mirror of https://github.com/deavmi/gogga synced 2024-09-21 09:43:45 +02:00
Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire 8766e3bcc5 Gogga
- Upgraded to `dlog ` `v0.3.6`
- Override `warn`, `debug_`, `info` and `error` and instantiate a new `GoggaContext` within
- Fixed `debugColor(string, Level)`


- Removed overriden methods
2023-03-02 11:40:47 +02:00

338 lines
9.6 KiB

module gogga;
import std.conv : to;
import std.stdio : write, stdout;
// TODO: Remove (just for testing)
import std.stdio : writeln;
import dlog;
import dlog.utilities : flatten;
import std.array : join;
public enum DebugType
GoggaLogger gLogger = new GoggaLogger();
// TODO: Somehow re-enable this please
// gLogger.log("Bruh\n");
gLogger.info("This is an info message");
gLogger.warn("This is a warning message");
gLogger.error("This is an error message");
// TODO: Re-enable the below and test them
// gLogger.enableDebug();
// gLogger.dbg("Bruh debug\n", DebugType.INFO);
// gLogger.disableDebug();
// gLogger.dbg("Bruh debug\n", DebugType.ERROR);
// TODO: See if we will enable the below
// unittest
// {
// GoggaLogger gLogger = new GoggaLogger();
// alias debugTypes = __traits(allMembers, DebugType);
// static foreach(debugType; debugTypes)
// {
// gLogger.print("Hello world\n", mixin("DebugType."~debugType));
// }
// }
public final class GoggaContext : Context
// TODO: Put more advanced stuff here
public class GoggaLogger : Logger
private GoggaTransform gTransform = new GoggaTransform();
public override void logImpl(string text)
import std.stdio : write;
* Logs using the default context an arbitrary amount of arguments
* specifically setting the context's level to ERROR
* Params:
* segments = the arbitrary argumnets (alias sequence)
* __FILE_FULL_PATH__ = compile time usage file
* __FILE__ = compile time usage file (relative)
* __LINE__ = compile time usage line number
* __MODULE__ = compile time usage module
* __FUNCTION__ = compile time usage function
* __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = compile time usage function (pretty)
public final void error(TextType...)(TextType segments,
string c1 = __FILE_FULL_PATH__,
string c2 = __FILE__, ulong c3 = __LINE__,
string c4 = __MODULE__, string c5 = __FUNCTION__,
string c6 = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
/* Use the context `GoggaContext` */
GoggaContext defaultContext = new GoggaContext();
/* Build up the line information */
CompilationInfo compilationInfo = CompilationInfo(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6);
/* Set the line information in the context */
/* Set the level to ERROR */
* Grab at compile-time all arguments and generate runtime code to add them to `components`
string[] components = flatten(segments);
/* Join all `components` into a single string */
string messageOut = join(components, multiArgJoiner);
/* Call the log */
logc(defaultContext, messageOut, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6);
* Logs using the default context an arbitrary amount of arguments
* specifically setting the context's level to INFO
* Params:
* segments = the arbitrary argumnets (alias sequence)
* __FILE_FULL_PATH__ = compile time usage file
* __FILE__ = compile time usage file (relative)
* __LINE__ = compile time usage line number
* __MODULE__ = compile time usage module
* __FUNCTION__ = compile time usage function
* __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = compile time usage function (pretty)
public final void info(TextType...)(TextType segments,
string c1 = __FILE_FULL_PATH__,
string c2 = __FILE__, ulong c3 = __LINE__,
string c4 = __MODULE__, string c5 = __FUNCTION__,
string c6 = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
/* Use the context `GoggaContext` */
GoggaContext defaultContext = new GoggaContext();
/* Build up the line information */
CompilationInfo compilationInfo = CompilationInfo(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6);
/* Set the line information in the context */
/* Set the level to INFO */
* Grab at compile-time all arguments and generate runtime code to add them to `components`
string[] components = flatten(segments);
/* Join all `components` into a single string */
string messageOut = join(components, multiArgJoiner);
/* Call the log */
logc(defaultContext, messageOut, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6);
* Logs using the default context an arbitrary amount of arguments
* specifically setting the context's level to WARN
* Params:
* segments = the arbitrary argumnets (alias sequence)
* __FILE_FULL_PATH__ = compile time usage file
* __FILE__ = compile time usage file (relative)
* __LINE__ = compile time usage line number
* __MODULE__ = compile time usage module
* __FUNCTION__ = compile time usage function
* __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = compile time usage function (pretty)
public final void warn(TextType...)(TextType segments,
string c1 = __FILE_FULL_PATH__,
string c2 = __FILE__, ulong c3 = __LINE__,
string c4 = __MODULE__, string c5 = __FUNCTION__,
string c6 = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
/* Use the context `GoggaContext` */
GoggaContext defaultContext = new GoggaContext();
/* Build up the line information */
CompilationInfo compilationInfo = CompilationInfo(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6);
/* Set the line information in the context */
/* Set the level to WARN */
* Grab at compile-time all arguments and generate runtime code to add them to `components`
string[] components = flatten(segments);
/* Join all `components` into a single string */
string messageOut = join(components, multiArgJoiner);
/* Call the log */
logc(defaultContext, messageOut, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6);
* Logs using the default context an arbitrary amount of arguments
* specifically setting the context's level to DEBUG
* Params:
* segments = the arbitrary argumnets (alias sequence)
* __FILE_FULL_PATH__ = compile time usage file
* __FILE__ = compile time usage file (relative)
* __LINE__ = compile time usage line number
* __MODULE__ = compile time usage module
* __FUNCTION__ = compile time usage function
* __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = compile time usage function (pretty)
public final void debug_(TextType...)(TextType segments,
string c1 = __FILE_FULL_PATH__,
string c2 = __FILE__, ulong c3 = __LINE__,
string c4 = __MODULE__, string c5 = __FUNCTION__,
string c6 = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
/* Use the context `GoggaContext` */
GoggaContext defaultContext = new GoggaContext();
/* Build up the line information */
CompilationInfo compilationInfo = CompilationInfo(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6);
/* Set the line information in the context */
/* Set the level to DEBUG */
* Grab at compile-time all arguments and generate runtime code to add them to `components`
string[] components = flatten(segments);
/* Join all `components` into a single string */
string messageOut = join(components, multiArgJoiner);
/* Call the log */
logc(defaultContext, messageOut, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6);
/* You can also call using `dbg` */
public alias dbg = debug_;
private bool debugEnabled = false;
// Any calls to debugPrint will actually occur
public void enableDebug()
this.debugEnabled = true;
// Any calls to debugPrint will not occur
public void disableDebug()
this.debugEnabled = false;
public class GoggaTransform : MessageTransform
private bool isSourceMode = false;
public override string transform(string text, Context ctx)
/* Get the GoggaContext */
GoggaContext gCtx = cast(GoggaContext)ctx;
/* Extract the line information */
CompilationInfo compInfo = gCtx.getLineInfo();
string[] context = compInfo.toArray();
/* Module information (and status debugColoring) */
string moduleInfo = cast(string)debugColor("["~context[1]~"]", gCtx.getLevel());
/* Function and line number info */
string funcInfo = cast(string)(colorSrc("("~context[4]~":"~context[2]~")"));
return moduleInfo~" "~funcInfo~" "~text~"\n";
private byte[] debugColor(string text, Level level)
/* The generated message */
byte[] messageBytes;
/* If INFO, set green */
if(level == Level.INFO)
messageBytes = cast(byte[])[27, '[','3','2','m'];
/* If WARNING, set warning */
else if(level == Level.WARN)
messageBytes = cast(byte[])[27, '[','3','5','m']; /* TODO: FInd yllow */
/* If ERROR, set error */
else if(level == Level.ERROR)
messageBytes = cast(byte[])[27, '[','3','1','m'];
/* Add the message */
messageBytes ~= cast(byte[])text;
/* Switch back debugColor */
messageBytes ~= cast(byte[])[27, '[', '3', '9', 'm'];
return messageBytes;
private byte[] colorSrc(string text)
/* The generated message */
byte[] messageBytes;
/* Reset coloring */
messageBytes ~= [27, '[', 'm'];
/* Color gray */
messageBytes ~= [27, '[', '3', '9', ';', '2', 'm'];
/* Append the message */
messageBytes ~= text;
/* Reset coloring */
messageBytes ~= [27, '[', 'm'];
return messageBytes;
// alias debugTypes = __traits(allMembers, DebugType);
// static foreach(debugType; debugTypes)
// {
// gprintln("Hello world", mixin("DebugType."~debugType));
// }