module tlang.compiler.symbols.expressions; import; import std.conv : to; /* TODO: Look into arrays later */ public class StringExpression : Expression { private string ztring; this(string ztring) { this.ztring = ztring; } public string getStringLiteral() { return ztring; } } public class OperatorExpression : Expression { /* Operator */ private SymbolType operator; this(SymbolType operator) { this.operator = operator; } public SymbolType getOperator() { return operator; } } public class UnaryOperatorExpression : OperatorExpression { private Expression exp; this(SymbolType operator, Expression exp) { super(operator); this.exp = exp; } public override string toString() { return "[unaryOperator: Op: "~to!(string)(operator)~", Expr: "~to!(string)(exp); } public Expression getExpression() { return exp; } } public class BinaryOperatorExpression : OperatorExpression { private Expression lhs, rhs; /* TODO: Take in operator */ this(SymbolType operator, Expression lhs, Expression rhs) { super(operator); this.lhs = lhs; this.rhs = rhs; } public Expression getLeftExpression() { return lhs; } public Expression getRightExpression() { return rhs; } public override string toString() { /* TODO: FIll in */ return "[BinOpExp: Op: "~to!(string)(operator)~", Lhs: "~lhs.toString()~", Rhs: "~rhs.toString()~"]"; } } public enum IntegerLiteralEncoding { SIGNED_INTEGER, UNSIGNED_INTEGER, SIGNED_LONG, UNSIGNED_LONG } public final class IntegerLiteral : NumberLiteral { private IntegerLiteralEncoding encoding; this(string integerLiteral, IntegerLiteralEncoding encoding) { super(integerLiteral); this.encoding = encoding; } public IntegerLiteralEncoding getEncoding() { return encoding; } public override string toString() { return "[integerLiteral: "~numberLiteral~" ("~to!(string)(encoding)~")]"; } } //TODO: Work on floating point literal encodings public final class FloatingLiteral : NumberLiteral { // TODO: Put the equivalent of FloatingLiteralEncoding here this(string floatingLiteral) { super(floatingLiteral); } public override string toString() { return "[floatingLiteral: "~numberLiteral~"]"; // ("~to!(string)(encoding)~")]"; } } public abstract class NumberLiteral : Expression { private string numberLiteral; this(string numberLiteral) { this.numberLiteral = numberLiteral; } public final string getNumber() { return numberLiteral; } } public class Expression : Statement { import tlang.compiler.typecheck.core; /* TODO: Takes in symbol table? */ public string evaluateType(TypeChecker typechecker, Container c) { /* TODO: Go through here evaluating the type */ return null; } this() { } /* TODO: Evalute this expression's type */ } public final class NewExpression : Expression { private FunctionCall funcCall; this(FunctionCall funcCall) { this.funcCall = funcCall; } public FunctionCall getFuncCall() { return funcCall; } } public final class CastedExpression : Expression { private Expression uncastedExpression; private string toType; this(string toType, Expression uncastedExpression) { this.toType = toType; this.uncastedExpression = uncastedExpression; } public string getToType() { return toType; } public Expression getEmbeddedExpression() { return uncastedExpression; } } public final class ArrayIndex : Expression { /* The expression to index of */ private Expression indexInto; /* The expression used as the index */ private Expression index; this(Expression indexInto, Expression index) { this.indexInto = indexInto; this.index = index; } public Expression getIndexed() { return indexInto; } public Expression getIndex() { return index; } public override string toString() { return "ArrayIndex [to: "~indexInto.toString()~", idx: "~index.toString()~"]"; } }