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⚡ Feature: Multi-module support (#31) * Parser - `findModulesInDirectory(string directory)` now replaces all the `/` with `.`'s * ModMan - Added stub `ModuleManager` * ModuleManager - Added `validate(string searchPath)` - Added `validate(string[] searchPaths)` - Added a constructor ModMan (unitests) - Added a positive unittest * ModMan (unittests) - Added negative test case example * ModMan - Moved to new package * ModMan - Added exception class ModuleManager - Throw an exception ( a `ModuleManagerError`), if one of the search paths is invalid during construction * ModMan - Added a package for easy importing * Configuration - Calling `defaultConfig()` will now add an entry of type `ARRAY` with key `modman:path` and the starting value is just an array with a single element being the current working directory * Compiler - On construction of a `Compiler` we now construct a `ModuleManager` with the list of paths provided * ModMan - Cleaned up imports - Added another TODO * Parser - Constructor now takes in an instance of `Program` (but by default it is `null`) * Data - Added a `toString()` for `Program` * Compiler - We now create an instance of `Program` on construction - We pass a `Compiler` to the parser - Added `getProgram()` Parser - Accept an instance of `Compiler` - Print out some debug information about the program in `parseImport(string)` * Compiler - Added `getModMan()` method * Modman (pacjage) - Import `ModuleEntry` ModMan - Added `ModuleEntry` - Added `getModulesInDirectory(string directory, bool recurse = false)` which can resolve all the `ModuleEntry`(s) in a given directory (with optional recursion) - Added `search(string curModDir, string name, ref ModuleEntry found)` for searching for a module in a given directory (and then all search paths) * ModuleManager - If the compile-time flag of `DBG_MODMAN` is passed then only print debug text - Added support for recursing down and fixed how it is done in `getModulesInDirectory(string directory, bool recurse = false)` * Parser - Removed old module searching code - Added a TODO for ACTUAL parsing that is still to be done - Added `ModuleManager`-based code for doing module lookups Test cases - Updated `modules/a.t` * Parser - Store current module globally (not sure if we need to) - WIP: Work on module header name validation - Removed `findModulesFromStartingPath(string startingModulePath)` - Removed `findModulesInDirectory(string directory)` - Removed `slashToDot(string strIn)` ModuleManager - Added `isValidModuleDeclaration(string, string, string)` (still a work-in-progress) - Added `slashToDot(string strIn)` * Test cases - Updated testing files `a.t`, `b.t`, `z.t` and `niks/c.t` * Configuration - `defaultConfig()` now adds NOTHING to the default search path (just for now) * ModuleManager - The constructor now takes in an instance of the `Compiler` - Added new method `entries()` which calls `entries(string[])` with the given search paths from the compiler config entry but also tacks on the current working directory - Added `entriesWithInitial(string initialModulePath)` which, given a path to a module initially, will extract said module's containing directory and tack that onto the search paths and then call `entries(string[])` with that - Implemented `entries(string[])` which currently recurses down the given directories discovering all files that end with `.t` and of which have a module header (if not an error is thrown) and then creates a `ModuleEntry` per each mapping their absolute path to their skimmed-off module name - Added an `expect(SymbolType, Token)` so that we can throw `SyntaxError`'s (with a `null`-parser) - Added `skimModuleDeclaredName(string, ref string)` which skims the module's header for the module's name, setting it in the `ref`-based parameter if parsed correcttly, else returns `false` - (WIP) Made `isValidModuleDeclaration(string, string, string)` return `true` * Compiker - Now pass in the `Compiler` to the `ModuleManager` constructor * Parser - Added testing code to `parseImport(string)` which tests the new module discovery/mapping mechanism of `ModuleManager` - It purposefully crashes at the end to prevent it from running the old code * Commands - Added a TODO regarding allowing multiple modules to be specified on the command-line in the future * Parser - Removed old code which made calls to the old `ModuleManager` methods in `parseImport(string)` * Parser - Removed purposeful crash in `parseImport(string)` * ModuleManager - Removed deprecated methods `search(...)`, `getModulesInDirectory(...)` * Parser - Removed module name checking in `parse(string)` * ModuleManager - Removed method `isValiddModuleDeclaration(string declaredName, string fileName, string curModDir)` * Modman - Documented `ModuleEntry` * ModuleManager - Cleaned up and corrected comments * ModuleManager - Implemented `addSearchPath(string)` * ModuleManager - Implemented `addSearchPaths(string[])` * ModuleManager - Switched to using the `addSearchPaths(string[])` method when taking the search paths from the `modman:path` compiler config entry so as to clean it of any duplicates (if any are provided) - This also increases code re-use * ModuleManager - Calling `addSearchPath(string path)` will now validate the path before adding it * ModuleManager - Added TODOs for any debug prints - Added `searchFrom(string searchQuery, string initialModulePath, ref ModuleEntry foundEntry)` * Parser - Added code to test the module searching method (in `parseImport(string)`) * ModuleManager - Implemented `searchFrom_throwable(string searchQuery, string initialModulePath)` * Parser - Switched to using `searchFrom_throwable(string, string)` when searching for the module being imported * ModuleManager - Added `readModuleData(ModuleEntry ent, ref string source)` * ModuleManager - On error or success close the file if it was opened for `readModuleData(ModuleEntry ent, ref string source)` * MduleManager - Added `readModuleData_throwable(ModuleEntry ent)` method * Parser - Read in the module's source * Containers - Added a `toString()` method for the `Module` container type * Test cases - Made `b.t` import module `ap` (useful for cycle detection testing) * Dub - Added `niknaks` dependency * ModuleManager - We now check for any possible duplicates by checking if the discovered module (or modules in the case of a directory-recurse) are present in the found list. This updates `entries(string[] directories)` ModuleEntry - Two `ModuleEntry`s are said to be equal if their file paths are equal * ModuleEntry - Added explicit constructor - Made file private - Added validity checker in the form of `isValid()` - Added `getPath()` and `getName()` * ModuleManager - Removed old `entries()` method - Switched to using `getName()` in `searchFrom(...)` - Whenever a `ModuleEntry` is made assert that it is valid * ModuleManager - Removed debug output * Compiler - During construction add the containing directory of the module file specified on the command-line to the search paths of the `ModuleManager` - `doParse()` now dumps some information from the `ModuleManager` * Test cases - Updated `niks/c.t` to import module `ap` * Program - Added `isModulePresent(ModuleEntry)` - Added `markAsVisited(ModuleEnty)` - Added `setModule(ModuleEntry, Module)` - Added getMods()` and `getOMods()` (for insertion order for debugging purposes) - Added `debugDump()` * Parser - `parseImport(string)` now searches for the module by the name and with the current module's path - Return immediately if the module we found is already present in the `Program` - If NOT, then mark as visited, open parse it and then add the parsed `Moudle` just imported to the `Program` * Compiler - The current directory should be added to the search path * Compiler - This was WRONG. - DO NOT add the current working directory to the search path * ModuleManager - Added `findAllTFiles(string directory)` - Working on new search methods now * Parser - Added testing code and panic to not progress * ModuleManager - Now implemenetd module-name-to-path mapping with fallback mechanism * ModuleManager - Added `find(string modName)` * Test cases - Fixed import statements such that the testing works * Parser - `parseImport(string)` now uses new `ModuleManager` code * ModuleManager - Removed `entriesWithInitial(string initialModulePath)` - Removed `entries(string[] directories)` - Removed `searchFrom(string searchQuery, string initialModulePath, ref ModuleEntry foundEntry)` * Parser - Switch to new Module manager system (for real this time) * Dub - Upgraded `niknaks` package - Enable `DBG_MODMAN` when compiling ModuleManager - Added some useful debugging prints * Dub - Upgraded `niknaks` to version `0.6.0` * ModuleManager - Upgraded to new `niknaks` debug * Program - `debugDump()` needs something with a non-private field associated to correctly work it seems * Parser - Removed old code from `parseImport(string)` * Parser - Added some code to do the collecting of several modules in a single import statement * Parser - No longer pass in a value to `parseImport()` * Parser - Removed `getWorkingDirectory()` - Removed unneeded imports * TypeChecker - Added a constructor which takes in a `Compiler` - It also then extracts the `Program` from it * TypeChecker (unittests) - Pass in a `null` `Module` such that the constructor is selected correctly (old constructor) * Program - Made it a kind-of `Container` - Made class final - Added stub interface implementations - Added `addStatement(Statement statement)` and `addStatements(Statement[] statements)` - Added `getStatements()` * Resolver - Removed `Module` and replaced it with a `Program` - Updated constructor to take in a `Program` and a `TypeChecker - `resolveBest(Container c, string name)` will now loop through every `Module` of the `Program` checking to see if `path[0]` matches the name of any of those modules * Resolver - If there is no dot-path but the name matches one of the `Module`s attached to the `Program`, then return it - This is an update for `resolveBest(Container c, string name)` * Resolver - Removed now-completed TODOs - These wre done already for years but they may as well be removed now * Compiler - Now pass in the `Compiler` instance to the `TypeChecker` constructor * Testing - Fixed the shabang for `` * Resolution - Updated the method `generateName(Container relativeTo, Entity entity)` to have a special case which is when we pass in a `Container` of which is a `Program`. Because the `Entity` provided may have been declared in some module at, for example a top-level of the `Module`, we then basically have no way to know from the top-down where it belongs, _rather_ we must start **at** the `Entity` itself and then ask the resolver to work its way up to the container of which _is_ a `Module` in order to find its containing top-level container (i.e. a `Module`). After doing this we then call the `generateName(Container, Entity)` method with said `Module` and the same `Entity` and return early. - Some work is being done on `resolveBest(Container c, string name)` but so far no changes have been necessary (through testing) but many might, so the code added is commented out for now and has no associated commit message as I am still working on it. - Added debugging messages to `findContainerOfType(TypeInfo_Class containerType, Statement startingNode)` * Resolution - Added some unittests just for testing my sanity when it coms to using `split(string, char)` * Resolver - Updated `resolveBest(Container c, string name)` to now include a check for a condition whereby we pass in a `Container` which is not an `Entity` as well (i.e. it has no name). The only case whereby this is the case (in our current code) is that of a `Program` which is purposefully **not** an `Entity` (as I wanted it to be nameless) but it _is_ a `Container`. Therefore we don't want to continue to hit the code below which does a cast to `Entity` in the form of `containerEntity`, as that would not work (and the associated assertion would fail). - What I wanted to accomplish with the two checks is to check if we are given a name which then directly matches that of a `Module` that is _in_ the provided `Program`, and in such a case return said `Module` - Else, we have a case whereby we have `moduleName.<iets>` whereby we then want to also similarly scan the `Program` for all its modules and then match to the `moduleName`, as shown in the above example, we then look this `Module` up **but** we don't return yet. No, what we do is now do a search for the incoming `name` but we _anchor it on_ the found `Module` to then search therein * Resolver - Fixed the path array usage in `resolveBest(Container c, string name)` * Resolver - Added another unittest for my sanity * Resolver - Added an assertion that the result from `split(..., ...)` may not be an empty array - This is an update to the `resolveBest(Container c, string name)` method * Resolver - Don't shadow global `Program` variable - Updated `resolveBest(Container c, string name)` * Program - Renamed `debugDump()` to `debugDumpOrds()` - Added `debugDump()` which dumps `modulesImported` * Compiler - Added a `setProgram(Program program)` method - For now when we finish the call to `parse()` in the `Parser` in `doParse()` we will also add ourselves to the list of modules. Simply done because as of right now we only add ourselves if we are visited via an import which implies that you would need a cyclic import ot be visited - which isn't a constraint we obviously would like to impose upon code writers using TLang. For now we manually add it at the end. - At the end of `doParse()` call `debugDumpOrds()` on the `Program` - Added a `getTypeChecker()` method Compiler (unittests) - Prints out more information during the exception catch * TypeChecker - Calling `getModule()` will now return the first `Module` in the `Program`'s list of modules - Marked `getModule()` for removal - The constructor now constructs a `Resolver` instance by also passing in the `TypeChecker` itself - We have updated `dependencyCheck()` to call `checkDefinitionTypes()` on each `Module` of the current `Program` - We have updated `dependencyCheck()` to call `checkClassInherit()` on each `Module` of the current `Program` - When handling a `VariableExpression` we look up the `Variable` it referes to, then we must generate a name for it rooted by its module, we now do this by anchoring at the `this.program` rather than the `modulle` (what the deprecated `getModule()` would return), this would use the updated `Resolver` code to generate the name we expect as with the implementation that came before - When handling a `FunctionCall` we lookup the `Function` it refers to, then we must ask the resolver to resolve the `Function` by its name using `resolveBest(Container, string)` and this should be best-effort starting at the `Module` of which the `FunctionCall` is present in. If it happens to be that the `Module` of the `Function` referred to is outside the provided starting anchor then it will be handled for us, that is undert the assumption it is `otherModule.myFunc()` being called and present in `otherModule`, compared to the first case of having `myFunc` being declared in `myModule` of which so is the `myFunc()` `FunctionCall` statement - When generating the name of a variable being assigned to for `StaticVariableDeclaration`, we now anchor at `this.program` instead of `modulle` (the deprecated value returned by `getModule()`) - Updated `beginCheck()` to now call the `MetaProcessor` with the instance of `this.program` rather than `modulle` (deprecated - as stated before) - Updated `beginCheck()` such that it now calls `processPseudoEntities()` on each `Module` that is contained within the current `Program` - Updated `beginCheck()` such that it now calls `checkContainerCollision()` on each `Module` that is contained within the current `Program` - Updated `checkContainerCollision(Container c)` to do the following: * On each `Entity` we loop over we ensure that it never has a name which matches that of any `Module` that is stored within our `Program` (exclusivity principle of module names) * Updated calls to `generateName(Container, Entity)` to use `this.program` as the anchor container (insead of the deprecated `modulle`) TypeChecker (unittests) - Fixed a unittest to not spawn a `TypeChecker` using a `Module` but rather a dummy `Compiler` instance - Fixed a unittest to not spawn a `TypeChecker` using a `Module` but rather a dummy `Compiler` instance - Fixed a unittest to not spawn a `TypeChecker` using a `Module` but rather a dummy `Compiler` instance AND to create a dummy `Program` of which we then add a dummy `Module` to - Fixed remaining unittests to now use a `Compiler` instance * Test cases - Added `alone.t` * Parser - Updates for `parentToContainer(Container, Statement[])`: * We now have a default argument called `allowRecursivePainting` which is set to `true` by default * What this does is handle special cases of `Statement`s which are not placed within a `Container` and therefore can not be reached in a generic way (i.e. `getStatements()` with `Container` types) * These special cases are: 1. `Variable` * Declarations may have a `VariableAssignment` attached to them which has an `Expression` 2. `BinaryOperatorExpression` * Left and right-hand side operands have `Expression`'s attached to them 3. `VariableAssignmentStdAlone` * The assignment `Expression` 4. `ReturnStmt` * It may have an `Expression` in it 5. `FunctionCall` * We need to process each of its actual arguments, which comes in the form of a `Expression[]` 6. `DiscardStatement` * This is like a `ReturnStmt` but it always has an `Expression`, therefore we must process it 7. `IfStatement` * Contains an array of `Branch` (i.e. a `Branch[]`) 8. `WhileLoop` * Contains a singular `Branch` 9. `ForLoop` * Contains a singular `Branch` 10. `Branch` * Contains a condition in the form of an `Expression` and a set of body statements in the form of a `Statement[]` array * What we then do for 1-6 (so-called normal cases): * These we will recurse upon and parent them to the same `Container` that came in in the original call which was what got us to enter into the cases of 1 to 6. * What we then do for 7 onwrads (so-called "maintain" cases): * Notice that each type mentioned in these are all a kind-of `Container` * We therefore call `parentToContainer(Container, Statement)` not with the incoming `Container` that came into the call that macthed to one of these cases but rather to that of this case's container itself * We do this because we want the scoping to be consistent and that is done by keeping the ancestry tree as it is expected when multiple calls are done for parenting, for example, the body `Statement[]` items to their respective `Branch` and then those `Branch[]` to their `IfStatement`. * "I said there would be special cases ;)" Parser (unittests) - Fixed unittests such that they run by using the `Compiler` object now * TypeChecker - Renamed `getModule()` to `deprecated_getModule()` so that we generate compilation errors now * TypeChecker - Implemented `getProgram()` * Builtins - Updated the `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` method to take in a `Container` as the second argument * TypeChecker - `getType(Container c, string typeString)` always checks for built in types first and then if one of such is found it then immediately returns, else does a search. We have now updated that inner call to `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, string)` to use the new API which is `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, Container, string)` - When processing a `ReturnStmt` and we need to check the return type of the `Function` it is contained within and the type of its returned `Expression`, we need not call `getBuiltInType(TypeChecker, Containert, string)`, let's just call `getType(Container, string)` as it does that call for us in any case - With the above I also anchor it to search for the type based on the `funcContainer` `Container` as that is at the same level as the `ReturnStmt` itself * Parser - Fixed missing ending curly brace * Scratch - Playing with a way to build library objects without immediately linking - I am then also seeing how to link it to an application which `_start_` can find its `main` symbol * Makefile - Added `-c` to ONLY compile but do NOT attempt to link and make an executable. If we try this it looks for a `main` symbol to satisfy the `_start` for linux-ld - Updated the build instructions for being able to statically link against the library * Makefile - Added seperate stage to _create_ the `main.o` and then only later link with the intent of making an executable. - This is BETTER because it means we could treat everything in the same way (nevermind a `main` or library) * DGen - Added some future code for `emit()` which will enumerate all `Module`(s) available in the current `Program` and then do an emit step per-each of them and have those go to the correct `File`(s) - Added a comment for `finalize()` of which indicates where we should link all generated object files for all the modules. After this we should then link this against each other and generate an executable. * tlang.compiler.codegen.mapper.api - Added new module SymbolMapperV2 - Added new interface ScopeType - Added new enum type * SymbolMapperV2 - Added missing import for `Entity` type * Implementations - Added some stub types `LebanonMapper` and `HashMapper` * LebanonMapper - Implemented `map(Entity item, ScopeType type)` * LebanonMapper - Now respects the `type` field for `copeType.GLOBAL` - `ScopeType.LOCAL` is still to be implemented * LebanonMapper - Fixed wrong variable name in `map(Entity item, ScopeType type)` HashMapper - Implemented `map(Entity item, ScopeType type)` for `ScopeType.GLOBAL` - `ScopeType.LOCAL` is yet to be implemented * LebanonMapper - If called with `ScopeType.LOCAL` then the name will be generated in an absolute sense, however the module name will be stripped from the path - For example `simple_module.a.b` would become `a.b` and then be mapped to `a_b` * LebanonMapper - Join with periods and let step afterwards do the replacement * HashMapper - Added support for `ScopeType.LOCAL` in a similar fashion to how it is done in `LebanonMapper` * MetaProcessor - When getting the type root everything on the `Program` rather than `tc.getModule()`. We therefore now use the `tc.getProgram()` in its place. This updates the `sizeOf_Literalize(string typeName)` method. DGen - `emit()` has been updated to enumerate all `Module[]` of the given `Program` and then calls the respecitve `emit(...)` methods with a (`File`, `Module`) which contains the file which emitting should be written to and also the `Module` being emitted. - At the end of `emit()` we then try to find the `Module` which contains a function named `main` and then set that as the entrypoint. If such a `main` function cannot be found we then go and do a check whether or not the `dgen:emit_entrypoint_test` configuration option is `true`, if so we then try emit a testing entrypoint and assume that the tst uses only one `Module` (this is something to be cleaned up later; as in all tests should have a `main` method). - Implemented `findEntrypoint(ref Module mainModule, ref Function mainFunc)` which does as the name implies and finds the containing `Module` which has a `Function` named `"main"` and if so sets both ref arguments and returns `true`, otherwise they are left unset and `false` is returned - `emitHeaderComment(...)`, `emitStaticAllocations(...)`, `emitFunctionPrototypes(...)`, `emitFunctionDefinitions(...)`, `emitFunctionPrototype(...)`, `emitFunctionDefinition(...)`, `emitCodeQueue(...)`, `emitStdint(...)`, `emitEntrypoint(...)`, `emitTestingEntrypoint(...)` now takes in `File modOut` and `Module mod` - Note the above have not YET been updated to select correct code queues, static init. queues and `emitEntrypoint(...)` has not yet been implemented - Updated `emitTestingEntrypoint(...)` to check using the incoming `Module`'s name - `finalize()` will now compile all sources files, then it will link all generated object files together; optionally cleaning up all but the final genersted excutable at the end CollidingNameException - Fixed up name generation (we now anchor on the `Program`) - Fixed up how we detect if a module's name is in use. We now will check and ensure it doesn't match ANY of the modules contained within the `Program` DNode - Implemented `forceName(string)` to set the `name` field forcefully - The `generate()` method now calls `generalPass(Module, Context)` on each of the `Program`'s `Module`s. We then get an array of `DNode[]` from them. After this we then create a root `DNode` to represent the program and then we make it `needs(DNode)` each `Module` `DNode` created previously. DNodeGenerator - When processing `VariableExpression` in `expressionPass(Expression exp, Context context)`, if we get a `Function` being referred to in the expression, then we now set the `Context`'s `Container` still to the `Module` containing the function's definition, _however_ we use a method from the resolver to ensure it is the correct module (because we are now using a multi-module setup). - We have always set the **root** `Module` when entering `generalPass(Container c, Context context)` and processing a `Function` but, as with the last change mentioned above, we need to find that containing `Module` correctly. Therefore we use a method from the `Resolver` to do that. * TypeChecker (unittests) - Fixed up calls to `getBuiltInType(...)` which now require some `Container` to pivot on. We now pass in the `Program` - Fixed up unittests which used `getModule()`, for such uni-modular tests we just use `program.getModules()[0]` now * FuncDefStore - Use `tc.getProgram()` in place of `tc.getModule()` when doing a name generation via the `Resolver` * DGen - Use `else` rather than hard coding all test cases. This will only be used if no main module is found AND testing is enabled - so it should be a safe bet * DNodeGenerator - Fixed `DNode` construction in `generate()` method PoolManager (unitttests) - Fixed unittests * TypeChecker - Removed `deprecated_getModule()` - Removed old `modulle` field - Cleaned up field definition section - Removed old usages of `modulle` and now rooting at the now-new topmost `Container`; the `Program` * LebanonMapper - Added unittest - Seems like it completely works as expected for both `ScopeType`'s * HashMapper - Added unittests - Looks like it works as expected as well * HashMapper - Actually fixed unittest - Added more debug-time debugging prints - Had to use `dup` (BUG)! * CodeEmitter - Removed already-completed TODO * TypeChecker - Use `Module`, as no cast is needed - Cleaned up * TypeChecker - Cleaned up some more * DNodeGenerator - Cleaned up the constructor - Made `resolver` private * DNodeGenerator - Removed `functionDefinitions` as it is no longer used anymore, we now make use of the `IFuncDefStore` * ProgramDepNode - Added new type * DNode - Implemented `getDepCount()` and `getDeps()` DNodeGenerator - Now uses `ProgramDepNode` * DNodeGenerator - When calling `generate()` set a nice name for the dependency nodes of the `Module`(s) * IFuncDefStore - All methods now require an owner `Module` * FuncDefStore - Now conforms to the new `IFuncDefStore` API * FunctionData - Added `Module`-based ownership model - Implemented methods `setOwner(Module mod)` and `getOwner()` - Implemented method `getName()` DNodeGenerator - When processing a function definition (a `Function`) we now will call `addFunctionDef` with the owner of this `Function`, this is done by making use of the `Module root` which is set in such a case (and others) when entering the `generalPass(Module, Context)` method * TypeChecker - We now get all of the top-level `DNode` (dependency nodes) and then from there onwards we `performLinearization()` -> `getLinearizedNoes()` -> `doTypeCheck(DNode[])`, at each stage collecting the global code queue, the function definitions (each of their code queues) and the static init queues. These are then collected ina `ModuleQueue` for the respective `Module` being processed - Added methods `getModQueueFor(Module owner)`, `scratchToModQueue(Module owner)`, `funcScratchToModQueue(Module owner, FunctionData fd)` and `initsScratchToModQueue(Module owner)` - Updated the following methods to make use of the `ModuleQueue`(s) available by selecting by an owner `Module`: `getGlobalCodeQueue(Module owner)`, `getFunctionBodyCodeQueues(Module owner)` and `getInitQueue(Module owner)` ModuleQueue - Added new type * CodeEmitter - Selecting a queue now requires an owner `Module` and it will also, when the `QueueType` is set to `FUNCTION_DEF_QUEUE`, copy over the correct `Instruction[][string]` and then, furthermore, select the correct `Instruction[]` out of it and set that as the current code queue - Updated `getFunctionDefinitionsCount(Module owner)` and `getFunctionDefinitionNames(Module owner)` to select the correct `Instruction[][string]` when called * DGen - When we find an entrypoint use `a` mode when opening the file for it, `w` mode would wipe the previously written C source code - Also added a note regarding this branch (if-else) above - Updated error message when no entry point (and not a test file) is found - Fixed `emitStaticAllocations(File modOut, Module mod)` to select the static init queue using the provided `Module` - Fixed `emitFunctionPrototypes(File modOut, Module mod)` and `emitFunctionDefinitions(File modOut, Module mod)` to use the inheritted `CodeEmitter` methods correctly by passing in a `Module`, similar changes affecting the `TypeChecker` are now conformed to in s similar manner - Fixed `emitFunctionPrototype(File modOut, Module mod, string functionName)` and `emitFunctionDefinition(File modOut, Module mod, string functionName)` to select the function definition queue of the given `functionName` by the given `Module` - Fixed `emitCodeQueue(File modOut, Module mod)` to select the globals queue by `Module` - Added some comments about future features to `emitEntrypoint(File modOut, Module mod)` * ⚡ Feature: Pluggable predicate-based resolution method (#36) * Dub - Upgraded `niknaks` to version `0.9.7` * Resolver - Documented the class and some new and existing - Implemented a version of `resolveWithin(...)` which now takes in a `Predicate!(Entity)` instead of a name and then uses that as the final matching step when iterating over the given `Container`'s `Statement[]` (the container's immediate body) - Implemented `derive_nameMatch(string name)` which returns a `Predicate!(Entity)` closure which matches based on names - Updated `resolveWithin(Container, string)` to make use of these above two changes - A similar change including the above rework and predicate derivation has been done for `resolveUp(...)`, of which there is now a version available as `resolveUp(Container, Predicate!(Entity))` - Stub version of `resolveBest(Container c, Predicate!(Entity) d)` added but not implemented yet - Added some unsued types and methods, `SearchCtx` and `findFrom!(...)(...)` respectively - Added `derive_functionAccMod(AccessorType)` (this is to be moved into `DGen` as that is where it is needed) * Resolver - Removed `derive_functionAccMod(AccessorType)` DGen - Added `derive_functionAccMod(AccessorType)` * Resolver - Removed the old code that was commented out in `resolveWithin(Container currentContainer, string name)` * Resolver - Cleaned up commented out code for `resolveUp(Container currentContainer, string name) and also documented it * Resolver - Removed unused things * DGen - Initial code for `emitExterns(File, Module)` * ⚡ Feature: Collector-based resolution methods (#37) * Resolver - Added collector-based searching for `resolveWithin(..., ..., ...)` * DGen - Corrected `DGen` call to use new `Resolver` method * Dub - Upgraded `niknaks` to versoin `0.9.8` * Resolver - Fixed a bug in `resolveUp(Container currentContainer, Predicate!(Entity) predicate)` which would cause a segmentation fault when we had climbed to the top of the AST hierachy but we tried to find the `parentOf()` a `Program`. This would fail because only kind-of `Statement`(s) have the `parentOf()` method. We normally do a `cast(Entity)container` to therefore get such access to that method (as all `Entity`(s) are a kind-of `Statement`). However a `Program` is notably NOT an `Entity` and hence this would fail. Ths fix therefore was to add a check that if `entity` was `null` meaning that the `resolveWithin(Container, `Predicate!(Entity))` failed that we must not try to climb further. We do this by checking that with an intermediary else-if branch that, if the within-search failed AND we have a `cast(Program)container` which is non-`null` then we stop the search with zero-results by returning `null` Program - When one calls `setModule(ModuleEntry, Module)` then the incoming `Module` should be parented to the `Program` itself * Test cases - Updated `a.t` to have its own `main` method and try refer to something outside of its own module (something in `b.t`) - Updated `b.t` to have a method named `doThing()` * HashMapper - Updated the mapping technique to prepend the characters `t_` or else the `DGen` gets very angry bevause the symbol names sometimes start with numbers of a sequencce of characters that meanns something else (an illegal symbol name). HashMapper (unittest) - Updated unittest to correspond with the fix) * CodeEmitter - Now makes use of `SymbolMapperV2` for the mapper Compiler - Now uses the new `HashMapper` and `LebanonMapper`. - Along with this it also now uses the `SymbolmapperV2` API * DGen - Now takes in a `SymbolMapperV2` - We now have made use of the new symbol mapping facilities and (for now) we are mapping everything with a `GLOBAL` `ScopeType`. n this case have added comments above each mapping request to reconsider which scope type should be used on a case-by-case basis. - We now first call `emitStdint(..., ...)` prior to `emitExterns(..., ...)` because the latter uses types defined in the former (think of well, the `uint32_t` types for example) - Defined a new type `ModuleExternSet` which holds a `Module` and its respetcive publically accessible `Function`(s) and `Variable`(s) - Implemented `generateExternsForModule(Module mod)` which generates a `ModuleExternSet` for the given `Module` - Updated `emitExterns(File modOut, Module mod)` to now determine all `Module[]` except the incoming `mod` itself and then generate `ModuleExternSet`()s for each. These are then looped through and extern statements are generated for each `ModuleExternSet's `pubFns()` and (soon) we will also add support for the `pubVars()` of each * TypeChecker - When pro0cessing a `DNode` which contains a `Statement` of which is a `FunctionCall` we now will generate the corresponding `FuncCallInstr` using the name that is refered to in the `FunctionCall` (i.e. using `getname()` on the `FunctionCall`) INSTEAD of using the `getName()` method from the `Function` looked up CVIA the `FunctionCall`'s `getName()` method. This ensures that the full path expression is passed into the `FuncCallInstr`. Remember it is looked up later in the emitter but having this name fixed a lto of problems. i.e. having a `b.doThing()` call in module `a` now works. Previously it would look up just `doThng()` as that is all that was all whic was saved within the `FuncCallInstr`. - Rule of thumb when deating any sort of `Instruction` whic refers to some entity using a name, save-what-you-see. Don't eaergly lookup stuff and re-generate names because the name y7ou see is normally syntactically correct from the user. * Resolver - Fixed up documentation - `generateNameBest(Entity)` now has a WAY cleaner implementation that uses the `findContainerOfType(..., ...)` method - Documented `isDescendant(Container, Entity)` and fixed it up for `Program` related things - Updasted documentation and error messages which print when using `resolveBwest(Container, string)` with `Program` as the container and referring to a non-module-only name. Resolver (unittests) - Added one huge unittest to test EVERYTHING * Compiler - No longer store a global `Module` - Removed `getModule()` * Commands - Removed all references to `getModule()` to the `Compiler` object * Parser - When calling `parse(string, bool)`, store a `ModuleEntry` corresponding to the just-created `Module` such that it is pre-visited * Compiler - Call `parse(string, bool)` with a flag to indicate this is an entrypoint call and the `Module` immediately parsed should be stored as visited (as we have access to its name now (after parsing the `module <x>;` header)) and the `Module` object itself (as per the instantiation of it PRIOR to any further `LexerInterface` calls but just late enough after the module header parsing in order to obtain its name * Test cases (multi-module) - Updated `a.t` and `b.t` * test cases - Updated `niks/c.t` * Small documentation - Added description of modules and programs along with example code, directory structure and then also usage * Test cases - made the multi-module test case more complicated to ensure it all works - Also fixed the module name at module `niks/c.t` to be `c` and NOT `niks.c` which is incorrect * Small docs - Updated the docs to reflect current code * DGen - Show elapsed time per compiled unit * DGen - Show only milliseconds * DGen - Calculate and print out total compilation time at the end of compilation * ModuleEntry - Fully documented * ModuleEntry - Typo fix in documentation * Small docs - Working on implementation details now * Small docs - Added `ModuleEntry` documentation - Working on `ModuleManager` docs now * Smaol docs - Updated docs * Smol docs - Typo fixes * Small docs - Updated * ModuleManager - Made many methods `private` which should have been from the start - Optimized out calculations that were being done over and over again when they needed to only be calculated once - Added some missing documentation * ModMan - Cleaned up * ModuleManager - Documented more methods * ModuleManager - Documented last item * ModMan - Removed unused unittest * Small docs - Removed unrelated section * Small docs - Updated * Container - Corrected typo * Smol docs - Working on the resolution docs * Smol docs - Updated docs * Smol docs - Finished section on program * Program - Cleaned up - New method names Parser - Updated to use the new `Program` API Compiler - Cleaned up * Container - Added documentation * Program - made `addModule(Module)` public again * Small docs - Added some more on resolver * Small doc - Added more documentation on the `Resolver` API * Small doc - Added more documentation on the `Resolver` * Small docs - updated * Small docs - TYpo fix * Resolver - Fixed the typos in some documentation - `generateNameBest(Entity entity)` now relies on `generateName(Container, Entity)`'s special handling of `Program`'s in order to achieve its goal. - Cleaned up `generateName(Container, Entity)` - `generateName_Internal(...)` is now `generateName0(...)` * Small docsd - Updated * Small doc - Added more information * Small docs - Added examples * Samll docs - netaened up * Small docs - Fixed run onlines * Smal docs - Updated * Small docs - Updated * Small docs - Finioshed resolver docs * Small docs - Added code excerpt * Small docs - Added code insertion * Parser - Cleaned up imports - Removed unused global `curModule` - Cleaned up in general * Resolution - Neatened up - Removed check for `statement !is null` from `resolveWithin(..., ...)` because that should honestly never be the case. In the case it ever is stuff would still work, but it won't - Formatted code - Added docs * Parser - Refactored importing code into `doImport(string)` * Parsing (unittests) - Added a test which tests out the multi-module support by testing `a.t`/`b.t` and `niks/c.t` in a unittest itself * Pipelines - Added test for `a.t` (multi-module) test * Pipelines - Added test for `a.t` (multi-module) test * Pipelines - FIXED it (removed set e in wrong place) - Added test for `a.t` (multi-module) test * Pipelines - No, actual fix is `-e` as we want to exit on first bad command (non-zero exit code) * Pipelines - Smh, fixed * Pipelines - But don't fail after running it lmao * Pipelines - try this? * Pipelines - test to make sure * Revert "Pipelines" This reverts commit 73efdf9d4c09751015e4efb399ebdaa6c3d8e332. * Parser - Updated `doImport(string)` * Parser - Make `doImport(string)` now use `doImports(string[])` - `parseImport()` now supports multi-line imports * test cases - Updated `a.t` to use a multi-line import * Parser - Added doc * Configuration - Added default config option of `modman:strict_headers` and set it to `false` * ModuleManager - Removed `slashToDot(string strIn)` - Removed `skimModuleDeclaredName(string modulePath, ref string skimmedName)` * Parser (unittests) - Comments unittests disabled for now * Small docs - Added new one to work on soon * Parser - `moduleFilePath` is no longer an optional argument * ModuleManager - Fixed bug in `findAllTFilesShallow(string directory)` whereby we would never check `directory` to be a valid path nor even a path (if valid) to a directory - which is required in order to run `dirEntries(...)` on it * Configuration - Cleaned up the configuration code which initially creates the `ConfigEntry` for `modman:path` * Small docs - Yebop * Compiler - Added documentation to `getModMan()` * Commands - Added `ParseBase` mixin template, this contains the support for `--paths` command-line option - `compileCommand` now mixes in `ParseBase` and `TypeCheckerBase` and initializes the `ParseBaseInit()` as well - `parseCommand` now mixes in `ParseBase` and initializes the `ParseBaseInit()` as well - `typecheckCommand` now mixes in `ParseBase` and `TypeCheckerBase` and initializes the `ParseBaseInit()` as well * ModuleManager - Fixed bug in `validate(string searchPath)` which would not check if a path existed * Parser - Removed now-completed TODO * Parser - Removed unused method `doImport(string moduleName)` * Dgen - Added `generateSignature_Variable(Variable var)` which generates JUST a variable signature (with symbol mapping) - `emitExterns(File modOut, Module mod)` now also generates extern statements for global variables * Test cases - Updated to show use of extern variables * DGen - Removed old commented-out code from `emitExterns(File modOut, Module mod)` * TypeChecker (unittests) - Fixed missing `sourceFile` argument to various `Compiler` constructors - Fixed the module obtaining in one of the tests * DGen - Documented * LebaneseMadpper - Removed old mapper * HashMapper - Removed old mapper * SymbolMapper - Removed old definition * SymbolMappingTechnique - Documented * SymbolMapperV2 - Renamed * SymbolMapper - Moved from `api.d` to `core.d` * SymbolMapper - Documented - Cleaned up * DGen - When generating symbols for `Variable`, if it IS `isExternal()` then do not symbol map, else symbol map * DGen - When generating `extern ...` statements for a given `Module` only tack on the `extern` to the emit if it is NOT `isExternal()` (if it is not a TLang externed variable/function). This is because those would already have them via the call to the signature generation function. This updates the `emitxterns(Module, File)` method. - When generating signatures for `Variable`(s) ensure that ones which have `isExternal()` return `true` have `extern ...` added to the front og the generated signature. This updates the `generateSignature_Variable(Variable var)` method. * DGen - Removed now-completed TODO * Notes - Removed random ass note * Symbols - Documented HashMapper - Removed `.dup` which is no longer needed * HashMapper - Cleaned up * Mappers - Documented
2024-04-08 11:43:22 +01:00
# Compile C to object file as library to link in
gcc source/tlang/testing/file_io.c -c -o file_io.o
# Compile T to C, then compile C and link with other object file into a final object file
./tlang compile source/tlang/testing/simple_extern.t -sm HASHMAPPER -et true -pg true -ll file_io.o
# Run the tlang file
# Run (with strace) to see it
strace -e trace=write ./tlang.out