mirror of https://github.com/deavmi/birchwood synced 2024-09-20 22:23:34 +02:00
Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire e3b2be121b Receiver
- Instead of locking, processing a potential pong and ONE normal message and then unlocking, now we process all messages we have
2023-03-10 17:26:06 +02:00

198 lines
5.8 KiB

module birchwood.client.receiver;
import core.thread : Thread, dur;
import std.container.slist : SList;
import core.sync.mutex : Mutex;
import eventy : EventyEvent = Event;
// TODO: Examine the below import which seemingly fixes stuff for libsnooze
import libsnooze.clib;
import libsnooze;
import birchwood.client;
import birchwood.protocol.messages : Message, decodeMessage;
import std.string : indexOf;
import birchwood.client.events : PongEvent, IRCEvent;
public final class ReceiverThread : Thread
* The receive queue and its lock
private SList!(ubyte[]) recvQueue;
private Mutex recvQueueLock;
* The libsnooze event to await on which
* when we wake up signals a new message
* to be processed and received
private Event receiveEvent;
* The associated IRC client
private Client client;
* Constructs a new receiver thread with the associated
* client
* Params:
* client = the Client to associate with
this(Client client)
this.client = client;
this.receiveEvent = new Event(); // TODO: Catch any libsnooze error here
this.recvQueueLock = new Mutex();
// TODO: Rename to `receiveQ`
public void rq(ubyte[] encodedMessage)
/* Lock queue */
/* Add to queue */
recvQueue.insertAfter(recvQueue[], encodedMessage);
/* Unlock queue */
// TODO: Add libsnooze event wake up
* The receive queue worker function
* This has the job of dequeuing messages
* in the receive queue, decoding them
* into Message objects and then emitting
* an event depending on the type of message
* Handles PINGs along with normal messages
* TODO: Our high load average is from here
* ... it is getting lock a lot and spinning here
* ... we should use libsnooze to avoid this
private void recvHandlerFunc()
// TODO: Insert libsnooze wait here
// TODO: Add a for-loop here which one can configure which is
// ... a "per iteration" how much to process and act on
// TODO: We could look at libsnooze wait starvation or mutex racing (future thought)
/* Lock the receieve queue */
/* Message being analysed */
Message curMsg;
/* Search for a PING */
ubyte[] pingMessage;
ulong pos = 0;
foreach(ubyte[] message; recvQueue[])
if(indexOf(cast(string)message, "PING") > -1)
pingMessage = message;
* TODO: Plan of action
* 1. Firstly, we must run `parseReceivedMessage()` on the dequeued
* ping message (if any)
* 2. Then (if there was a PING) trigger said PING handler
* 3. Normal message handling; `parseReceivedMessage()` on one of the messages
* (make the dequeue amount configurable possibly)
* 4. Trigger generic handler
* 5. We might need to also have a queue for commands ISSUED and command-replies
* RECEIVED and then match those first and do something with them (tasky-esque)
* 6. We can just make a generic reply queue of these things - we have to maybe to this
* - we can cache or remember stuff when we get 353
/* If we found a PING */
if(pingMessage.length > 0)
/* Decode the message and parse it */
curMsg = Message.parseReceivedMessage(decodeMessage(pingMessage));
logger.log("Found a ping: "~curMsg.toString());
// string ogMessage = cast(string)pingMessage;
// long idxSigStart = indexOf(ogMessage, ":")+1;
// long idxSigEnd = lastIndexOf(ogMessage, '\r');
// string pingID = ogMessage[idxSigStart..idxSigEnd];
string pingID = curMsg.getParams();
// this.socket.send(encodeMessage("PONG "~pingID));
// string messageToSend = "PONG "~pingID;
// sendMessage(messageToSend);
// logger.log("Ponged");
/* TODO: Implement */
// TODO: Remove the Eventy push and replace with a handler call (on second thought no)
EventyEvent pongEvent = new PongEvent(pingID);
* Process each message remaining in the queue now
* till it is empty
ubyte[] message = recvQueue.front();
/* Decode message */
string messageNormal = decodeMessage(message);
// writeln("Normal message: "~messageNormal);
/* TODO: Parse message and call correct handler */
curMsg = Message.parseReceivedMessage(messageNormal);
// TODO: Remove the Eventy push and replace with a handler call (on second thought no)
EventyEvent ircEvent = new IRCEvent(curMsg);
/* Unlock the receive queue */
/* TODO: Threading yield here */