Virtual Table implementation


Tags: documentation internals vtable

This article aims to describe a possible virtual table implementation that we could use to for method dispatch that not only supports overriding but also interfaces.

As of so far the descriptions for the mechanism I came up with was only described through writing and with video explanations. Hopefully, in the future a text version (summrized) will be produced such that it can easily be digested. It will be under a nother version under the same title but with "(text version)" appended to it.

Here I say "Bruh"


This section provides an introduction to the features we want to implement, the problems they cause and how to solve them.


This video describes what features we want in the language, what problems need to be solved to support them and why those problems exist.

The language is to support single-inheritance object-orientation but also with the ability to inherit from multiple interfaces (whilst the classes remain in a single hierachial order of inheritnce).

Single inheritance of classes

We will only allow each class to inherit from one other class. Below is an example of what is allowed, we have a class A defined along with another class defined as B whereby B inherits from A (via the : operator).

class A
    /* TODO: Code goes here */

class B : A
    /* TODO: Code goes here */

THe example below defines classes A, B and C, with B inheriting from A and C, in T this woudl not be allowed.

class A
    /* TODO: Code goes here */

class C
    /* TODO: Code goes here */

class B : A, C
    /* TODO: Code goes here */

Hypothetical secnario

In this situation I go about describing a situation and how my method would solve it. This part is several videos.

Describing a situation/scenario and how I would go about solving it (1/5)

Describing a situation/scenario and how I would go about solving it (2/5)

Describing a situation/scenario and how I would go about solving it (3/5)

Describing a situation/scenario and how I would go about solving it (4/5)

Describing a situation/scenario and how I would go about solving it (5/5)

Object Structure

This section aims to summarize the above into what the object structure would boil down to.

Diagram (handwritten)

  1. PDF file 1
  2. PDF file 2
  3. PDF file 3

PDF file 1

PDF file 2

PDF file 3

Diagram (computerized)

So far the structure is something like this (the below are unfinished, I will publish updated version of them soon). It will be more up-to-date than the PDFs above

Last update: 2021-06-08 9:44

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