module dnetd.dlink; import dnetd.dconnection; import core.sync.mutex : Mutex; import std.stdio; import std.conv; import dnetd.dserver; import dnetd.dconfig; import std.socket : Address; import core.thread : Thread; /** * Link manager * * Given a set of original DLink objects, it will open connections to them * It also facilitates DConnection making a call to `.addLink` here when an * inbound peering request comes in */ public final class DLinkManager { this(DServer server) { } /** * Goes through the DConnection[] array in DServer and returns * all connections that are SERVER connections */ public DConnection[] getLinkedServers() { DConnection[] links; /* TODO: Implement me */ return links; } } /** * Represents a server link * * Either used for inbound or outbound */ public final class DLink : Thread { /* Associated server */ private DServer server; /* The connection */ private DConnection connection; /** * Links details */ private string name; private Address address; /** * Constructs a DLink for an outbound peering */ this(DServer server, string name, Address address) { /* Set the worker thread for outbound connections */ super(&outboundWorker); = name; this.address = address; /* Create an outbound connection */ /* TODO: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck handling of shit here bababooey and not in dconnection.d as we would have done below */ /* Initialize a new outbound connection */ initializeOutboundConnection(); } /** * Initializes a new outbound connection */ private void initializeOutboundConnection() { /* Open a connection to the server */ import std.socket; Socket socket = new Socket(address.addressFamily, SocketType.STREAM, ProtocolType.TCP); socket.connect(address); } private void outboundWorker() { /* TODO: Implement me */ while(true) { } } override public string toString() { return "Server: "~name~", Address: "~to!(string)(address); } /** * Constructs a DLink for an inbound peering */ this(DServer server, string name, Address address, DConnection connection) { /* Save the server, name and address */ /* Save the active connection */ /* Save name and address */ this(server, name, address); /* Save connection */ } } public final class DMeyer { /* Direct peers */ private DLink[] links; private Mutex linksMutex; /* Associated server */ private DServer server; this(DServer server, DLink[] links) { this.server = server; /* Initialize the locks */ initLocks(); /* Open a connection to the server */ /* TODO: Open connections to all servers we are yet to open a connection to (check the `links` array) */ } /** * Locks the link list */ private void openAllOutboundConnections() { } /* Initialize locks */ private void initLocks() { linksMutex = new Mutex(); } /** * Adds a peer to the links list */ public void addLink(DLink newLink) { /* Lock the list */ linksMutex.lock(); /* Add the link */ links ~= newLink; /* Unlock the list */ linksMutex.unlock(); } }