module; public class Message { } public interface Filter { public bool filter(Message message); } public interface Transform { public Message transform(Message message); } public interface Handler { public void handle(Message message); } import std.container.slist : SList; // import std.range : in; import core.sync.mutex : Mutex; public abstract class Logger { private SList!(Transform) transforms; private SList!(Filter) filters; private SList!(Handler) handlers; private Mutex lock; // Lock for attached handlers, filters and transforms this() { this.lock = new Mutex(); } // TODO: Handle duplicate? public final void addTransform(Transform transform) { scope(exit) { this.lock.unlock(); } this.lock.lock(); this.transforms.insertAfter(this.transforms[], transform); } // TODO: Hanmdle not found explicitly? public final void removeTransform(Transform transform) { scope(exit) { this.lock.unlock(); } this.lock.lock(); this.transforms.linearRemoveElement(transform); } // TODO: Handle duplicate? public final void addFilter(Filter filter) { scope(exit) { this.lock.unlock(); } this.lock.lock(); this.filters.insertAfter(this.filters[], filter); } // TODO: Hanmdle not found explicitly? public final void removeFilter(Filter filter) { scope(exit) { this.lock.unlock(); } this.lock.lock(); this.filters.linearRemoveElement(filter); } // TODO: Handle duplicate? public final void addHandler(Handler handler) { scope(exit) { this.lock.unlock(); } this.lock.lock(); this.handlers.insertAfter(this.handlers[], handler); } // TODO: Hanmdle not found explicitly? public final void removeHandler(Handler handler) { scope(exit) { this.lock.unlock(); } this.lock.lock(); this.handlers.linearRemoveElement(handler); } // Logs an actual message // // This first passes it over all filters // then to a transform and then copies // to each handler public final void log(Message message) { scope(exit) { this.lock.unlock(); } this.lock.lock(); foreach(Filter filter; this.filters) { if(!filter.filter(message)) { return; } } Message curMessage = message; foreach(Transform transform; this.transforms) { curMessage = transform.transform(curMessage); } foreach(Handler handler; this.handlers) { handler.handle(curMessage); } } }