetaEnabled = `true` if to perform meta processing, otherwise `false`
this(TypeChecker tc, bool isMetaEnabled)
{ = tc;
this.isMetaEnabled = isMetaEnabled;
this.compilerConfig = tc.getConfig();
* Analyzes the provided `Container` and searches for any `Macro`-like
* parse-nodes to process
public void process(Container container)
/* Only apply meta-processing if enabled */
/* Get all statements */
Statement[] stmts = container.getStatements();
foreach(Statement curStmt; stmts)
DEBUG("MetaProcessor: Examining AST node '"~curStmt.toString()~"'...");
// Perform alias expression replacement
doAliasExpression(container, curStmt);
// Perform replacement of all type alises to concrete types, such as `size_t`
doTypeAlias(container, curStmt);
* Search for any `sizeof(<ident_type>)` expressions
* and replace them with a `NumberLiteral`
if(cast(MStatementSearchable)curStmt && cast(MStatementReplaceable)curStmt)
MStatementSearchable searchableStmt = cast(MStatementSearchable)curStmt;
Statement[] foundStmts =;
DEBUG("Nah fr");
foreach(Statement curFoundStmt; foundStmts)
FunctionCall curFuncCall = cast(FunctionCall)curFoundStmt;
if(curFuncCall.getName() == "sizeof")
Expression[] arguments = curFuncCall.getCallArguments();
if(arguments.length == 1)
IdentExpression potentialIdentExp = cast(IdentExpression)arguments[0];
string typeName = potentialIdentExp.getName();
IntegerLiteral replacementStmt = sizeOf_Literalize(typeName);
DEBUG("sizeof: Replace '"~curFoundStmt.toString()~"' with '"~replacementStmt.toString()~"'");
/* Traverse down from the `Container` we are process()'ing and apply the replacement */
MStatementReplaceable containerRepl = cast(MStatementReplaceable)container;
containerRepl.replace(curFoundStmt, replacementStmt);
// TODO: Throw an exception here that an ident_type should be present as the argument
ERROR("The argument to `sizeof` should be an ident");
// TODO: Throw an exception here as only 1 argument is allowed
ERROR("To use the `sizeof` macro you require a single argument to be passed to it");
* If the current statement is a Container then recurse
* This will help us do the following:
* 1. Type re-writing of
* a. Functions (Parameters and Body as both make up its Statement[])
import niknaks.arrays : filter;
import niknaks.functional : predicateOf, Predicate;
import : VariableExpression;
import std.string : cmp;
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.resolution : Resolver;
private AliasDeclaration[] findAliasesFrom(Container from)
Resolver resolver = tc.getResolver(); // TODO: Remove from here, make a field
// Predicate to only find aliases (amongst all the different types of statements)
bool isAliasDecl(Statement stmt) { return cast(AliasDeclaration)stmt !is null; }
Statement[] declaredAliasesStmts;
resolver.collectUpwards(from, predicateOf!(isAliasDecl), declaredAliasesStmts);
return cast(AliasDeclaration[])declaredAliasesStmts;
private void doAliasExpression(Container container, Statement curStmt)
DEBUG(format("doAliasExpression(cntnr:%s, stmt=%s)", container, curStmt));
// Find any VariableExpression(s) from curStmt (TODO: should be container or nah?)
MStatementSearchable searchableStmt = cast(MStatementSearchable)curStmt;
VariableExpression[] foundStmts = cast(VariableExpression[]);
// Now, for all VariableExpressions, do
foreach(VariableExpression varExp; foundStmts)
// Extract the name/referent, then match all aliases
// that have the same name
// (these should have been generated from closest to
// furthest when obtained from the resolver, so any
// tie breaking would be the logically closest
// alias with the same name)
// Achor the search to start from the VarExp
AliasDeclaration[] declaredAliases = findAliasesFrom(varExp.parentOf());
DEBUG("DeclAlis: ", declaredAliases);
AliasDeclaration[] matched;
string varExpIdent = varExp.getName();
bool filterAliasesToName(AliasDeclaration aliasDecl)
return cmp(aliasDecl.getName(), varExpIdent) == 0;
filter!(AliasDeclaration)(declaredAliases, predicateOf!(filterAliasesToName), matched);
DEBUG(format("Matched aliases for VarExp '%s': %s", varExpIdent, matched));
// If there is no match then it isn't an alias referent
// hence we only care IF it IS an alias referent
// Nearest matched alias
AliasDeclaration nearestAlias = matched[0];
// Now extract the alias's expression and clone it
// and make its parent the VariableExpression's
// (as it will take its exact place)
MCloneable cloneableExpr = cast(MCloneable)nearestAlias.getExpr();
Expression clonedExpr = cast(Expression)cloneableExpr.clone(varExp.parentOf());
// Now, from the current container, replace the
// VariableExpression with the cloned expression
MStatementReplaceable containerRepl = cast(MStatementReplaceable)container;
assert(containerRepl.replace(varExp, clonedExpr));
DEBUG("Skipping non MStatementSearchable node");
* Re-writes the types for things such as `size_t`, `ssize_t` and so forth
* Params:
* statement = the `MTypeRewritable` to apply re-writing to
private void typeRewrite(MTypeRewritable statement)
/* Applies re-write to Variable's declared type and Function's return type */
string type = statement.getType();
/* Only re-write if type alias */
/* Get the concrete type of `type` */
string concreteType = getConcreteType(type);
/* Rewrite the type */
* Performs the replacement of type alieses such as `size_t`, `ssize_t`
* and so forth with their concrete type
* Params:
* container = the current `Container` being processsed
* curStmt = the current `Statement` to consider
private void doTypeAlias(Container container, Statement curStmt)
* Apply type-rewriting to any `MTypeRewritable` AST node
* (a.k.a. a node which contains a type and can have it set)
* NOTE: This is just for the "type" fields in AST nodes,
* we should have some full recursive re-writer.
* An example of why is for supporting something like:
* `sizeof(size_t)` <- currently is not supported by this
* Here we will also search for any `IdentExpression`
* which contains `size_t`, `ssize_t` etc. and replace
* them
if(cast(MStatementSearchable)curStmt && cast(MStatementReplaceable)curStmt)
MStatementSearchable searchableStmt = cast(MStatementSearchable)curStmt;
IdentExpression[] foundStmts = cast(IdentExpression[]);
// TODO: Implement me
// gprintln("IdentExpressions found: "~to!(string)(foundStmts));
* Loop through all `IdentExpression`s and find any
* occurence of `size_t`/`ssize_t` and replace those
* with the concrete type
foreach(IdentExpression identExp; foundStmts)
string identName = identExp.getName();
/* Determine if this is a type alias? */
// Determine the concrete type
string concereteType = getConcreteType(identName);
DEBUG("Found type alias '"~identName~"' which concretely is '"~concereteType~"'");
// Replace with concrete type
container.replace(identExp, new IdentExpression(concereteType));
private IntegerLiteral sizeOf_Literalize(string typeName)
IntegerLiteral literal = new IntegerLiteral("TODO_LITERAL_GOES_HERESIZEOF_REPLACEMENT", IntegerLiteralEncoding.UNSIGNED_INTEGER);
// TODO: Via typechecker determine size with a lookup
Type type = tc.getType(tc.getProgram(), typeName);
/* Calculated type size */
ulong typeSize = 0;
* Calculate stack array size
* Algo: `<componentType>.size * stackArraySize`
StackArray stackArrayType = cast(StackArray)type;
ulong arrayLength = stackArrayType.getAllocatedSize();
Type componentType = stackArrayType.getComponentType();
ulong componentTypeSize = 0;
// FIXME: Later, when the Dependency Genrator supports more advanced component types,
// ... we will need to support this - for now assume that `componentType` is primitive
Number numberType = cast(Number)componentType;
componentTypeSize = numberType.getSize();
typeSize = componentTypeSize*arrayLength;
* Calculate the size of `Number`-based types
else if(cast(Number)type)
Number numberType = cast(Number)type;
typeSize = numberType.getSize();
// TODO: We may eed toupdate Type so have bitwidth or only do this
// for basic types - in which case I guess we should throw an exception
// here.
// ulong typeSize =
/* Update the `Sizeof` kind-of-`IntegerLiteral` with the new size */
return literal;
* Transforms the type alias into its concrete type.
* This method incorporates defensive programming in
* that it will only apply the transformation IF
* the provided type alias is infact a type alias,
* otherwise it performs an identity transformation
* and returns the "alias" untouched.
* Params:
* typeAlias = the potential type alias
* Returns: the concrete type, or `typeAlias` if
* not an alias
private string getConcreteType(string typeAlias)
/* Check if this is a system type alias? If so, transform */
return getSystemType(typeAlias);
// TODO: Add user-defined type alias support here
/* Else, return the "alias" untouched */
return typeAlias;
* Determines if the given type is a type alias.
* Params:
* typeAlias = the type to check
* Returns: `true` if it is an alias, `false` otherwise
private bool isTypeAlias(string typeAlias)
/* If this a system type alias? */
return true;
// TODO: Support for user-defined type aliases
/* Otherwise, not a type alias */
return false;
* Determines if the given type is a system type alias
* Params:
* typeAlias = the type to check
* Returns: `true` if system type alias, `false` otherwise
private bool isSystemType(string typeAlias)
/* `size_t`/`ssize_t` system type aliases */
if(typeAlias == "size_t" || typeAlias == "ssize_t")
return true;
/* Else, not a system type alias */
return false;
* Given a type alias (think `size_t`/`ssize_t` for example) this will
* look up in the compiler's configuration what that size should be
* resolved to
* Params:
* typeAlias = the system type alias to lookup
* Returns: the concrete type
private string getSystemType(string typeAlias)
/* Determine machine's width */
ulong maxWidth = compilerConfig.getConfig("types:max_width").getNumber();
string maxType;
if(maxWidth == 1)
if(typeAlias == "size_t")
return "ubyte";
else if(typeAlias == "ssize_t")
return "byte";
else if(maxWidth == 2)
if(typeAlias == "size_t")
return "ushort";
else if(typeAlias == "ssize_t")
return "short";
else if(maxWidth == 4)
if(typeAlias == "size_t")
return "uint";
else if(typeAlias == "ssize_t")
return "int";
else if(maxWidth == 8)
if(typeAlias == "size_t")
return "ulong";
else if(typeAlias == "ssize_t")
return "long";