
363 lines
10 KiB

module renaissance.server.server;
import std.container.slist : SList;
import core.sync.mutex : Mutex;
import renaissance.listeners;
import std.algorithm : canFind;
import renaissance.exceptions;
import renaissance.connection;
import renaissance.logging;
import renaissance.server.channelmanager;
import renaissance.server.users;
import renaissance.server.messagemanager;
* Represents an instance of the daemon which manages
* all listeners attached to it, server state and
* message processing
public class Server : MessageDeliveryTransport
// TODO: array of listeners
private SList!(Listener) listenerQ;
private Mutex listenerQLock;
// TODO: array of connections
private SList!(Connection) connectionQ;
private Mutex connectionQLock;
// TODO: volatility
private bool isRunning = false;
private ChannelManager channelManager;
// TODO: Some sendq/recq mechanism with messages or something
// ... should be placed here
private AuthManager authManager;
private MessageManager messageManager;
* Constructs a new server
/* Initialize all mutexes */
this.listenerQLock = new Mutex();
this.connectionQLock = new Mutex();
/* Initialize the channel management sub-system */
this.channelManager = ChannelManager.create(this);
/* Initialize the authentication management sub-system */
this.authManager = AuthManager.create(this); // TODO: Set custo provder here based on argument to this constructor
/* Initialize the message management sub-system */
this.messageManager = MessageManager.create(this);
* Starts the server by starting all listeners
* and allowing connections to be added (TODO: implement the latter)
public void start()
// Set state to running
isRunning = true;
// TODO: How would we ensure that can can add listeners whilst running
// ... perhaps listeners should? Maybe don't allow that
// NOTE: Reason we have add listener here is such that if we shutdown we can
// ... kill them all. I guess we need not dtart them but it won't hurt
/* Start all listeners */
// TODO: If anything else must run then start a thread for it here
public void restart()
// TODO: This requires each listener to properly implement start and create its sockets or whatever
// ... in the correct places
* Stops the server by stopping all listeners,
* and disconnecting any connected clients (TODO: implement the latter)
public void stop()
// TODO: If the connection attempts to call `addConnection` and fails then it must kill itself
/* Set state to not running (preventing any pending connections from being added) */
isRunning = false;
/* Stop all listeners to prevent any new connections coming in */
// TODO: Remove all connection (disconnected currently added connections)
private void stopListeners()
/* Lock the listener queue */
/* On return or exception */
/* Unlock the listener queue */
/* Stop each listener */
foreach(Listener curListener; listenerQ)
private void startListeners()
/* Lock the listener queue */
/* On return or exception */
/* Unlock the listener queue */
/* Start each listener */
foreach(Listener curListener; listenerQ)
logger.dbg("Starting listener '"~curListener.toString()~"' ...");
* Adds the provided listener to the server
* Params:
* newListener = the listener to be added
* Throws:
* RenaissanceException = if the listener has already been added
public final void addListener(Listener newListener)
/* Lock the listener queue */
/* On return or exception */
/* Unlock the listener queue */
/* If the listener has NOT added */
if(!canFind(listenerQ[], newListener))
/* Add the listener */
listenerQ.insertAfter(listenerQ[], newListener);
/* If the listener has ALREADY been added */
/* Throw an exception */
throw new RenaissanceException(ErrorType.LISTENER_ALREADY_ADDED);
// TODO: Add a `removeListener(Listener)` method
// TODO: Unless the server is started, then don't allow connection additions
* Consumes the provided connection and adds it to the connection
* queue
* Params:
* newConnection = the connection to add
public void addConnection(Connection newConnection)
/* Lock the connection queue */
/* Add the connection */
connectionQ.insertAfter(connectionQ[], newConnection);
/* Unlock the connection queue */
public bool attemptAuth(string username, string password)
logger.dbg("Attempting auth with user '", username, "' and password '", password, "'");
return this.authManager.authenticate(username, password);
public string[] getChannelNames(ulong offset, ubyte limit)
// TODO: Implement me
return this.channelManager.getChannelNames(offset, limit);
public ChannelManager getChannelManager()
return this.channelManager;
public MessageManager getMessageManager()
return this.messageManager;
// On incoming message
public bool onIncoming(Message latest, Queue from)
// TODO: Implement me"Incoming stub with latest ", latest, "from queue ", from);
return true;
// On message that must be egressed
public bool onOutgoing(Message latest, Queue from)
// TODO: Implement me"Outgoing stub with latest ", latest, "from queue ", from);
// Lookup the user (source)
User* fromUser = this.authManager.getUser(latest.getFrom());
// Lookup the user (destination)
User* toUser = this.authManager.getUser(latest.getDestination());
if(fromUser == null)
// TODO: Handle this
logger.warn("Could not find fromUser (User* was null)");
logger.dbg("Found fromUser (User*)", fromUser.toString());
if(toUser == null)
// TODO: Handle this
logger.warn("Could not find toUser (User* was null)");
logger.dbg("Found toUser (User*)", toUser.toString());
return true;
// On connection disconnecting
public void onConnectionDisconnect(Connection connection)
// TODO: Decide whether it is a user link or a server de-link
import renaissance.connection.connection : LinkType;
LinkType type = connection.getLinkType();
logger.dbg("Disconnecting link ", connection, " of type ", type);
case LinkType.UNSET:
logger.warn("Not doing anything because this link's type was never set");
case LinkType.USER:
// TODO: Implement me
case LinkType.SERVER:
// TODO: Implement me
import renaissance.server;
import renaissance.listeners;
// TODO: Building a testing client with the imports below
import std.socket;
import tristanable.manager;
// import tristanable.queue;
import tristanable.encoding;
import core.thread;
import dante;
// unittest
// {
// /**
// * Setup a `Server` instance followed by
// * creating a single listener, after this
// * start the server
// */
// Server server = new Server();
// // Address listenAddr = parseAddress("::1", 9091);
// Address listenAddr = new UnixAddress("/tmp/renaissance2.sock");
// StreamListener streamListener = StreamListener.create(server, listenAddr);
// server.start();
// scope(exit)
// {
// import std.stdio;
// remove((cast(UnixAddress)listenAddr).path().ptr);
// }
// // /**
// // * Create a few clients here (TODO: We'd need the client code)
// // */
// // for(ulong idx = 0; idx < 10; idx++)
// // {
// // Socket clientSocket = new Socket(listenAddr.addressFamily(), SocketType.STREAM);
// // clientSocket.connect(listenAddr);
// // Manager manager = new Manager(clientSocket);
// // Queue myQueue = new Queue(69);
// // manager.registerQueue(myQueue);
// // manager.start();
// // // Thread.sleep(dur!("seconds")(2));
// // TaggedMessage myMessage = new TaggedMessage(69, cast(byte[])"ABBA");
// // manager.sendMessage(myMessage);
// // manager.sendMessage(myMessage);
// // // Thread.sleep(dur!("seconds")(2));
// // manager.sendMessage(myMessage);
// // manager.sendMessage(myMessage);
// // }
// DanteClient client = new DanteClient(new UnixAddress("/tmp/renaissance2.sock"));
// client.start();
// client.nopRequest();
// client.nopRequest();
// // while(true)
// // {
// // Thread.sleep(dur!("seconds")(20));
// // }
// }