
This is to show off deserialization method fromJSON(RecordType)(JSONValue jsonIn) which returns a struct of type RecordType (so far most features are implemented):

import std.string : cmp;

struct Person
    public string firstname, lastname;
    public int age;
    public bool isMale;
    public JSONValue obj;
    public int[] list;

JSONValue json = parseJSON(`{
"firstname" : "Tristan",
"lastname": "Kildaire",
"age": 23,
"obj" : {"bruh":1},
"isMale": true,
"list": [1,2,3]

Person person = fromJSON!(Person)(json);


assert(cmp(person.firstname, "Tristan") == 0);
assert(cmp(person.lastname, "Kildaire") == 0);
assert(person.age == 23);
assert(person.isMale == true);
assert(person.obj["bruh"].integer() == 1);
//TODO: list test case