Adding support for static to parser

Tristan B. Kildaire


Tags: typechecking parser static oop grandresolution

This article deals with things mentioned in Type checking: The hard part begins


I am now working on adding support for the static keyword to the parser. For this however I have decided the following.

  1. static must come after an accessor such as public, private, protected
  2. static only applies to things inside of classes
    • What is means is if something:
      • Is static then it will be initialized (expression evaluated) by the class on it’s reference
      • Is NOT static then it will be initialized (expression evaluated) by the object of said class when that object is initialized

As for the semantics on class references, that will be decided when I get to implementing this for the type-checker (which might be soon seeing that is fixes the visitation tree and later dependancies for the grand paths like x.h.j (where x is a class, h is a member of x and also a class and j is a member of h)) 3. Classes, structs and variables therefore can all be made static 4. The rules of course also imply a static entity can only be accessed from the container-type and object as it is global data readyily-available * However, a non-static entity cannot be accessed in this way as finding which class instance or object it belongs to (if any) would be ambiguous 5. Functions marked as static don’t have initialization and don’t follow the same meaning as in point 2 but they allow access to such data in a manner that is simply an indirection of the point made in 4 and hence the same rules apply as mentioned in 4.

Further notes

On C’s definition of static

C has a meaning for static that basically means the variable (of address-value pairing) is in the global data section rather than an address calculated off of an offset from the stack-frame base pointer (%rbp). For this I will rather add a keyword called global as that is much more clearer than having a keyword have multiple meaning per context.

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