import std.stdio; import std.socket : parseAddress; import dnetd.dserver : DServer; import dnetd.dconfig : DConfig; import std.json; import std.exception; void main(string[] args) { /* Configuration file */ string configFilename; /* If there are no arguments */ if(args.length == 1) { /* Use the default file */ configFilename = "config.json"; } /* If there is one argument */ else if(args.length == 2) { /* use the specified one */ configFilename = args[0]; } /* Illegal amount of guns in one household (no such thing) */ else { writeln("Invalid number of arguments"); return; } /* Configuration file contents */ byte[] data; try { /* Open the file for reading */ File config;, "r"); /* Read the configuration file data */ data.length = config.size(); data = config.rawRead(data); config.close(); } catch(ErrnoException e) { writeln("Failure to use configuration file'"~configFilename~"' with error:\n\n"~e.toString()); return; } /* The JSON */ JSONValue json; try { /* Parse the configuration file */ json = parseJSON(cast(string)data); } catch(JSONException e) { writeln("Failure to parse configuration file'"~configFilename~"' with error:\n\n"~e.toString()); return; } /* Create a new configuration file and check configuration parameters */ DConfig config = DConfig.getConfig(json); /* If the configuration reading was successful (valid JSON) */ if(config) { /* Start the server */ DServer dserver = new DServer(config); } else { writeln("Failure to read a valid dnetd configuration file'"~configFilename~"'"); } }