mirror of https://github.com/deavminet/dnetd synced 2024-09-21 09:43:37 +02:00
Tristan B. Kildaire 1c9168a6b8 PROTOCOL UPDATE
Type: NotificationMessage
Sub-type: Channel

Channel changes from 1->0

Direct messages are meant to be 1
2021-01-28 15:39:35 +02:00

349 lines
6.8 KiB

* DChannel
* Represents a channel and its
* associated information such
* as its name, topic, members
module dnetd.dchannel;
import dnetd.dconnection : DConnection;
import core.sync.mutex : Mutex;
import std.conv : to;
import std.stdio : writeln;
import gogga;
public class DChannel
* Channel information
private string name;
//private string topic;
* Users in this channel
private DConnection[] members;
private Mutex memberLock;
this(string name)
/* Initialize the lock */
memberLock = new Mutex();
this.name = name;
public string getName()
return name;
* Joins the given client to this channel
public bool join(DConnection client)
/* Send a message stating the user has joined (TODO: This should be done later, possibly, how defensive should we program) */
/* Lock the members list */
gprintln("join: mutex lock (about to call)");
gprintln("join: mutex lock (completed)");
* Don't allow the user to join a channel he
* is already in
bool isPresent = false;
foreach(DConnection member; members)
if(client is member)
isPresent = true;
* TODO: Error handling if the calling DConnection fails midway
* and doesn't unlock it
/* Only join channel if not already joined */
/* Add the client */
members ~= client;
/* Unlock the members list */
gprintln("join: mutex unlock (about to call)");
gprintln("join: mutex unlock (completed)");
return isPresent;
* Returns the number of members in this channel
public ulong getMemberCount()
/* The count of members */
ulong memberCount;
/* Lock the members list */
/* Get the member count */
memberCount = members.length;
/* Unlock the members list */
return memberCount;
public bool isMember(DConnection client)
/* Whether or not you are a member */
bool isMem;
/* Lock the members list */
/* CHeck if you are in this channel */
foreach(DConnection member; members)
if(member is client)
isMem = true;
/* Unlock the members list */
return isMem;
* Removes the given client from this channel
public void leave(DConnection client)
/* Lock the members list */
/* TODO: Get a better implementation */
/* Create a new list without the `client` */
DConnection[] newMembers;
foreach(DConnection currentMember; members)
if(!(currentMember is client))
newMembers ~= currentMember;
/* Set it as the new list */
members = newMembers;
/* Unlock the members list */
/* Send broadcast leave message */
* Sends a message to all users of this
* channel that the given user has left
private void broadcastLeave(DConnection left)
/* Lock the members list */
/* Send left message here */
foreach(DConnection currentMember; members)
sendLeaveMessage(currentMember, left);
/* Unlock the members list */
* Sends a message to the user stating the given
* (other) user has left the channel
private void sendLeaveMessage(DConnection member, DConnection left)
/* The protocol data to send */
byte[] protocolData;
/* Set the notificaiton type to `channel status` */
protocolData ~= [1];
/* Set the sub-type to leave */
protocolData ~= [0];
/* Set the channel notificaiton type to `member leave` */
/* LeaveInfo: <channel>,<username> */
string leaveInfo = name~","~left.getUsername();
protocolData ~= cast(byte[])leaveInfo;
/* Write the notification */
member.writeSocket(0, protocolData);
* Sends a message to all users of this
* channel that the given user has joined
private void broadcastJoin(DConnection joined)
/* Lock the members list */
/* Send join message here */
foreach(DConnection currentMember; members)
sendJoinMessage(currentMember, joined);
/* Unlock the members list */
* Sends a message to the user stating the given
* (other) user has joined the channel
private void sendJoinMessage(DConnection member, DConnection joined)
/* The protocol data to send */
byte[] protocolData;
/* Set the notificaiton type to `channel status` */
protocolData ~= [1];
/* Set the sub-type to join */
protocolData ~= [1];
/* Set the channel notificaiton type to `member join` */
/* JoinInfo: <channel>,<username> */
string joinInfo = name~","~joined.getUsername();
protocolData ~= cast(byte[])joinInfo;
/* Write the notification */
member.writeSocket(0, protocolData);
public bool sendMessage(DConnection sender, string message)
bool status;
/* The protocol data to send */
byte[] msg;
/* Set the notificaiton type to `message notification` */
msg ~= [0];
* Format
* 0 - dm
* 1 - channel (this case)
* byte length of name of channel/person (dm case)
* message-bytes
/* Set mode to channel message */
msg ~= [cast(byte)0];
/* Encode the [usernameLength, username] */
msg ~= [(cast(byte)sender.getUsername().length)];
msg ~= cast(byte[])sender.getUsername();
/* Encode the [channelLength, channel] */
msg ~= [(cast(byte)name.length)];
msg ~= cast(byte[])name;
/* Encode the message */
msg ~= cast(byte[])message;
/* Send the message to everyone else in the channel */
foreach(DConnection member; members)
/* Skip sending to self */
if(!(member is sender))
/* Send the message */
gprintln("Delivering message '"~message~"' for channel '"~name~"' to user '"~member.getUsername()~"'...");
status = member.writeSocket(0, msg);
gprintln("Delivered message '"~message~"' for channel '"~name~"' to user '"~member.getUsername()~"'!");
gprintln("Failed to deliver message '"~message~"' for channel '"~name~"' to user '"~member.getUsername()~"'!", DebugType.ERROR);
/* TODO: Don't, retur true */
return true;
* Returns a list of all the members
public DConnection[] getMembers()
/* Members list */
DConnection[] memberList;
/* Lock the members list */
memberList = members;
/* Unlock the members list */
return memberList;
public override string toString()
string toStr;
/* Lock the members list */
toStr = "DChannel [Name: "~name~", Members: "~to!(string)(members)~"]";
/* Unlock the members list */
return toStr;