module; public import compiler.symbols.check; import std.conv : to; import compiler.typecheck.dependency.core : Context; /** * TODO: Implement the blow and use them * * These are just to use for keeping track of what * valid identifiers are. * * Actually it might be, yeah it will */ public class Program { private string moduleName; private Program[] importedModules; private Statement[] statements; this(string moduleName) { this.moduleName = moduleName; } public void addStatement(Statement statement) { statements ~= statement; } public static StatementType[] getAllOf(StatementType)(StatementType, Statement[] statements) { StatementType[] statementsMatched; foreach(Statement statement; statements) { /* TODO: Remove null, this is for unimpemented */ if(statement !is null && cast(StatementType)statement) { statementsMatched ~= cast(StatementType)statement; } } return statementsMatched; } public Variable[] getGlobals() { Variable[] variables; foreach(Statement statement; statements) { if(typeid(statement) == typeid(Variable)) { variables ~= cast(Variable)statement; } } return variables; } /* TODO: Make this use weights */ public Statement[] getStatements() { /* Re-ordered by lowest wieght first */ Statement[] stmntsRed; bool wCmp(Statement lhs, Statement rhs) { return lhs.weight < rhs.weight; } import std.algorithm.sorting; stmntsRed = sort!(wCmp)(statements).release; return stmntsRed; } } public class Statement { public byte weight = 0; /* !!!! BEGIN TYPE CHECK ROUTINES AND DATA !!!! */ /* TODO: Used for type checking */ public Context context; public void setContext(Context context) { this.context = context; } public Context getContext() { return context; } /* !!!! END TYPE CHECK ROUTINES AND DATA !!!! */ private static ulong rollingCount = 0; private Container container; public final void parentTo(Container container) { this.container = container; } public final Container parentOf() { return container; } public override string toString() { return to!(string)(rollingCount++); } } public enum AccessorType { PUBLIC, PRIVATE, PROTECTED, UNKNOWN } public enum InitScope { VIRTUAL, STATIC, UNKNOWN } public class Assignment : Statement { private string identifier; private Expression assignmentExpression; this(string identifier, Expression assignmentExpression) { this.identifier = identifier; this.assignmentExpression = assignmentExpression; } } /* Declared variables, defined classes and fucntions */ public class Entity : Statement { /* Accesor type */ private AccessorType accessorType = AccessorType.PUBLIC; /* Function/Modifier type */ private InitScope initScope; /* Name of the entity (class's name, function's name, variable's name) */ protected string name; this(string name) { = name; } public void setAccessorType(AccessorType accessorType) { this.accessorType = accessorType; } public AccessorType getAccessorType() { return accessorType; } public void setModifierType(InitScope initScope) { this.initScope = initScope; } public InitScope getModifierType() { return initScope; } public string getName() { return name; } private Entity[] deps; public Entity[] getDeps() { return deps; } public void addDep(Entity entity) { deps ~= entity; } } /* TODO: DO we need intermediary class, TypedEntity */ public class TypedEntity : Entity { private string type; /* TODO: Return type/variable type in here (do what we did for ENtity with `name/identifier`) */ this(string name, string type) { super(name); this.type = type; } public string getType() { return type; } } public import compiler.symbols.containers; public class ArgumentList { } /* TODO: Don't make this a Container, or maybe (make sure I don't rely on COntainer casting for other shit * though, also the recent changes) */ public class Function : TypedEntity, Container { private Variable[] params; private Statement[] bodyStatements; this(string name, string returnType, Statement[] bodyStatements, Variable[] args) { super(name, returnType); this.bodyStatements = bodyStatements; this.params = args; /* Weighted as 1 */ weight = 1; } public Variable[] getParams() { return params; } public bool hasParams() { return params.length != 0; } public void addStatement(Statement statement) { this.bodyStatements~=statement; } public void addStatements(Statement[] statements) { this.bodyStatements~=statements; } public Statement[] getStatements() { import compiler.symbols.containers : weightReorder; return weightReorder(bodyStatements); } /** * This will sift through all the `Statement[]`'s in held * within this Function and will find those which are Variable */ public Variable[] getVariables() { Variable[] variables; foreach(Statement statement; bodyStatements) { if(statement !is null && cast(Variable)statement) { variables ~= cast(Variable)statement; } } return variables; } public override string toString() { string argTypes; for(ulong i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { Variable variable = params[i]; if(i == params.length-1) { argTypes ~= variable.getType(); } else { argTypes ~= variable.getType() ~ ", "; } } return "Function (Name: "~name~", ReturnType: "~type~", Args: "~argTypes~")"; } } public class Variable : TypedEntity { /* TODO: Just make this an Expression */ private VariableAssignment assignment; this(string type, string identifier) { super(identifier, type); /* Weighted as 2 */ weight = 2; } public void addAssignment(VariableAssignment assignment) { this.assignment = assignment; } public VariableAssignment getAssignment() { return assignment; } public override string toString() { return "Variable (Ident: "~name~", Type: "~type~")"; } } public import compiler.symbols.expressions; /** * TODO: Rename to `VariableDeclarationAssignment` */ public class VariableAssignment : Statement { private Expression expression; private Variable variable; this(Expression expression) { this.expression = expression; } public Expression getExpression() { return expression; } public Variable getVariable() { return variable; } public void setVariable(Variable variable) { this.variable = variable; } public override string toString() { return "[varAssignDec'd: To: "~variable.toString()~"]"; } } /** * TODO: Rename to `` */ public class VariableAssignmentStdAlone : Statement { private Expression expression; private string varName; this(string varName, Expression expression) { this.varName = varName; this.expression = expression; /* Weighted as 2 */ weight = 2; } public Expression getExpression() { return expression; } public string getVariableName() { return varName; } public override string toString() { return "[varAssignStdAlone: To: "~varName~"]"; } } public class IdentExpression : Expression { /* name */ private string name; this(string name) { = name; } public string getName() { return name; } public void updateName(string newName) { name = newName; } } public class VariableExpression : IdentExpression { this(string identifier) { super(identifier); } import compiler.typecheck.core; public override string evaluateType(TypeChecker typeChecker, Container c) { string type; return null; } public override string toString() { return "[varExp: "~getName()~"]"; } } public class Call : IdentExpression { this(string ident) { super(ident); } } public final class FunctionCall : Call { /* Argument list */ private Expression[] arguments; this(string functionName, Expression[] arguments) { super(functionName); this.arguments = arguments; } public override string toString() { return super.toString()~" "~name~"()"; } public Expression[] getCallArguments() { return arguments; } } public final class ReturnStmt : Statement { // The Expression being returned private Expression returnExpression; this(Expression returnExpression) { this.returnExpression = returnExpression; } public Expression getReturnExpression() { return returnExpression; } }