module compiler.codegen.emit.core; import; import compiler.typecheck.core; import std.container.slist : SList; import compiler.codegen.instruction; import std.stdio; import std.file; import compiler.codegen.instruction : Instruction; import std.range : walkLength; import gogga; import std.conv : to; import compiler.configuration : CompilerConfiguration; import compiler.codegen.mapper.core : SymbolMapper; /** * TODO: Perhaps have an interface that can emit(Context/Parent, Statement) */ /* TODO: Module linking (general overhaul required) */ public abstract class CodeEmitter { protected TypeChecker typeChecker; protected File file; protected CompilerConfiguration config; protected SymbolMapper mapper; /** * The selected queue is the queue to be used * when using the cursor instructions such as * `nextInstruction()`, `previousInstruction()` * etc. */ private Instruction[] selectedQueue; public enum QueueType { ALLOC_QUEUE, GLOBALS_QUEUE, FUNCTION_DEF_QUEUE } private ulong queueCursor = 0; public final void selectQueue(QueueType queueType, string funcDefName = "") { // Move the cursor back to the starting position resetCursor(); if(queueType == QueueType.ALLOC_QUEUE) { selectedQueue = initQueue; } else if(queueType == QueueType.GLOBALS_QUEUE) { selectedQueue = globalCodeQueue; } else { //TODO: Ensure valid name by lookup via tc selectedQueue = functionBodyInstrs[funcDefName]; } } public final void resetCursor() { queueCursor = 0; } public final void nextInstruction() { // TODO: Sanity check on length queueCursor++; } public final void previousInstruction() { // TODO: Sanity check on lenght queueCursor--; } public final bool hasInstructions() { return queueCursor < selectedQueue.length; } public final Instruction getCurrentInstruction() { return selectedQueue[queueCursor]; } public final ulong getCursor() { return queueCursor; } public final ulong getSelectedQueueLength() { return selectedQueue.length; } public final ulong getQueueLength() { return selectedQueue.length; } /** * Required queues */ private Instruction[] initQueue; private Instruction[] globalCodeQueue; /** * Required queues (maps to them) */ private Instruction[][string] functionBodyInstrs; public final ulong getFunctionDefinitionsCount() { return functionBodyInstrs.keys().length; } public final string[] getFunctionDefinitionNames() { return functionBodyInstrs.keys(); } // TODO: Add allow for custom symbol mapper, use an interface or rather base class mechanism for it this(TypeChecker typeChecker, File file, CompilerConfiguration config, SymbolMapper mapper) { this.typeChecker = typeChecker; /* Extract the allocation queue, the code queue */ initQueue = typeChecker.getInitQueue(); globalCodeQueue = typeChecker.getGlobalCodeQueue(); /* Extract the function definitions string-queue mapping */ functionBodyInstrs = typeChecker.getFunctionBodyCodeQueues(); gprintln("CodeEmitter: Got number of function defs: "~to!(string)(functionBodyInstrs)); this.file = file; this.config = config; this.mapper = mapper; } /** * Begins the emit process */ public abstract void emit(); /** * Finalizes the emitting process (only * to be called after the `emit()` finishes) */ public abstract void finalize(); /** * Transforms or emits a single Instruction * and returns the transformation * * Params: * instruction = The Instruction to transform/emit * Returns: The Instruction emit as a string */ public abstract string transform(Instruction instruction); }