mirror of https://github.com/deavmi/birchwood synced 2024-09-20 06:03:29 +02:00

- Implemented Message type to hold messages

- Create IRCEvent type
- Print out information for handling of IRCEvent in the signal handler registered with Eventy
- Finished initial message parser (splits into `from`, `command` and `params`)
This commit is contained in:
Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire 2022-10-31 19:24:10 +02:00
parent e4bb38c766
commit ce8dbd7f5e
2 changed files with 107 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import core.sync.mutex : Mutex;
import core.thread : Thread, dur;
import std.string;
import eventy;
import birchwood.messages : Message;
// TODO: Remove this import
import std.stdio : writeln;
@ -145,6 +146,9 @@ public class Client
this(ConnectionInfo connInfo)
this.connInfo = connInfo;
/* Set the client inside IRCEvent so all can access it when handling events */
IRCEvent.client = this;
@ -153,23 +157,30 @@ public class Client
class IRCEvent : Event
/* The client itself */
private static __gshared Client client;
private Message msg;
this(ulong typeID, Message msg)
private string message;
super(typeID, null);
this(ulong typeID, ubyte[] payload)
super(typeID, payload);
/* TODFO: actuially parse message here */
this.message = cast(string)payload;
public string getMessage()
return message;
this.msg = msg;
public Message getMessage()
return msg;
public override string toString()
return msg.toString();
private void initEvents()
/* TODO: For now we just register one signal type for all messages */
@ -192,9 +203,12 @@ public class Client
/* TODO: Insert cast here to our custoim type */
IRCEvent ircEvent = cast(IRCEvent)e;
assert(ircEvent); //Should never fail, unless some BOZO regged multiple handles for 1 - wait idk does eventy do that even mmm
import std.stdio;
writeln("IRCEvent (id): "~to!(string)(ircEvent.id));
writeln("IRCEvent (payload): "~to!(string)(ircEvent.getMessage));
writeln("IRCEvent "~ircEvent.getMessage().toString());
@ -284,35 +298,25 @@ public class Client
// return null;
private void defaultHandler(string from, string command, string params)
// private
private void function() getHandler()
/* The chosen handler */
void function() handlerPtr;
return handlerPtr;
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* TODO: This should be a static method in `birchwood.messages.Message`
* which geneartes a Message object for us
private void parseReceivedMessage(string message)
/* TODO: testing */
Event eTest = new IRCEvent(1, cast(ubyte[])message);
/* From */
string from;
/* Command */
string command;
/* Params */
string params;
/* Check if there is a PREFIX (according to RFC 1459) */
if(message[0] == ':')
@ -323,7 +327,7 @@ public class Client
/* TODO: double check the condition */
if(firstSpace > 0)
string from = message[1..firstSpace];
from = message[1..firstSpace];
writeln("from: "~from);
@ -346,6 +350,18 @@ public class Client
/* Extract the command */
command = rem[0..idx];
writeln("command: "~command);
/* Params are everything till the end */
i = idx;
for(; i < rem.length; i++)
if(rem[i] != ' ')
params = rem[i..rem.length];
writeln("params: "~params);
@ -356,6 +372,16 @@ public class Client
import birchwood.messages;
Message msg = new Message(from, command, message);
/* TODO: Set static in IRCEvent field for access to Client (and hence socket) */
/* TODO: This should be done in reeive handler me thinks, or rather
shouild return something not yet TRIGGER an event */
Event eTest = new IRCEvent(1, msg);
/* TODO: Spawn a thread worker that reacts */
@ -370,6 +396,8 @@ public class Client
* It pays high priority to looking for a PING
* message first and handling those and then doing
* a second pass for other messages
* TODO: Do decode here and triggering of events here
private void recvHandlerFunc()
@ -400,6 +428,22 @@ public class Client
* TODO: Plan of action
* 1. Firstly, we must run `parseReceivedMessage()` on the dequeued
* ping message (if any)
* 2. Then (if there was a PING) trigger said PING handler
* 3. Normal message handling; `parseReceivedMessage()` on one of the messages
* (make the dequeue amount configurable possibly)
* 4. Trigger generic handler
* 5. We might need to also have a queue for commands ISSUED and command-replies
* RECEIVED and then match those first and do something with them (tasky-esque)
* 6. We can just make a generic reply queue of these things - we have to maybe to this
* - we can cache or remember stuff when we get 353
/* If we found a PING */
if(pingMessage.length > 0)
@ -495,6 +539,13 @@ public class Client
/* TODO: For commands with an expected reply */
// private SList!()
private Object ask()
return null;
bool yes = true;
bool hasJoined = false;
@ -539,6 +590,11 @@ public class Client
this.socket.send((cast(ubyte[])"join #birchwoodtesting")~[cast(ubyte)13, cast(ubyte)10]);
hasJoined = true;
import core.thread;

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@ -5,6 +5,19 @@ module birchwood.messages;
public class Message
private string messageRaw;
public string from;
public string command;
public string message;
this(string from, string command, string message)
this.from = from;
this.command = command;
this.message = message;
public override string toString()
return "(from: "~from~", command: "~command~", message: `"~message~"`)";