module tlang.compiler.codegen.emit.dgen; import tlang.compiler.codegen.emit.core : CodeEmitter; import tlang.compiler.typecheck.core; import std.container.slist : SList; import tlang.compiler.codegen.instruction; import std.stdio; import std.file; import std.conv : to; import std.string : cmp; import tlang.misc.logging; import std.range : walkLength; import std.string : wrap; import std.process : spawnProcess, Pid, ProcessException, wait; import tlang.compiler.typecheck.dependency.core : Context, FunctionData, DNode; import tlang.compiler.codegen.mapper.core; import : SymbolType, Variable, Function, VariableParameter; import tlang.compiler.symbols.check : getCharacter; import tlang.misc.utils : Stack; import tlang.compiler.symbols.typing.core; import tlang.compiler.configuration : CompilerConfiguration; import tlang.compiler.symbols.containers : Module; import std.format : format; import std.datetime.stopwatch : StopWatch, AutoStart; import std.datetime.stopwatch : Duration, dur; public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter { /** * Whether or not symbol mappi g should * apply to identifiers */ private bool symbolMapping; // NOTE: In future store the mapper in the config please this(TypeChecker typeChecker, File file, CompilerConfiguration config, SymbolMapper mapper) { super(typeChecker, file, config, mapper); // By default symbols will be mapped enableSymbolMapping(); } /** * Enables symbol mapping */ private void enableSymbolMapping() { this.symbolMapping = true; } /** * Disables symbol mapping */ private void disableSymbolMapping() { this.symbolMapping = false; } private ulong transformDepth = 0; private string genTabs(ulong count) { string tabStr; /* Only generate tabs if enabled in compiler config */ if(config.getConfig("dgen:pretty_code").getBoolean()) { for(ulong i = 0; i < count; i++) { tabStr~="\t"; } } return tabStr; } /** * Given an instance of a Type this will transform it to a string * * Params: * typeIn = The Type to transform * * Returns: The string representation of the transformed type */ public string typeTransform(Type typeIn) { string stringRepr; // TODO: Some types will ident transform /* Pointer types */ if(cast(Pointer)typeIn) { /* Extract type being pointed to */ Pointer pointerType = cast(Pointer)typeIn; Type referType = pointerType.getReferredType(); /* The type is then `transform()*` */ return typeTransform(referType)~"*"; } /* Integral types transformation */ else if(cast(Integer)typeIn) { Integer integralType = cast(Integer)typeIn; /* u<>_t or <>_t (Determine signedness) */ string typeString = integralType.isSigned() ? "int" : "uint"; /* Width of integer */ typeString ~= to!(string)(integralType.getSize()*8); /* Trailing `_t` */ typeString ~= "_t"; return typeString; } /* Void type */ else if(cast(Void)typeIn) { return "void"; } /* Stack-based array type */ else if(cast(StackArray)typeIn) { // TODO: Still implement stakc-based arrays // we won't be able to tyoe transform just here // ... as we need [] // ... hence this must be performed in avriable declaration StackArray stackArray = cast(StackArray)typeIn; return typeTransform(stackArray.getComponentType()); // return "KAK TODO"; } ERROR("Type transform unimplemented for type '"~to!(string)(typeIn)~"'"); assert(false); // return stringRepr; } public override string transform(const Instruction instruction) { writeln("\n"); DEBUG("transform(): "~to!(string)(instruction)); transformDepth++; // The data to emit string emmmmit; // At any return decrement the depth scope(exit) { transformDepth--; } /* VariableAssignmentInstr */ if(cast(VariableAssignmentInstr)instruction) { DEBUG("type: VariableAssignmentInstr"); VariableAssignmentInstr varAs = cast(VariableAssignmentInstr)instruction; Context context = varAs.getContext(); DEBUG("Is ContextNull?: "~to!(string)(context is null)); DEBUG("Wazza contect: "~to!(string)(context.container)); auto typedEntityVariable = typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(context.getContainer(), varAs.varName); //TODO: Remove `auto` DEBUG("Hi"~to!(string)(varAs)); DEBUG("Hi"~to!(string)(; DEBUG("Hi"~to!(string)(; // NOTE: For tetsing issue #94 coercion (remove when done) string typeName = (cast(Type); DEBUG("VariableAssignmentInstr: The data to assign's type is: "~typeName); /* If it is not external */ if(!typedEntityVariable.isExternal()) { // FIXME: Set proper scope type string renamedSymbol =, ScopeType.GLOBAL); emmmmit = renamedSymbol~" = "~transform(";"; } /* If it is external */ else { emmmmit = typedEntityVariable.getName()~" = "~transform(";"; } } /* VariableDeclaration */ else if(cast(VariableDeclaration)instruction) { DEBUG("type: VariableDeclaration"); VariableDeclaration varDecInstr = cast(VariableDeclaration)instruction; Context context = varDecInstr.getContext(); Variable typedEntityVariable = cast(Variable)typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(context.getContainer(), varDecInstr.varName); //TODO: Remove `auto` /* If the variable is not external */ if(!typedEntityVariable.isExternal()) { //NOTE: We should remove all dots from generated symbol names as it won't be valid C (I don't want to say C because // a custom CodeEmitter should be allowed, so let's call it a general rule) // //simple_variables.x -> simple_variables_x //NOTE: We may need to create a symbol table actually and add to that and use that as these names //could get out of hand (too long) // NOTE: Best would be identity-mapping Entity's to a name // FIXME: Set proper scope type string renamedSymbol =, ScopeType.GLOBAL); // Check if the type is a stack-based array // ... if so then take make symbolName := `[]` if(cast(StackArray)varDecInstr.varType) { StackArray stackArray = cast(StackArray)varDecInstr.varType; renamedSymbol~="["~to!(string)(stackArray.getAllocatedSize())~"]"; } // Check to see if this declaration has an assignment attached if(typedEntityVariable.getAssignment()) { Value varAssInstr = varDecInstr.getAssignmentInstr(); DEBUG("VarDec(with assignment): My assignment type is: "~varAssInstr.getInstrType().getName()); // Generate the code to emit emmmmit = typeTransform(cast(Type)varDecInstr.varType)~" "~renamedSymbol~" = "~transform(varAssInstr)~";"; } else { emmmmit = typeTransform(cast(Type)varDecInstr.varType)~" "~renamedSymbol~";"; } } /* If the variable is external */ else { emmmmit = "extern "~typeTransform(cast(Type)varDecInstr.varType)~" "~typedEntityVariable.getName()~";"; } } /* LiteralValue */ else if(cast(LiteralValue)instruction) { DEBUG("type: LiteralValue"); LiteralValue literalValueInstr = cast(LiteralValue)instruction; emmmmit = to!(string)(literalValueInstr.getLiteralValue()); } /* FetchValueVar */ else if(cast(FetchValueVar)instruction) { DEBUG("type: FetchValueVar"); FetchValueVar fetchValueVarInstr = cast(FetchValueVar)instruction; Context context = fetchValueVarInstr.getContext(); Variable typedEntityVariable = cast(Variable)typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(context.getContainer(), fetchValueVarInstr.varName); //TODO: Remove `auto` /* If it is not external */ if(!typedEntityVariable.isExternal()) { //TODO: THis is giving me kak (see issue #54), it's generating name but trying to do it for the given container, relative to it //TODO: We might need a version of generateName that is like generatenamebest (currently it acts like generatename, within) // FIXME: Set proper scope type string renamedSymbol =, ScopeType.GLOBAL); emmmmit = renamedSymbol; } /* If it is external */ else { emmmmit = typedEntityVariable.getName(); } } /* BinOpInstr */ else if(cast(BinOpInstr)instruction) { DEBUG("type: BinOpInstr"); BinOpInstr binOpInstr = cast(BinOpInstr)instruction; // TODO: I like having `lhs == rhs` for `==` or comparators but not spaces for `lhs+rhs` /** * C compiler's do this thing where: * * If `` is a pointer and `` is an integer then the * following pointer arithmetic is allowed: * * int* a = (int*)2; * a = a + b; * * But it's WRONG if you do * * a = a + (int*)b; * * Even though it makes logical sense coercion wise. * * Therefore we need to check such a case and yank * the cast out me thinks. * * See issue #140 ( */ Type leftHandOpType = (cast(Value)binOpInstr.lhs).getInstrType(); Type rightHandOpType = (cast(Value)binOpInstr.rhs).getInstrType(); if(typeChecker.isPointerType(leftHandOpType)) { // Sanity check the other side should have been coerced to CastedValueInstruction CastedValueInstruction cvInstr = cast(CastedValueInstruction)binOpInstr.rhs; assert(cvInstr); DEBUG("CastedValueInstruction relax setting: Da funk RIGHT "); // Relax the CV-instr to prevent it from emitting explicit cast code cvInstr.setRelax(true); } else if(typeChecker.isPointerType(rightHandOpType)) { // Sanity check the other side should have been coerced to CastedValueInstruction CastedValueInstruction cvInstr = cast(CastedValueInstruction)binOpInstr.lhs; assert(cvInstr); DEBUG("CastedValueInstruction relax setting: Da funk LEFT "); // Relax the CV-instr to prevent it from emitting explicit cast code cvInstr.setRelax(true); } emmmmit = transform(binOpInstr.lhs)~to!(string)(getCharacter(binOpInstr.operator))~transform(binOpInstr.rhs); } /* FuncCallInstr */ else if(cast(FuncCallInstr)instruction) { DEBUG("type: FuncCallInstr"); FuncCallInstr funcCallInstr = cast(FuncCallInstr)instruction; Context context = funcCallInstr.getContext(); assert(context); Function functionToCall = cast(Function)typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(context.getContainer(), funcCallInstr.functionName); //TODO: Remove `auto` // TODO: SymbolLookup? string emit = functionToCall.getName()~"("; //TODO: Insert argument passimng code here //NOTE: Typechecker must have checked for passing arguments to a function that doesn't take any, for example //NOTE (Behaviour): We may want to actually have an preinliner for these arguments //such to enforce a certain ordering. I believe this should be done in the emitter stage, //so it is best placed here if(functionToCall.hasParams()) { Value[] argumentInstructions = funcCallInstr.getEvaluationInstructions(); string argumentString; for(ulong argIdx = 0; argIdx < argumentInstructions.length; argIdx++) { Value currentArgumentInstr = argumentInstructions[argIdx]; argumentString~=transform(currentArgumentInstr); if(argIdx != (argumentInstructions.length-1)) { argumentString~=", "; } } emit~=argumentString; } emit ~= ")"; // If this is a statement-level function call then tack on a `;` if(funcCallInstr.isStatementLevel()) { emit ~= ";"; } emmmmit = emit; } /* ReturnInstruction */ else if(cast(ReturnInstruction)instruction) { DEBUG("type: ReturnInstruction"); ReturnInstruction returnInstruction = cast(ReturnInstruction)instruction; Context context = returnInstruction.getContext(); assert(context); /* Get the return expression instruction */ Value returnExpressionInstr = returnInstruction.getReturnExpInstr(); emmmmit = "return "~transform(returnExpressionInstr)~";"; } /** * If statements (IfStatementInstruction) */ else if(cast(IfStatementInstruction)instruction) { IfStatementInstruction ifStatementInstruction = cast(IfStatementInstruction)instruction; BranchInstruction[] branchInstructions = ifStatementInstruction.getBranchInstructions(); DEBUG("Holla"~to!(string)(branchInstructions)); string emit; for(ulong i = 0; i < branchInstructions.length; i++) { BranchInstruction curBranchInstr = branchInstructions[i]; if(curBranchInstr.hasConditionInstr()) { Value conditionInstr = cast(Value)curBranchInstr.getConditionInstr(); string hStr = (i == 0) ? "if" : genTabs(transformDepth)~"else if"; emit~=hStr~"("~transform(conditionInstr)~")\n"; emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"{\n"; foreach(Instruction branchBodyInstr; curBranchInstr.getBodyInstructions()) { emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"\t"~transform(branchBodyInstr)~"\n"; } emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"}\n"; } else { emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"else\n"; emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"{\n"; foreach(Instruction branchBodyInstr; curBranchInstr.getBodyInstructions()) { emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"\t"~transform(branchBodyInstr)~"\n"; } emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"}\n"; } } emmmmit = emit; } /** * While loops (WhileLoopInstruction) * * TODO: Add do-while check */ else if(cast(WhileLoopInstruction)instruction) { WhileLoopInstruction whileLoopInstr = cast(WhileLoopInstruction)instruction; BranchInstruction branchInstr = whileLoopInstr.getBranchInstruction(); Value conditionInstr = branchInstr.getConditionInstr(); Instruction[] bodyInstructions = branchInstr.getBodyInstructions(); string emit; /* Generate the `while()` and opening curly brace */ emit = "while("~transform(conditionInstr)~")\n"; emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"{\n"; /* Transform each body statement */ foreach(Instruction curBodyInstr; bodyInstructions) { emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"\t"~transform(curBodyInstr)~"\n"; } /* Closing curly brace */ emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"}"; emmmmit = emit; } /** * For loops (ForLoopInstruction) */ else if(cast(ForLoopInstruction)instruction) { ForLoopInstruction forLoopInstr = cast(ForLoopInstruction)instruction; BranchInstruction branchInstruction = forLoopInstr.getBranchInstruction(); Value conditionInstr = branchInstruction.getConditionInstr(); Instruction[] bodyInstructions = branchInstruction.getBodyInstructions(); string emit = "for("; // Emit potential pre-run instruction emit ~= forLoopInstr.hasPreRunInstruction() ? transform(forLoopInstr.getPreRunInstruction()) : ";"; // Condition emit ~= transform(conditionInstr)~";"; // NOTE: We are leaving the post-iteration blank due to us including it in the body // TODO: We can hoist bodyInstructions[$] maybe if we want to generate it as C-for-loops // if(forLoopInstr.hasPostIterationInstruction()) emit ~= ")\n"; // Open curly (begin body) emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"{\n"; /* Transform each body statement */ foreach(Instruction curBodyInstr; bodyInstructions) { emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"\t"~transform(curBodyInstr)~"\n"; } // Close curly (body end) emit~=genTabs(transformDepth)~"}"; emmmmit = emit; } /** * Unary operators (UnaryOpInstr) */ else if(cast(UnaryOpInstr)instruction) { UnaryOpInstr unaryOpInstr = cast(UnaryOpInstr)instruction; Value operandInstruction = cast(Value)unaryOpInstr.getOperand(); assert(operandInstruction); string emit; /* The operator's symbol */ emit ~= getCharacter(unaryOpInstr.getOperator()); /* Transform the operand */ emit ~= transform(operandInstruction); emmmmit = emit; } /** * Pointer dereference assignment (PointerDereferenceAssignmentInstruction) */ else if(cast(PointerDereferenceAssignmentInstruction)instruction) { PointerDereferenceAssignmentInstruction pointerDereferenceAssignmentInstruction = cast(PointerDereferenceAssignmentInstruction)instruction; Value lhsPtrAddrExprInstr = pointerDereferenceAssignmentInstruction.getPointerEvalInstr(); assert(lhsPtrAddrExprInstr); Value rhsAssExprInstr = pointerDereferenceAssignmentInstruction.getAssExprInstr(); assert(rhsAssExprInstr); string emit; /* Star followed by transformation of the pointer address expression */ string starsOfLiberty; for(ulong i = 0; i < pointerDereferenceAssignmentInstruction.getDerefCount(); i++) { starsOfLiberty ~= "*"; } emit ~= starsOfLiberty~"("~transform(lhsPtrAddrExprInstr)~")"; /* Assignment operator follows */ emit ~= " = "; /* Expression to be assigned on the right hand side */ emit ~= transform(rhsAssExprInstr)~";"; emmmmit = emit; } /** * Discard instruction (DiscardInstruction) */ else if(cast(DiscardInstruction)instruction) { DiscardInstruction discardInstruction = cast(DiscardInstruction)instruction; Value valueInstruction = discardInstruction.getExpressionInstruction(); string emit; /* Transform the expression */ emit ~= transform(valueInstruction)~";"; emmmmit = emit; } /** * Type casting instruction (CastedValueInstruction) */ else if(cast(CastedValueInstruction)instruction) { CastedValueInstruction castedValueInstruction = cast(CastedValueInstruction)instruction; Type castingTo = castedValueInstruction.getCastToType(); // TODO: Dependent on type being casted one must handle different types, well differently (as is case for atleast OOP) Value uncastedInstruction = castedValueInstruction.getEmbeddedInstruction(); string emit; /** * Issue #140 * * If relaxed then just emit the uncasted instruction */ if(castedValueInstruction.isRelaxed()) { /* The original expression */ emit ~= transform(uncastedInstruction); } else { /* Handling of primitive types */ if(cast(Primitive)castingTo) { /* Add the actual cast */ emit ~= "("~typeTransform(castingTo)~")"; /* The expression being casted */ emit ~= transform(uncastedInstruction); } else { // TODO: Implement this ERROR("Non-primitive type casting not yet implemented"); assert(false); } } emmmmit = emit; } /** * Array indexing (pointer-based arrays) * * Handles `myArray[]` where `myArray` is * of type `int[]` (i.e. `int*`) */ else if(cast(ArrayIndexInstruction)instruction) { ArrayIndexInstruction arrAssInstr = cast(ArrayIndexInstruction)instruction; ERROR("TODO: Implement Pointer-array index emit"); DEBUG("ArrayInstr: "~arrAssInstr.getIndexedToInstr().toString()); DEBUG("ArrayIndexInstr: "~to!(string)(arrAssInstr.getIndexInstr())); /* Obtain the entity being indexed */ Value indexed = arrAssInstr.getIndexedToInstr(); /* Obtain the index */ Value index = arrAssInstr.getIndexInstr(); /** * Emit *(+) */ string emit; emit ~= "*("; emit ~= transform(indexed); emit ~= "+"; emit ~= transform(index); emit ~= ")"; // return "*("~transform(indexed)~"+"~transform(index)~")"; emmmmit = emit; } /** * Array assignments (pointer-based arrays) * * Handles `myArray[] = ` where `myArray` * is of type `int[]` (i.e. `int*`) */ else if(cast(ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction)instruction) { ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction arrayAssignmentInstr = cast(ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction)instruction; /** * Obtain the array pointer evaluation */ ArrayIndexInstruction arrayPtrEval = arrayAssignmentInstr.getArrayPtrEval(); // NOTE: See above // /** // * Obtain the index being assigned at // */ // Value index = arrayAssignmentInstr.getIndexInstr(); /** * Obtain the expression being assigned */ Value assignmentInstr = arrayAssignmentInstr.getAssignmentInstr(); /** * Emit *(+) = ; */ string emit; // NOTE: Below is done by ArrayIndexInstruction // emit ~= "*("; // emit ~= transform(arrayPtrEval); // emit ~= "+"; // emit ~= transform(index); // emit ~= ")"; emit ~= transform(arrayPtrEval); emit ~= " = "; emit ~= transform(assignmentInstr); emit ~= ";"; emmmmit = emit; } /** * Array indexing (stack-based arrays) * * Handles `myArray[]` where `myArray` is * of type `int[]` (i.e. a stack-array) */ else if(cast(StackArrayIndexInstruction)instruction) { StackArrayIndexInstruction stackArrInstr = cast(StackArrayIndexInstruction)instruction; Context context = stackArrInstr.getContext(); /* Obtain the stack array variable being indexed */ // TODO: Investigate, nroamlly we do a `FetchValueVar` as like the instr which is fine actually FetchValueVar array = cast(FetchValueVar)stackArrInstr.getIndexedToInstr(); assert(array); Variable arrayVariable = cast(Variable)typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(context.getContainer(), array.varName); /* Perform symbol mapping */ // FIXME: Set proper scope type string arrayName =, ScopeType.GLOBAL); /* Obtain the index expression */ Value indexInstr = stackArrInstr.getIndexInstr(); /** * Emit [] */ string emit = arrayName; emit ~= "["; emit ~= transform(indexInstr); emit ~= "]"; ERROR("TODO: Implement Stack-array index emit"); // return "(TODO: Stack-array index emit)"; emmmmit = emit; } /** * Array assignments (stack-based arrays) * * Handles `myArray[] = ` where `myArray` * is of type `int[]` (i.e. a stack-array) */ else if(cast(StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction)instruction) { StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction stackArrAssInstr = cast(StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction)instruction; Context context = stackArrAssInstr.getContext(); assert(context); /** * Obtain the stack array being assigned to */ string arrayName = stackArrAssInstr.getArrayName(); Variable arrayVariable = cast(Variable)typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(context.getContainer(), arrayName); /* Perform symbol mapping */ // FIXME: Set proper scope type string arrayNameMapped =, ScopeType.GLOBAL); /* Obtain the index expression */ Value indexInstr = stackArrAssInstr.getIndexInstr(); /* Obtain the expresison being assigned */ Value assignmentInstr = stackArrAssInstr.getAssignedValue(); /** * Emit [] = ; */ string emit = arrayNameMapped; emit ~= "["; emit ~= transform(indexInstr); emit ~= "]"; emit ~= " = "; emit ~= transform(assignmentInstr); emit ~= ";"; // return "(StackArrAssignmentInstr: TODO)"; emmmmit = emit; } // TODO: MAAAAN we don't even have this yet // else if(cast(StringExpression)) /** * Unsupported instruction * * If you get here then normally it's because * you didn't implement a transformation for * an instruction yet. */ else { emmmmit = ""; } return emmmmit; } public override void emit() { // TODO: We must figure out how we decide to generate // multiple emits here for the many modules within the // `Program` import : Program; import tlang.compiler.symbols.containers : Module; Program program = this.typeChecker.getProgram(); Module[] programsModules = program.getModules(); DEBUG("emit() has found modules '"~to!(string)(programsModules)~"'"); foreach(Module curMod; programsModules) { DEBUG("Begin emit process for module '"~to!(string)(curMod)~"'..."); File modOut;"%s.c", curMod.getName()), "w"); // Emit header comment (NOTE: Change this to a useful piece of text) emitHeaderComment(modOut, curMod, "Place any extra information by code generator here"); // NOTE: We can pass a string with extra information to it if we want to // Emit standard integer header import emitStdint(modOut, curMod); // Emit make-available's (externs) emitExterns(modOut, curMod); // Emit static allocation code emitStaticAllocations(modOut, curMod); // Emit globals emitCodeQueue(modOut, curMod); // Emit function definitions emitFunctionPrototypes(modOut, curMod); emitFunctionDefinitions(modOut, curMod); // Close (and flush anything not yet written) modOut.close(); DEBUG("Emit for '"~to!(string)(curMod)~"'"); } // If enabled (default: yes) then emit entry point (TODO: change later) Module mainModule; Function mainFunction; if(findEntrypoint(mainModule, mainFunction)) { // FIXME: Disable (needed "a", because "w" overwrote previous writes) File entryModOut;"%s.c", mainModule.getName()), "a"); // Emit entry point emitEntrypoint(entryModOut, mainModule); entryModOut.close(); } else { // If enabled (default: yes) then emit a testing // entrypoint (if one if available for the given // test case) // // In such test cases we assume that the first module // is the one we care about if(config.getConfig("dgen:emit_entrypoint_test").getBoolean()) { WARN("Generating a testcase entrypoint for this program"); Module firstMod = programsModules[0]; File firstModOut;"%s.c", firstMod.getName()), "a"); // Emit testing entrypoint emitTestingEntrypoint(firstModOut, firstMod); firstModOut.close(); } else { ERROR("Could not find an entry point module and function. Missing a main() maybe?"); } } } /** * Attempts to find an entry point within the `Program`, * when it is found the ref parameters are filled in * and `true` is returned, else they are left untouched * and `false` is returned * * Params: * mainModule = the found main `Module` (if any) * mainFunc = the found main `Function` (if any) * Returns: `true` if an entrypoint is found, else * `false` */ private bool findEntrypoint(ref Module mainModule, ref Function mainFunc) { import : Program, Entity; import tlang.compiler.typecheck.resolution : Resolver; Program program = this.typeChecker.getProgram(); Resolver resolver = this.typeChecker.getResolver(); foreach(Module curMod; program.getModules()) { Entity potentialMain = resolver.resolveWithin(curMod, "main"); if(potentialMain !is null) { Function potentialMainFunc = cast(Function)potentialMain; if(potentialMainFunc !is null) { // TODO: Ensure that it is void or int? (Our decision) // TODO: Ensure arguments (choose what we allow) mainModule = curMod; mainFunc = potentialMainFunc; return true; } } } return false; } /** * Emits the header comment which contains information about the source * file and the generated code file * * Params: * modFile = the `File` to write the emitted source code to * mod = the current `Module` being processed * headerPhrase = Optional additional string information to add to the header comment */ private void emitHeaderComment(File modFile, Module mod, string headerPhrase = "") { // NOTE: We could maybe fetch input fiel info too? Although it would have to be named similiarly in any case // so perhaps just appending a `.t` to the module name below would be fine string moduleName = typeChecker.getResolver().generateName(mod, mod); //TODO: Lookup actual module name (I was lazy) string outputCFilename =; modFile.write(`/** * TLP compiler generated code * * Module name: `); modFile.writeln(moduleName); modFile.write(" * Output C file: "); modFile.writeln(outputCFilename); if(headerPhrase.length) { modFile.write(wrap(headerPhrase, 40, " *\n * ", " * ")); } modFile.write(" */\n"); } private struct ModuleExternSet { private Module originator; private Variable[] pubVars; private Function[] pubFns; this(Module originator, Variable[] publicVars, Function[] publicFunctions) { this.originator = originator; this.pubVars = publicVars; this.pubFns = publicFunctions; } public Variable[] vars() { return this.pubVars; } public Function[] funcs() { return this.pubFns; } public Module mod() { return this.originator; } } private ModuleExternSet generateExternsForModule(Module mod) { DEBUG(format("Generating extern statements for module '%s'", mod.getName())); Entity[] allPubFunc; Entity[] allPubVar; import tlang.compiler.typecheck.resolution : Resolver; Resolver resolver = this.typeChecker.getResolver(); auto funcAccPred = derive_functionAccMod(AccessorType.PUBLIC); auto varAccPred = derive_variableAccMod(AccessorType.PUBLIC); bool allPubFuncsAndVars(Entity entity) { return funcAccPred(entity) || varAccPred(entity); } Entity[] entities; resolver.resolveWithin(mod, &allPubFuncsAndVars, entities); DEBUG(format("Got %d many entities needing extern statements emitted", entities.length)); import niknaks.arrays : filter; import niknaks.functional : predicateOf; // Filter variables bool onlyVar(Entity entity) { return cast(Variable)entity !is null; } filter!(Entity)(entities, predicateOf!(onlyVar), allPubVar); // Filter functions bool onlyFunc(Entity entity) { return cast(Function)entity !is null; } filter!(Entity)(entities, predicateOf!(onlyFunc), allPubFunc); ModuleExternSet modExtSet = ModuleExternSet(mod, cast(Variable[])allPubVar, cast(Function[])allPubFunc); return modExtSet; } /** * TODO: Re-do * * Generates a bunch of extern statements * for symbols such as variables and * function which are to be exposed * in the generated object file such * that they can be linked externally * to other object files. * * The method for this is to resolve * all `Entity`(s) which are either * a `Function` or `Variable` which * have an access modifier of `public` * and lastly which are only at the * module-level in terms of declaration * * Params: * modOut = the `File` to write the * emitted source code to * mod = the current `Module` being * processed */ private void emitExterns(File modOut, Module mod) { // Find all modules except ourselves import tlang.compiler.typecheck.resolution : Resolver; import niknaks.arrays : filter; Module[] everyoneElse; bool justNotMe(Module modI) { return modI !is mod; } filter!(Module)(this.typeChecker.getProgram().getModules(), predicateOf!(justNotMe), everyoneElse); // Now grab each other modules' extern data ModuleExternSet[] externSets; foreach(Module omod; everyoneElse) { externSets ~= generateExternsForModule(omod); } /** * Emit for each */ foreach(ModuleExternSet mos; externSets) { DEBUG(format("Emitting extern(...) statements for module %s...", mos.mod())); // Emit public functions foreach(Function func; mos.funcs()) { // Generate signature string signature = generateSignature(func); // Decide whether or not `extern` is needed string externPart = func.isExternal() ? "" : "extern "; // Generate the emit string externEmit = format("%s%s;", externPart, signature); DEBUG(format("FuncExternEmit: '%s'", externEmit)); modOut.writeln(externEmit); } // Emit public variables foreach(Variable var; mos.vars()) { // Generate signature string signature = generateSignature_Variable(var); // Decide whether or not `extern` is needed string externPart = var.isExternal() ? "" : "extern "; // Generate the emit string externEmit = format("%s%s;", externPart, signature); DEBUG(format("VarExternEmit: '%s'", externEmit)); modOut.writeln(externEmit); } } } /** * Emits the static allocations provided * * Params: * modFile = the `File` to write the emitted source code to * mod = the current `Module` being processed */ private void emitStaticAllocations(File modOut, Module mod) { // Select the static initializations code queue for // the given module selectQueue(mod, QueueType.ALLOC_QUEUE); DEBUG("Static allocations needed: "~to!(string)(getQueueLength())); modOut.writeln(); } /** * Emits the function prototypes * * Params: * modFile = the `File` to write the emitted source code to * mod = the current `Module` being processed */ private void emitFunctionPrototypes(File modOut, Module mod) { DEBUG("Function definitions needed: "~to!(string)(getFunctionDefinitionsCount(mod))); // Get complete map (should we bypass anything in CodeEmitter for this? Guess it is fair?) Instruction[][string] functionBodyInstrs = typeChecker.getFunctionBodyCodeQueues(mod); string[] functionNames = getFunctionDefinitionNames(mod); DEBUG("WOAH: "~to!(string)(functionNames)); foreach(string currentFunctioName; functionNames) { emitFunctionPrototype(modOut, mod, currentFunctioName); modOut.writeln(); } } /** * Emits the function definitions * * Params: * modFile = the `File` to write the emitted source code to * mod = the current `Module` being processed */ private void emitFunctionDefinitions(File modOut, Module mod) { DEBUG("Function definitions needed: "~to!(string)(getFunctionDefinitionsCount(mod))); // Get the function definitions of the current module Instruction[][string] functionBodyInstrs = typeChecker.getFunctionBodyCodeQueues(mod); string[] functionNames = getFunctionDefinitionNames(mod); DEBUG("WOAH: "~to!(string)(functionNames)); foreach(string currentFunctioName; functionNames) { emitFunctionDefinition(modOut, mod, currentFunctioName); modOut.writeln(); } } /** * Generates the signature emit for a given * variable. * * This is something of the form: * * ` ` * * Where the `` has been symbol * mapped. * * Params: * var = the `Variable` * Returns: a string */ private string generateSignature_Variable(Variable var) { string signature; // Extract the Variable's type Type varType = typeChecker.getType(var.context.container, var.getType()); // Decide on the symbol's name string symbolName; // If it is NOT extern then map it if(!var.isExternal()) { // FIXME: Set proper scope type symbolName =, ScopeType.GLOBAL); } // If it is extern, then leave it as such else { symbolName = var.getName(); } // signature = typeTransform(varType)~" "~symbolName; // If if is external then it needs `extern ...` if(var.isExternal()) { signature = "extern "~signature; } return signature; } private string generateSignature(Function func) { string signature; // Extract the Function's return Type Type returnType = typeChecker.getType(func.context.container, func.getType()); // ( signature = typeTransform(returnType)~" "~func.getName()~"("; // Generate parameter list if(func.hasParams()) { VariableParameter[] parameters = func.getParams(); string parameterString; for(ulong parIdx = 0; parIdx < parameters.length; parIdx++) { Variable currentParameter = parameters[parIdx]; // Extract the variable's type Type parameterType = typeChecker.getType(currentParameter.context.container, currentParameter.getType()); // Generate the symbol-mapped names for the parameters Variable typedEntityVariable = cast(Variable)typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(func, currentParameter.getName()); //TODO: Remove `auto` // FIXME: Set proper scope type string renamedSymbol =, ScopeType.GLOBAL); // Generate parameterString~=typeTransform(parameterType)~" "~renamedSymbol; if(parIdx != (parameters.length-1)) { parameterString~=", "; } } signature~=parameterString; } // ) signature~=")"; // If the function is marked as external then place `extern` infront if(func.isExternal()) { signature = "extern "~signature; } return signature; } /** * Emits the function prototype for the `Function` * of the given name * * Params: * modFile = the `File` to write the emitted source code to * mod = the current `Module` being processed * functionName = the name of the function */ private void emitFunctionPrototype(File modOut, Module mod, string functionName) { // Select the function definition code queue by module and function name // TODO: Is this needed for protptype def? I think not (REMOVE PLEASE) selectQueue(mod, QueueType.FUNCTION_DEF_QUEUE, functionName); DEBUG("emotFunctionDefinition(): Function: "~functionName~", with "~to!(string)(getSelectedQueueLength())~" many instructions"); //TODO: Look at nested definitions or nah? (Context!!) //TODO: And what about methods defined in classes? Those should technically be here too Function functionEntity = cast(Function)typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(mod, functionName); //TODO: Remove `auto` // Emit the function signature modOut.writeln(generateSignature(functionEntity)~";"); } /** * Emits the function definition for the `Function` * of the given name * * Params: * modFile = the `File` to write the emitted source code to * mod = the current `Module` being processed * functionName = the name of the function */ private void emitFunctionDefinition(File modOut, Module mod, string functionName) { // Select the function definition code queue by module and function name selectQueue(mod, QueueType.FUNCTION_DEF_QUEUE, functionName); DEBUG("emotFunctionDefinition(): Function: "~functionName~", with "~to!(string)(getSelectedQueueLength())~" many instructions"); //TODO: Look at nested definitions or nah? (Context!!) //TODO: And what about methods defined in classes? Those should technically be here too Function functionEntity = cast(Function)typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(mod, functionName); //TODO: Remove `auto` // If the Entity is NOT external then emit the signature+body if(!functionEntity.isExternal()) { // Emit the function signature modOut.writeln(generateSignature(functionEntity)); // Emit opening curly brace modOut.writeln(getCharacter(SymbolType.OCURLY)); // Emit body while(hasInstructions()) { Instruction curFuncBodyInstr = getCurrentInstruction(); string emit = transform(curFuncBodyInstr); DEBUG("emitFunctionDefinition("~functionName~"): Emit: "~emit); modOut.writeln("\t"~emit); nextInstruction(); } // Emit closing curly brace modOut.writeln(getCharacter(SymbolType.CCURLY)); } // If the Entity IS external then don't emit anything as the signature would have been emitted via a prorotype earlier with `emitPrototypes()` else { // Do nothing } } /** * Emits the code queue of the given `Module` * * Params: * modFile = the `File` to write the emitted source code to * mod = the current `Module` being processed */ private void emitCodeQueue(File modOut, Module mod) { // Select the global code queue of the current module selectQueue(mod, QueueType.GLOBALS_QUEUE); DEBUG("Code emittings needed: "~to!(string)(getQueueLength())); while(hasInstructions()) { Instruction currentInstruction = getCurrentInstruction(); modOut.writeln(transform(currentInstruction)); nextInstruction(); } modOut.writeln(); } /** * Emits the standard imports of the given * `Module` * * Params: * modFile = the `File` to write the emitted source code to * mod = the current `Module` being processed */ private void emitStdint(File modOut, Module mod) { modOut.writeln("#include"); } private void emitEntrypoint(File modOut, Module mod) { ERROR("IMPLEMENT ME"); ERROR("IMPLEMENT ME"); ERROR("IMPLEMENT ME"); ERROR("IMPLEMENT ME"); ERROR("We have NOT YET implemented the init method"); // modOut.writeln("fok"); // TODO: In future, for runtime init, // I will want to co-opt main(int, args) // for use for runtime init to then // call ANOTHER REAL main (specified) // by the user // Therefore there must be some sort // of renaming stage somewhere } private void emitTestingEntrypoint(File modOut, Module mod) { // TODO: Implement me // Test for `simple_functions.t` (function call testing) if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_functions") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { assert(t_7b6d477c5859059f16bc9da72fc8cc3b == 22); printf("k: %u\n", t_7b6d477c5859059f16bc9da72fc8cc3b); banana(1); assert(t_7b6d477c5859059f16bc9da72fc8cc3b == 72); printf("k: %u\n", t_7b6d477c5859059f16bc9da72fc8cc3b); return 0; }`); } // Test for `simple_function_recursion_factorial.t` (recursive function call testing) else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_function_recursion_factorial") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { int result = factorial(3); assert(result == 6); printf("factorial: %u\n", result); return 0; }`); } // Test for `simple_direct_func_call.t` (statement-level function call) else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_direct_func_call") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { // Before it should be 0 assert(t_de44aff5a74865c97c4f8701d329f28d == 0); // Call the function function(); // After it it should be 69 assert(t_de44aff5a74865c97c4f8701d329f28d == 69); return 0; }`); } else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_while") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { int result = function(3); printf("result: %d\n", result); assert(result == 3); return 0; }`); } else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_for_loops") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { int result = function(3); printf("result: %d\n", result); assert(result == 3); return 0; }`); } else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_pointer") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { int retValue = thing(); assert(t_87bc875d0b65f741b69fb100a0edebc7 == 4); assert(retValue == 6); return 0; }`); } else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_pointer_array_syntax") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { int retValue = thing(); assert(t_9d01d71b858651e520c9b503122a1b7a == 4); assert(retValue == 6); return 0; }`); } else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_pointer_cast_le") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { int retValue = thing(); assert(t_e159019f766be1a175186a13f16bcfb7 == 256+4); assert(retValue == 256+4+2); return 0; }`); } else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_pointer_malloc") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { test(); // TODO: Test the value return 0; }`); } else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_extern") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { test(); return 0; }`); } else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_stack_array_coerce") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { int result = function(); assert(result == 420+69); printf("stackArr sum: %d\n", result); return 0; }`); } else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "complex_stack_array_coerce") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { int result = function(); assert(result == 69+420); printf("val1: %d\n", t_596f49b2a2784a3c1b073ccfe174caa0); printf("val2: %d\n", t_4233b83329676d70ab4afaa00b504564); printf("stackArr sum: %d\n", result); return 0; }`); } else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_stack_array_coerce_ptr_syntax") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { int result = function(); assert(result == 420+69); printf("stackArr sum: %d\n", result); return 0; }`); } else if(cmp(mod.getName(), "simple_stack_arrays4") == 0) { modOut.writeln(` #include #include int main() { int result = function(); assert(result == 61); return 0; }`); } else { modOut.writeln(` int main() { return 0; } `); } } /** * Performs the compilation step * * This requires that the `emit()` * step must have already been completed */ public override void finalize() { import : Program; Program program = this.typeChecker.getProgram(); Module[] programModules = program.getModules(); string[] srcFiles; string[] objectFiles; // import tlang.compiler.configuration; // config.addConfig(ConfigEntry("dgen:afterexit:clean_c_files", true)); // config.addConfig(ConfigEntry("dgen:afterexit:clean_obj_files", true)); scope(exit) { // Clean up all generated C files if(config.hasConfig("dgen:afterexit:clean_c_files") && config.getConfig("dgen:afterexit:clean_c_files").getBoolean()) { foreach(string srcFile; srcFiles) { DEBUG("Cleaning up source file '"~srcFile~"'..."); import std.stdio : remove; remove(srcFile.ptr); if(!remove(srcFile.ptr)) { ERROR("There was an error cleaning up source file '"~srcFile~"'"); // TODO: Add error code } } } // Clean up all generates object files if(config.hasConfig("dgen:afterexit:clean_obj_files") && config.getConfig("dgen:afterexit:clean_obj_files").getBoolean()) { foreach(string objFile; objectFiles) { DEBUG("Cleaning up object file '"~objFile~"'..."); import std.stdio : remove; remove(objFile.ptr); if(!remove(objFile.ptr)) { ERROR("There was an error cleaning up object file '"~objFile~"'"); // TODO: Add error code } } } } try { string systemCompiler = config.getConfig("dgen:compiler").getText(); INFO("Using system C compiler '"~systemCompiler~"' for compilation"); // Check for object files to be linked in string[] objectFilesLink; if(config.hasConfig("linker:link_files")) { objectFilesLink = config.getConfig("linker:link_files").getArray(); INFO("Object files to be linked in: "~to!(string)(objectFilesLink)); } else { INFO("No files to link in"); } // Total compilation time Duration total =; // TODO: Do for-each generation of `.o` files here with `-c` foreach(Module curMod; programModules) { string modFileSrcPath = format("%s.c", curMod.getName()); srcFiles ~= modFileSrcPath; string modFileObjPath = format("%s.o", curMod.getName()); string[] args = [systemCompiler, "-c", modFileSrcPath, "-o", modFileObjPath]; INFO("Compiling now with arguments: "~to!(string)(args)); StopWatch watch = StopWatch(AutoStart.yes); Pid ccPID = spawnProcess(args); int code = wait(ccPID); if(code) { //NOTE: Make this a TLang exception throw new Exception("The CC exited with a non-zero exit code ("~to!(string)(code)~")"); } Duration compTime = watch.peek(); INFO(format("Compiled %s in %sms", curMod.getName(),!("msecs")())); total = dur!("msecs")(!("msecs")()!("msecs")()); // Only add it to the list of files if it was generated // (this guards against the clean up routines spitting out errors // for object files which were never generated in the first place) objectFiles ~= modFileObjPath; } INFO(format("Total compilation time took %s", total)); // Now determine the entry point module // Module entryModule; // Function _; // if(findEntrypoint(entryModule, _)) // { // } // Perform linking string[] args = [systemCompiler]; // Tack on all generated object files args ~= objectFiles; // Tack on any objects to link that were specified in Config args ~= objectFilesLink; // Tack on the output filename (TODO: Fix the output file name) args ~= ["-o", "./tlang.out"]; // Now link all object files (the `.o`'s) together // and perform linking Pid ccPID = spawnProcess(args); int code = wait(ccPID); if(code) { //NOTE: Make this a TLang exception throw new Exception("The CC exited with a non-zero exit code ("~to!(string)(code)~")"); } } catch(ProcessException e) { ERROR("NOTE: Case where it exited and Pid now inavlid (if it happens it would throw processexception surely)?"); assert(false); } } } import : Entity, AccessorType; import niknaks.functional : Predicate, predicateOf; /** * Derives a closure predicate which captires * the provided access modifier type and will * apply a logic which disregards any non-`Function` * `Entity`, however if a `Function`-typed entity * IS found then it will determine if its access * modifier matches that of the provided one * * Params: * accModType = the access modifier to filter * by * * Returns: a `Predicate!(Entity)` */ private Predicate!(Entity) derive_functionAccMod(AccessorType accModType) { bool match(Entity entity) { Function func = cast(Function)entity; // Disregard any non-Function if(func is null) { return false; } // Onyl care about those with a matching // modifier else { return func.getAccessorType() == accModType; } } return &match; } /** * Derives a closure predicate which captires * the provided access modifier type and will * apply a logic which disregards any non-`Variable` * `Entity`, however if a `Variable`-typed entity * IS found then it will determine if its access * modifier matches that of the provided one * * Params: * accModType = the access modifier to filter * by * * Returns: a `Predicate!(Entity)` */ private Predicate!(Entity) derive_variableAccMod(AccessorType accModType) { bool match(Entity entity) { Variable var = cast(Variable)entity; // Disregard any non-Variable if(var is null) { return false; } // Onyl care about those with a matching // modifier else { return var.getAccessorType() == accModType; } } return &match; }