mirror of https://github.com/deavmi/birchwood synced 2024-09-20 08:23:07 +02:00

304 lines
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module birchwood.messages;
import dlog;
import std.string;
import std.conv : to, ConvException;
import birchwood.constants : ReplyType;
// TODO: Before release we should remove this import
import std.stdio : writeln;
/* TODO: We could move these all to `package.d` */
/* Static is redundant as module is always static , gshared needed */
/* Apparebky works without gshared, that is kinda sus ngl */
__gshared Logger logger;
* source/birchwood/messages.d(10,8): Error: variable `birchwood.messages.logger` is a thread-local class and cannot have a static initializer. Use `static this()` to initialize instead.
* It is complaining that it wopuld static init per thread, static this() for module is required but that would
* do a module init per thread, so __gshared static this() is needed, we want one global init - a single logger
* variable and also class init
__gshared static this()
logger = new DefaultLogger();
* Encoding/decoding primitives
public static ubyte[] encodeMessage(string messageIn)
ubyte[] messageOut = cast(ubyte[])messageIn;
messageOut~=[cast(ubyte)13, cast(ubyte)10];
return messageOut;
public static string decodeMessage(ubyte[] messageIn)
/* TODO: We could do a chekc to ESNURE it is well encoded */
return cast(string)messageIn[0..messageIn.length-2];
// return null;
* Checks if the provided message is valid (i.e.)
* does not contain any CR or LF characters in it
* Params:
* message = the message to test
* Returns: <code>true</code> if the message is valid,
* <code>false</code> false otherwise
//TODO: Should we add an emptiness check here
public static bool isValidText(string message)
foreach(char character; message)
if(character == 13 || character == 10)
return false;
return true;
* Message types
public final class Message
/* Message contents */
private string from;
private string command;
private string params;
/* The numeric reply (as per Section 6 of RFC 1459) */
private bool isNumericResponse = false;
private ReplyType replyType = ReplyType.BIRCHWOOD_UNKNOWN_RESP_CODE;
private bool isError = false;
* Constructs a new Message
* Params:
* from = the from parameter
* command = the command
* params = any optional parameters to the command
this(string from, string command, string params = "")
this.from = from;
this.command = command;
this.params = params;
/* Check if this is a command reply */
isNumericResponse = true;
//FIXME: SOmething is tripping it u, elts' see
/* Grab the code */
replyType = to!(ReplyType)(to!(ulong)(command));
// TODO: Add validity check on range of values here, if bad throw exception
// TODO: Add check for "6.3 Reserved numerics" or handling of SOME sorts atleast
/* Error codes are in range of [401, 502] */
if(replyType >= 401 && replyType <= 502)
// TODO: Call error handler
isError = true;
/* Command replies are in range of [259, 395] */
else if(replyType >= 259 && replyType <= 395)
// TODO: Call command-reply handler
isError = false;
catch(ConvException e)
logger.log("<<< Unsupported response code (Error below) >>>");
/* TODO: Implement encoder function */
public string encode()
string fullLine = from~" "~command~" "~params;
return fullLine;
public static Message parseReceivedMessage(string message)
/* TODO: testing */
/* From */
string from;
/* Command */
string command;
/* Params */
string params;
/* Check if there is a PREFIX (according to RFC 1459) */
if(message[0] == ':')
/* prefix ends after first space (we fetch servername, host/user) */
//TODO: make sure not -1
long firstSpace = indexOf(message, ' ');
/* TODO: double check the condition */
if(firstSpace > 0)
from = message[1..firstSpace];
// logger.log("from: "~from);
/* TODO: Find next space (what follows `from` is `' ' { ' ' }`) */
ulong i = firstSpace;
for(; i < message.length; i++)
if(message[i] != ' ')
// writeln("Yo");
string rem = message[i..message.length];
// writeln("Rem: "~rem);
long idx = indexOf(rem, " "); //TOOD: -1 check
/* Extract the command */
command = rem[0..idx];
// logger.log("command: "~command);
/* Params are everything till the end */
i = idx;
for(; i < rem.length; i++)
if(rem[i] != ' ')
params = rem[i..rem.length];
// logger.log("params: "~params);
//TODO: handle
logger.log("Malformed message start after :");
/* In this case it is only `<command> <params>` */
long firstSpace = indexOf(message, " "); //TODO: Not find check
command = message[0..firstSpace];
ulong pos = firstSpace;
for(; pos < message.length; pos++)
if(message[pos] != ' ')
params = message[pos..message.length];
return new Message(from, command, params);
public override string toString()
return "(from: "~from~", command: "~command~", message: `"~params~"`)";
* Returns the sender of the message
* Returns: The `from` field
public string getFrom()
return from;
* Returns the command name
* Returns: The command itself
public string getCommand()
return command;
* Returns the optional paremeters (if any)
* Returns: The parameters
public string getParams()
return params;
* Returns whether or not this message was
* a numeric response
* Returns: `true` if numeric response
* `false` otherwise
public bool isResponseMessage()
return isNumericResponse;
* Returns whether or not this message is
* an error kind-of numeric response
* Returns: `true` if numeric response
* is an error, `false` otherwise
public bool isResponseError()
return isError;
* Returns the type of reply (if this message
* was a numeric response)
* Returns: the ReplyType
public ReplyType getReplyType()
return replyType;