Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire 98d2f615f9 App
- Obtain IP address of person connecting
2023-02-21 18:26:20 +02:00

59 lines
1.4 KiB

import std.stdio;
import vibe.vibe;
import std.json;
import gogga;
// TODO: Investigate if we need the belowe (I copied it from Birchwood)
__gshared GoggaLogger logger;
__gshared static this()
logger = new GoggaLogger();
* Handles an incoming websocket connection
* Params:
* socket = the web socket to the client
void websocketHandler(scope WebSocket socket)
logger.print("Handling web socket: "~to!(string)(socket)~"\n",DebugType.INFO);
HTTPServerRequest httpRequest = cast(HTTPServerRequest)socket.request();
logger.print("New connection from: "~to!(string)(httpRequest.peer)~"\n",DebugType.INFO);
string receivedText = socket.receiveText();
logger.print(receivedText~"\n", DebugType.INFO);
JSONValue jsonReceived;
jsonReceived = parseJSON(receivedText);
logger.print(jsonReceived.toPrettyString()~"\n", DebugType.INFO);
void main()
// Setup where to listen
HTTPServerSettings httpSettings = new HTTPServerSettings();
// TODO: Customize these with a config file or environment variables
httpSettings.port = 8082;
// Setup a websocket negotiater with a handler attached
auto websocketNegotiater = handleWebSockets(&websocketHandler);
// Handle `/` as the web socket path
URLRouter router = new URLRouter();
router.get("/", websocketNegotiater);
// Bind the router to the server
listenHTTP(httpSettings, router);