This document contains documentation on each user-facing component of the libtun library.

Creating a new Adapter

Firstly add the following import line to your project:

import libtun.adapter;

Now we can spawn a new TUNAdapter with the following parameters. This will create a new interface named myTun0 and we can choose between creating either a TUN adapter or a TAP adapter by setting the second argument to one or the other of:

  1. AdapterType.TUN
  2. AdapterType.TAP
TUNAdapter adapter = new TUNAdapter("myTun0", AdapterType.TUN);

If one does not specify the second argument then it defaults to TAP mode.

Using the adapter

This section describes how to use the adapter now that it is setup.

Receiving from the adapter

One can use the receive(ref byte[]) method in order to receive a frame/packet from the adapter. This takes in a pointer to a vriable holding a buffer (albeit automatically due to pass by ref-erence) and will assign a new buffer to it of the correct size matching the received frame/packet.

Below we will receive a frame/packet:

byte[] frameBuff;


If the read fails for some reason then a TUNException will be thrown.

Sending via the adapter

One can use the send(byte[]) method in order to send a frame/packet via the adapter. All one needs to do is to provide the frame/packet to be sent as follows:

byte[] myData = [1,2,3,4];
