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Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire 2023-01-13 16:56:38 +02:00
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commit 65b89614b3
34 changed files with 1627 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Tristan Programming Language
subtitle: _From start to finish_
author: Tristan B. V. Kildaire
documentclass: scrbook
- oneside

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Dedication
_Dedicated to Gisele, Clint and Vaughan for whomst have always cared the most for me even when faced with adversity_

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%% LyX created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
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\title{Tristan Programming Language}
\subtitle{\emph{From start to finish}}
\author{Tristan B. V. Kildaire}
\dedication{Dedicated to Gisele, Clint and Vaughan for whomst have always cared
the most for me even when faced with adversity}
Haha, this page is left intentionally blank because I want to waste
\part{Users guide}

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Implementation
TODO: Addinformation about internals section

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
## Lexical analysis
Lexical analysis is the process of taking a program as an input string $A$ and splitting it into a list of $n$ sub-strings $A_{1},\,A_{2}\ldots A_{n}$ called tokens. The length $n$ of this list of dependent on several rules that determine how, when and where new tokens are built - this set of rules is called a _grammar_.
### Grammar
TODO: Add link to other seciton or remove this
### Overview of implementation
The source code for the lexical analysis part of the compiler is located in `source/tlang/lexer.d` which contains two important class definitions:
* `Token` - This represents a token
* Complete with the token string itself, `token`. Retrivebale with a call to `getToken()`
* The coordinates in the source code where the token begins as `line` and `column`
* Overrides equality (`opEquals`) such that doing,
new Token("int") == new Token("int")
* ...would evaluate to `true`, rather than false by reference equality (the default in D)
* `Lexer` - The token builder
* `sourceCode`, the whole input program (as a string) to be tokenized
* `position`, holds the index to the current character in the string array `sourceCode`
* `currentChar`, the current character at index-`position`
* Contains a list of the currently built tokens, `Token[] tokens`
* Current line and column numbers as `line` and `column` respectively
* A “build up” - this is the token (in string form) currently being built - `currentToken`
### Implementation
The implementation of the lexer, the `Lexer` class, is explained in detail in this section. (TODO: constructor) The lexical analysis is done one-shot via the `performLex()` method which will attempt to tokenize the input program, on failure returning `false`, `true` otherwise. In the successful case the `tokens` array will be filled with the created tokens and can then later be retrieved via a call to `getTokens()`.
Example usage:
#### performLex()
TODO: This is going to change sometime soonish, so I want the final version of how it works here. I may as well, however, give a brief explanation as I doubt _much_ will change - only specific parsing cases.
This method contains a looping structure which will read character-by-character from the `sourceCode` string and follow the rules of the grammar (TODO: add link), looping whilst there are still characters available for consumption (`position < sourceCode.length`).
We loop through each character and dependent on its value we start building new tokens, certain characters will cause a token to finish being built which will sometimes be caused by `isSpliter(character)` being `true`. A typical token building process looks something like the following, containing the final character to be tacked onto the current token build up, the creation of a new token object and the addition of it to the `tokens` list, finishing with flushing the build up string and incrementing the coordinates:
A typical token building procedure looks something like this:
/* Generate and add the token */
currentToken ~= "'";
currentTokens ~= new Token(currentToken, line, column);
/* Flush the token */
currentToken = "";
column += 2
position += 2;

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@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
title: Virtual Table implementation
date: 2021-04-20
tags: [documentation, internals, vtable]
# Virtual Table implementation
This article aims to describe a possible virtual table implementation that we could use to for method dispatch that not only supports overriding but **also** interfaces.

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# Introduction

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## Why in the lords name are you doing this?
Despite my eagerness to jump directly into the subject matter at hand I think believe there is something of even greater importance. Despite there being a myriad of reasons I embarked upon this project something more important than the stock-and-standard “I needed it to solve a problem of mine” reasoning comes to mind. There is indeed a better reason for embarking on something that the mere technical _requirement thereof_ - I did this **because I can**. This sentiment is something that I really hold dear to my heart despite it being a seemingly obvious one. Of course you can do what you want with your code - it's a free country. One would not be wrong to make such a statement but mention your ideas online and you get hounded down by others saying “that's dumb, just use X” or “your implementation will be inefficient”. These statements are not entirely untrue but they miss the point that this is an exercise in scientific thinking and an artistic approach at it in that as well.
I would not want to see the naysayers put anyone down from doing something they have always dreamed of, that is why I have done this. I am aware of the risks and the downfalls of having grandeause expectations but luckily I do not require the external feedback of the mass - just some close few friends who can appreciate my work and join the endeavor with me.
_Don't let people stop you, you only have one life - take it by the horns and fly_

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
## Aims
A programming language normally has an aim, a _purpose of existence_, to put it in a snobbish way that a white male like me would. It can range from solving a problem in a highly specific domain (such are Domain Specific Language (TODO: add citation)) to trying to solving various problems spread across several different domains, a _general purpose_ programming language. This is where I would like to place Tristan - a language that can support multiple paradigms of programming - whether this be object-oriented programming with the usage of _classes_ and _objects_ or functional programming with techniques such as map and filter.
Tristan aims to be able to support all of these but with certain limits, this is after all mainly an imperative language with those paradigms as _“extra features”_. Avoiding feature creep in other systems-levels languages such as C++ is something I really want to stress about the design of this language, I do not want a big and confusing mess that has an extremely steep learning curve and way too many moving parts.
### Paradigms
Tristan is a procedural programming language that supports object-oriented programming and templates.
#### Object-oriented programming
Object orientation allows the programmer to create user-defined types which encapsulate both data fields and methods which act upon said data. Tristan supports:
1. Class-based object orientation
* Classes as the base of user-defined types and objects are instances of these types
* Single inheritance hierachy
* Runtime polymorhpism
2. Interfaces
* Multiple inheritance
* Runtime polomprhism (thinking\hyperref{})
It is with this lean approach to object orientation that we keep things simple enough (only single inheritance) but with enough power to model the real world in code (by supporting interfaces).
### Templating
Templating, otherwise known as _generics_, is a mechanism by which a given body of code which contains a type specifier such as variable declarations or function definitions can have their said type specifiers parameterized. The usage of this can be illustrated in the code below, where we want to define a method `sum(a, b)` which returns the summation of the two inputs. We define version that works for integral types (`int`) and a version that works for decimal types (`float`):
// Integral summation function
int sum(int a, int b)
return a+b;
// Decimal summation function
float sum(float a, float b)
return a+b;
Being a small example we can reason about the easiness of simply defining two versions of the `sum(a, b)` method for the two types, but after some time this can either get overly repetitive if we have to do this for more methods of a similar structure or when more types are involved. This is where templating comes in, we can write a more general version of the same function and let the compiler generate the differently typed versions dependent on what _type parameter_ we pass in.
A templatised version of the above `sum(a, b)` function is shown below:
// Templatised function
template T
T sum(T a, T b)
return a+b;
// Integral version
// Decimal version
The way this works is that whenever you call the function `sum(a, b)` you will have to provide it with the specific type you want generated for that function.
### Systems-level access
Tristan does not shy away from features which give you access to system-level concepts such as memory addresses (via pointers), assembly (via the inline assembler) and so on. Such features are inherently unsafe but it is this sort of control that I wish to give the user, the balance between what the compiler should do and what the user should make sure they are doing is tipped quite heavily in favor of the latter in my viewpoint and hence we support such features as:
* Weak typing
* By default this is not the behavior when using `cast()`
* Casting to an incompatible type is allowed - even when a run-time type-check is invalid you can still force a cast with `castunsafe()`
* The user should be able to do what _he_ wants if requested
* Pointers
* The mere _support_ of pointers allowing one to take a memory-level view of objects in memory rather than the normal “safe access” means
* Inline assembly
* Inserting of arbitrary assembler is allowed, providing the programmer with access to systems level registers, interrupts/syscall instructions and so on
* Custom byte-packing
* Allowing the user to deviate from the normal struct packing structure in favor of a tweaked packing technique
* Custom packing on a system that doesn't agree with the alignment of your data **is** allowed but the default is to pack accordingly to the respective platform
### Specified behaviour
TODO: Insert ramblings here about underspecified behaviour and how they plague C and how we easily fix this in tlang

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# Language
This page serves as an official manual for both user's of TLang and those who want to understand/develop the internals of the compiler and runtime (the language itself).

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## Grammar
* TODO: Need help with this @Wilhelm, some things to look at (must reference!)
* https://karmin.ch/ebnf/examples

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
## Literals
#### Document todo
@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ Literals
- [ ] fixes needed:
- [x] sole `-1` does not work but `0-1` does, need to check the binary operator and unary operator things
## Integer literals
### Integer literals
Integer literals are encoded according to the following table:

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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
# Primitive data types
## Types
## Primitive data types
Primitive data type are the building blocks of which other more complex types are derived from. Each primitive type has the following 3 attributes:
@ -6,7 +8,7 @@ Primitive data type are the building blocks of which other more complex types ar
2. **Width:** How many bits it takes up
3. **Intended interpretation:** How it should be interpreted
## Integral types
### Integral types
| Type | Width | Intended interpretation |
@ -20,18 +22,18 @@ Primitive data type are the building blocks of which other more complex types ar
| ulong | 64 | unsigned long |
### Conversion rules
#### Conversion rules
1. TODO: Sign/zero extension
2. Promotion?
3. Precedence in interpretation when the first two don't apply
## Decimal
### Decimal
TODO: Add this
* float32, float64 etc
### Conversion rules
#### Conversion rules
TODO: Add this

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
## Variables
Variables are the basic building blocks of a program. They are effcetively a storage container for data of a certain [type](types.md). More complex types are built out of a combination of such variables.
## Declaring variables
### Declaring variables
Declaring variables is very simple and follows the following format:
@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ You can also assign to a variable whilst declaring it:
<type> <identifier> = <expression of <type>>;
## Usage
### Usage
You can update the stored value in a variable as so:

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@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
## Conditionals
The following conditionals are supported in T:
1. `if` statements
## If statements
### If statements
If statements are like those you have seen in any other language, they are composed of atleast one `if` branch:

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@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
## Loops
Loops are structures which allow one to run code a repeated number of times based on a condition. The currently supported looping structures in TLang are:
1. `while` loops
## `while` loops
### `while` loops
One can declare a while loop using the `while` keyword followed by a condition (an expression) as follows:
@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ while(i)
## `for` loops
### `for` loops
One can declare a for loop using the `for` keyword. A for loop consists of 4 parts:

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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
## Functions
A function has three things:
@ -7,7 +6,7 @@ A function has three things:
2. Optional _input parameters_
3. An optional _return type_ and respective _return value_
## Void functions
### Void functions
A function of type `void` does not return anything. An example would be:
@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ void sayHello()
## Typed functions
### Typed functions
A typed function has a _return type_ and can return a value of said type, here we have such an example of a function defined to return a value of type `int`:
@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ int myFunction()
## Parameters
### Parameters
Functions can take in parameters of the form _`<type> arg1, <type> arg2, ...`_, below is an example of such a function which takes to integral parameters and returns the sum:

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@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
## Pointers
Pointers allow one to get the address of a named entity, store it, and use
it in a manner to either update the value at said address or fetch
the value from said address in an indirect manner.
## Pointer types
### Pointer types
A pointer type is written in the form of `<type>*` where this is read as "a pointer-to <type>". The `<type>` is anything before the last asterisk. Therefore `<type>**` is a "a pointer-to < a pointer-to <type>>".
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ One also gets untyped pointers, these are written as `void*`.
All pointers are 64-bit values - the size of addresses on one's system.
## Usage
### Usage
Here we shall show you the use cases of pointers in the below example:
@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ What we have ==here== is the declaration of a variable called `valuePtr` of type
Resulting in us having another "variable" (our `valuePtr`) or address which, if we visit it we get another value which is _intended_ to be interpreted as another address as well - it is **this** address that if we visit we fetch the value of 69.
## Example code
### Example code
Below is example usage of a pointer:

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
## Structs
## Introduction
### Introduction
What are structs? In T a Struct is a user-defined type which associates several fields toghether however, unlike C, structs in T can have a set of functions associated with them as well.
@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ struct <name>
Note: Assignments to these variables within the struct's body is not allowed.
### Example
#### Example
Perhaps we want a simple struct that associates a name, age and gender together to represent a _Person_, then we can declare such a struct as follows:
@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ struct Person
## Member functions
### Member functions
One can also define a struct to have certain functions associated with it that will operate on its data without having to refer to it directly in the source code. The syntac for a member function with return type `<returnType>`, name `<funcName>`, of a struct is (along with our previous struct) as follows:
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ struct <name>
### Example
#### Example
TODO: Add some text here describing it

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## OOP
T supports object-oriented programming out of the box, specifically support for classes (with single inheritance) and interfaces.
## Classes
### Classes
Single inheritance classes are supported in T and a basic class definition
for a class named `A` looks as follows:
@ -15,7 +14,7 @@ class A
### Constructors
#### Constructors
A constructor for our class `A` is defined with a function named after the
class, so in this case that would be `A` as shown below:
@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ class A
### Destructors
#### Destructors
Like a constructors, destructors follow the same syntax. However, destructors
have the tilde symbol, `~`, infront of them like so:
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ Destructors run when you use the `delete` keyword on an object reference.
### Inheritance
#### Inheritance
Classes in T support single inheritance using the `:` operator. Below we
have a base class **A** and a sub-class **B**. The syntax is as follows:
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ class B : A
## Interfaces
### Interfaces
TODO: Add seciton on interfaces
TODO: Also add support for this to TLang
@ -84,6 +83,6 @@ interface A
## Polymorhipsm
### Polymorhipsm
TODO: Add notes on type-casting here and RTTI

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
## Modules
A module is the top-level container for all T programs, it is the parent of all other syntactical components.
## Declaration
### Declaration
A module is defined using the `module` keyword followed by the name of the module:
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ module myModule;
// Code goes here
## Naming
### Naming
Because the module is the root of all other containers such as classes and structs, one can always use the module name to refer from the top-down. An example:

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
\chapter{Why in the lords name are you doing this?}
Despite my eagerness to jump directly into the subject matter at hand
I think believe there is something of even greater importance. Despite
there being a myriad of reasons I embarked upon this project something
more important than the stock-and-standard ``I needed it to solve
a problem of mine'' reasoning comes to mind. There is indeed a better
reason for embarking on something that the mere \emph{technical requirement}
thereof - I did this \textbf{because I can}. This sentiment is something
that I really hold dear to my heart despite it being a seemingly obvious
one. Of course you can do what you want with your code - it's a free
country. One would not be wrong to make such a statement but mention
your ideas online and you get hounded down by others saying ``that's
dumb, just use X'' or ``your implementation will be inefficient''.
These statements are not entirely untrue but they miss the point that
this is an exercise in scientific thinking and an artistic approach
at it in that as well.\\
I would not want to see the naysayers put anyone down from doing something
they have always dreamed of, that is why I have done this. I am aware
of the risks and the downfalls of having grandeause expectations but
luckily I do not require the external feedback of the mass - just
some close few friends who can appreciate my work and join the endeavor
with me.\\
\emph{Don't let people stop you, you only have one life - take it
by the horns and fly}

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@ -213,8 +213,296 @@ It is with this lean approach to object orientation that we keep things
the real world in code (by supporting interfaces).
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_layout Standard
Templating, otherwise known as
\emph on
\emph default
, is a mechanism by which a given body of code which contains a type specifier
such as variable declarations or function definitions can have their said
type specifiers parameterized.
The usage of this can be illustrated in the code below, where we want to
define a method
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
texttt{sum(a, b)}
which returns the summation of the two inputs.
We define version that works for integral types (
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
) and a version that works for decimal types (
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
// Integral summation function
\begin_layout Plain Layout
int sum(int a, int b)
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
return a+b;
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
// Decimal summation function
\begin_layout Plain Layout
float sum(float a, float b)
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
return a+b;
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
Being a small example we can reason about the easiness of simply defining
two versions of the
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
texttt{sum(a, b)}
method for the two types, but after some time this can either get overly
repetitive if we have to do this for more methods of a similar structure
\emph on
\emph default
when more types are involved.
This is where templating comes in, we can write a more general version
of the same function and let the compiler generate the differently typed
versions dependent on what
\emph on
type parameter
\emph default
we pass in.
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset Newline newline
A templatised version of the above
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
texttt{sum(a, b)}
function is shown below:
\begin_inset Newline newline
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
// Templatised function
\begin_layout Plain Layout
template T
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
T sum(T a, T b)
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
return a+b;
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
// Integral version
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
// Decimal version
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
The way this works is that whenever you call the function
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
texttt{sum(a, b)}
you will have to provide it with the specific type you want generated for
that function.
\begin_layout Section
Systems-level access
\begin_layout Standard
@ -235,12 +523,23 @@ Weak typing
\begin_layout Itemize
By default this is not the behavior when using
\begin_inset ERT
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Itemize
Casting to an incompatible type is allowed - even when a runtime-type check
Casting to an incompatible type is allowed - even when a run-time type-check
is invalid you can still force a cast with
\begin_inset ERT
status open
@ -306,14 +605,6 @@ Custom byte-packing
\begin_layout Itemize
\series bold
\series default
How will we go about this in the backend C compiler
\begin_layout Itemize
Allowing the user to deviate from the normal struct packing structure in
favor of a tweaked packing technique
@ -329,5 +620,14 @@ allowed but the default is to pack accordingly to the respective platform
\begin_layout Section
Speecified behaviour
\begin_layout Standard
TODO: Insert ramblings here about underspecified behaviour and how they
plague C and how we easily fix this in tlang

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@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
A programming language normally has an aim, a \emph{purpose of existence},
to put it in a snobbish way that a white male like me would. It can
range from solving a problem in a highly specific domain (such are
Domain Specific Language (TODO: add citation)) to trying to solving
various problems spread across several different domains, a \emph{general
purpose} programming language. This is where I would like to place
Tristan - a language that can support multiple paradigms of programming
- whether this be object-oriented programming with the usage of \emph{classes}
and \emph{objects} or functional programming with techniques such
as map and filter.\\
Tristan aims to be able to support all of these but with certain limits,
this is after all mainly an imperative language with those paradigms
as \emph{``extra features''}. Avoiding feature creep in other systems-levels
languages such as C++ is something I really want to stress about the
design of this language, I do not want a big and confusing mess that
has an extremely steep learning curve and way too many moving parts.\\
One should not require the knowledge of more than two different paradigms
in order to understand the usage of a standard library function as
an example. If a user is looking at the documentation of a given function
call then at most the amount of concepts required to understand it
should be two, for example a \emph{templatised} and \emph{object-based}
function would be the upper bound on concepts allowed.
Tristan is a procedural programming language that supports object-oriented
programming and templates.
\subsection{Object-oriented programming}
Object orientation allows the programmer to create user-defined types
which encapsulate both data fields and methods which act upon said
data. Tristan supports:
\item Class-based object orientation
\item Classes as the base of user-defined types and objects are instances
of these types
\item Single inheritance hierachy
\item Runtime polymorhpism
\item Interfaces
\item Multiple inheritance
\item Runtime polomprhism (thinking\textbackslash hyperref\{\})
It is with this lean approach to object orientation that we keep things
simple enough (only single inheritance) but with enough power to model
the real world in code (by supporting interfaces).
Templating, otherwise known as \emph{generics}, is a mechanism by
which a given body of code which contains a type specifier such as
variable declarations or function definitions can have their said
type specifiers parameterized. The usage of this can be illustrated
in the code below, where we want to define a method \texttt{sum(a, b)}
which returns the summation of the two inputs. We define version that
works for integral types (\texttt{int}) and a version that works
for decimal types (\texttt{float}):\\
// Integral summation function
int sum(int a, int b)
return a+b;
// Decimal summation function
float sum(float a, float b)
return a+b;
\end{lstlisting}Being a small example we can reason about the easiness of simply defining
two versions of the \texttt{sum(a, b)} method for the two types,
but after some time this can either get overly repetitive if we have
to do this for more methods of a similar structure \emph{or }when
more types are involved. This is where templating comes in, we can
write a more general version of the same function and let the compiler
generate the differently typed versions dependent on what \emph{type
parameter} we pass in.\\
A templatised version of the above \texttt{sum(a, b)} function is
shown below:\\
// Templatised function
template T
T sum(T a, T b)
return a+b;
// Integral version
// Decimal version
\end{lstlisting}The way this works is that whenever you call the function \texttt{sum(a, b)}
you will have to provide it with the specific type you want generated
for that function.
\section{Systems-level access}
Tristan does not shy away from features which give you access to system-level
concepts such as memory addresses (via pointers), assembly (via the
inline assembler) and so on. Such features are inherently unsafe but
it is this sort of control that I wish to give the user, the balance
between what the compiler should do and what the user should make
sure they are doing is tipped quite heavily in favor of the latter
in my viewpoint and hence we support such features as:
\item Weak typing
\item By default this is not the behavior when using \texttt{cast()}
\item Casting to an incompatible type is allowed - even when a run-time
type-check is invalid you can still force a cast with \texttt{castunsafe()}
\item The user should be able to do what \emph{he} wants if requested
\item Pointers
\item The mere \emph{support} of pointers allowing one to take a memory-level
view of objects in memory rather than the normal ``safe access''
\item Inline assembly
\item Inserting of arbitrary assembler is allowed, providing the programmer
with access to systems level registers, interrupts/syscall instructions
and so on
\item Custom byte-packing
\item Allowing the user to deviate from the normal struct packing structure
in favor of a tweaked packing technique
\item Custom packing on a system that doesn't agree with the alignment of
your data \textbf{is }allowed but the default is to pack accordingly
to the respective platform
\section{Specified behaviour}
TODO: Insert ramblings here about underspecified behaviour and how
they plague C and how we easily fix this in tlang

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\chapter{TODO Basics syntax}

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\chapter{Lexical analysis}
Lexical analysis is the process of taking a program as an input string
$A$ and splitting it into a list of $n$ sub-strings $A_{1},\,A_{2}\ldots A_{n}$
called \emph{tokens}. The length $n$ of this list of dependent on
several rules that determine how, when and where new tokens are built
- this set of rules is called a \emph{grammar}.
The Tristan grammar is specified in EBNF below:\\
TODO: We need to derive a grammar/come up with one (and include explanations
of EBNF).
\section{Overview of implementation}
The source code for the lexical analysis part of the compiler is located
in \texttt{source/tlang/lexer.d} which contains two important class
\item \texttt{Token} - This represents a token
\item Complete with the token string itself, \texttt{token}. Retrivebale
with a call to \texttt{getToken()}
\item The coordinates in the source code where the token begins as \texttt{line}
and \texttt{column}
\item Overrides equality (\texttt{opEquals}) such that doing,
new Token("int") == new Token("int")
\item would evaluate to \texttt{true}, rather than false by reference equality
(the default in D)
\item \texttt{Lexer} - The token builder
\item \texttt{sourceCode}, the whole input program (as a string) to be
\item \texttt{position}, holds the index to the current character in the
string array \texttt{sourceCode}
\item \texttt{currentChar}, the current character at index-\texttt{position}
\item Contains a list of the currently built tokens, \texttt{Token[] tokens}
\item Current line and column numbers as \texttt{line} and \texttt{column}
\item A ``build up'' - this is the token (in string form) currently being
built - \texttt{currentToken}
The implementation of the lexer, the \texttt{Lexer} class, is explained
in detail in this section. (TODO: constructor) The lexical analysis
is done one-shot via the \texttt{performLex()} method which will
attempt to tokenize the input program, on failure returning \texttt{false},
\texttt{true} otherwise. In the successful case the \texttt{tokens}
array will be filled with the created tokens and can then later be
retrieved via a call to \texttt{getTokens()}.\\
Example usage:\\
TODO: This is going to change sometime soonish, so I want the final
version of how it works here. I may as well, however, give a brief
explanation as I doubt \emph{much }will change - only specific parsing
This method contains a looping structure which will read character-by-character
from the \texttt{sourceCode} string and follow the rules of the grammar
(TODO: add link), looping whilst there are still characters available
for consumption (\texttt{position < sourceCode.length}).\\
We loop through each character and dependent on its value we start
building new tokens, certain characters will cause a token to finish
being built which will sometimes be caused by \texttt{isSpliter(character)}
being \texttt{true}. A typical token building process looks something
like the following, containing the final character to be tacked onto
the current token build up, the creation of a new token object and
the addition of it to the \texttt{tokens} list, finishing with flushing
the build up string and incrementing the coordinates:\\
A typical token building procedure looks something like this:\\
/* Generate and add the token */
currentToken ~= "'";
currentTokens ~= new Token(currentToken, line, column);
/* Flush the token */
currentToken = "";
column += 2
position += 2;
\subsection{Character and token availability}
Helper functions relating to character and token availability.
Returns \texttt{true} if there is a token currently built i.e. \texttt{currentToken.length != 0},
\texttt{false} otherwise.
Returns \texttt{true} if we can move the character pointer backwards,
\texttt{false} otherwise.
Returns \texttt{true} if we can move the character pointer forward,
\texttt{false} otherwise.
This method is called in order to chck if the build up, \texttt{currentToken},
is a valid numerical string. If the string is empty, then it returns
\texttt{false}. If the string is non-empty and contains anything
\emph{other }than digits then it returns \texttt{false}, otherwise
is returns \texttt{true}.
This method checks if the given character is one of the following:
\item character == ';' || character == ',' || character == '(' || character
== ')' || character == '{[}' || character == '{]}' || character ==
'+' || character == '-' || character == '/' || character == '\%' ||
character == '{*}' || character == '\&' || character == '\{' || character
== '\}' || character == '=' || character == '|' || character == '\textasciicircum '
|| character == '!' || character == '\textbackslash n' || character
== '\textasciitilde ' || character =='.' || character == ':';
\item \texttt{;}~\texttt{,}~\texttt{(}~\texttt{)}~\texttt{[}~\texttt{]}~\texttt{+}~\texttt{-}~\texttt{/}~\texttt{\%}~\texttt{*}~\texttt{\&}~\texttt{\{}~\texttt{\}}
\item \texttt{=}~| (TODO: make it texttt)~\texttt{\^}~\texttt{!}~\texttt{\\n}(TODO:
\textbackslash n not appearing)~\texttt{\~}~\texttt{.}~\texttt{\:}
Whenever this method returns \texttt{true} it generally means you
should flush the current token, start a new token add the offending
spliter token and flush that as well.

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Once we have generated a list of tokens (instances of \texttt{Token})
from the \texttt{Lexer} instance we need to turn these into a structure
that represents our program's source code \emph{but}\textbf{ }using
in-memory data-structures which we can traverse and process at a later
The \texttt{Parser} class contains several methods for parsing different
sub-structures of a TLang program and returning different data types
generated by these methods. The parser has the ability to move back
and forth between the token stream provided and fetch the current
token (along with analysing it to return the type of symbol the token
represents - known as the \texttt{SymbolType}).\\
For example, the method \texttt{parseIf()} is used to parse if statements,
it is called on the occurence of the token of \texttt{if}. This method
returns an instance of type \texttt{IfStatement}. Then there are
methods like \texttt{parseBody()} which is responsible for creating
several sub-calls to methods such as \texttt{parseIf()} and building
up a list of \texttt{Statement} instances (the top-type for all parser
The entry point to call is \texttt{parse()} which will return an
instance of type \texttt{Module}.
The API exposed by the parser is rather minimal as there isn't much
to a parser than controlling the token stream pointer (the position
in the token stream), fetching the token and acting upon the type
or value of said token. Therefore we have the methods summarised below:
\item \texttt{nextToken()}
\item Moves the token pointer to the next token
\item \texttt{previousToken()}
\item Moves the token pointer to the previous token
\item \texttt{getCurrentToken()}
\item Returns the current \texttt{Token} instance at the current token
pointer position
\item \texttt{hasTokens()}
\item Returns \texttt{true} if there are tokens still left in the stream
(i.e. \texttt{tokenPtr < tokens.length}), \texttt{false} otherwise
The initialization of the parser is rather simple, an instance of
the \texttt{Parser} class must be instantiated, along with this the
following arguments must be provided to the constructor:
\item \texttt{Token[] tokens}
\item This is an array of \texttt{Token} to be provided to the parser for
parsing. This would have been derived from the \texttt{Lexer} via
its \texttt{performLex()} and \texttt{getTokens()} call.
A new instance woud therefore be created with something akin to:\begin{lstlisting}[language=Java]
// Tokenize the following program
string sourceCode = "int i = 2;"
Lexer lexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
// Extract tokens and pass to the lexer
Token[] tokens = lexer.getTokens();
Parser parser = new Parser(tokens);
\section{Symbol types}
The token stream is effectively a list of instances of \texttt{Token}
which consist just of the token itself as a string and the coordinates
of the token (where it occurs). However, some tokens, despite being
different strings, can be of the same type or \emph{syntactical grouping}.
For example one would agree that both tokens \texttt{1.5} and \texttt{25.2}
are both different tokens but are both floating points. This is where
the notion of symbol types comes in.\\
The enum \texttt{SymbolType} in \texttt{parsing/symbols/check.d}
describes all of the available \emph{types }of tokens there are in
the grammar of the Tristan programming language like so:\begin{lstlisting}[language=Java]
public enum SymbolType {
Given an instance of \texttt{Token} one can pass it to the \texttt{getSymbolType(Token)}
method which will then return an enum member from \texttt{SymbolType}.
When a token has no associated symbol type then \texttt{SymbolType.UNKNOWN}
is returned. Now for an example:\begin{lstlisting}[language=Java]
// Create a new token at with (0, 0) as coordinates
Token token = new Token("100", 0, 0);
// Get the symbol type
SymbolType symType = getSymbolType(token);
assert(symType == SymbolType.NUMBER_LITERAL);
\end{lstlisting}This assertion would pass as the symbol type of such a token is a
number literal.
The API for working with and using \texttt{SymbolType}s is made available
within the \texttt{parsing/data/check.d} and contains the following
\item \texttt{isType(string)}
\item Returns \texttt{true} if the given string (a token) is a built-in
\item Built-in type strings would be: \texttt{byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, void}
\item \texttt{getSymbolType(Token)}
\item Returns the \texttt{SymbolType} associated with the given \texttt{Token}
\item If the token is not of a valid type then \texttt{SymbolType.UNKNOWN}
is returned
\item \texttt{getCharacter(SymbolType)}
\item This performs the reverse of \texttt{getSymbolType(Token)} in the
sense that you provide it a \texttt{SymbolType} and it will return
the corresponding string that is of that type.
\item This will work only for back-mapping a sub-section of tokens as you
won't get anything back if you provide \texttt{SymbolType.IDENT\_TYPE}
as there are infinite possibiltiies for that - not a fixed token.
\section{Data types}
Every node returned by a \texttt{parseX()} is of a certain type and
there are some important types to mention here. The following types
are from either \texttt{parsing/data.d} or \texttt{parsing/containers.d}.
The \texttt{Statement} type is the top-type for most parse nodes,
it has the following important methods and fields:
\item \texttt{weight}
\item This holds a \texttt{byte} value which is used for when statements
are required to be re-ordered. It starts default at 0 whereby that
is the most prioritized re-ordering value (i.e. smaller means you
appear first)
\item \texttt{parentOf()}
\item This returns an instance of \texttt{Container}, specifically indicating
of which container this Statement is a \emph{parent of}.
\item It can be \texttt{null} if this Statement was not parented.
\item \texttt{parentTo(Container)}
\item Set the parenting \texttt{Container} of this Statement to the one
\item \texttt{toString()}
\item The default string representtion method for Statements (unless overridden)
is to show a rolling count which is increment with every instantiation
of a Statement object.
The \texttt{Entity} type is a sub-type of \texttt{Statement} and
represents any named entity, along with initialization scopes and
accessor types. The following methods and fields are to note:
\item \texttt{this(string)}
\item Constructs a new instance of an Entity with the provided name.
\item \texttt{getName()}
\item Returns the name of the entity.
\item \texttt{setAccessorType(AccessorType accessorType)}
\item TODO: Describe this
\item \texttt{getAccessorType()}
\item TODO: Describe this
\item \texttt{setModifierType(InitScope initScope)}
\item TODO: Describe this
\item \texttt{InitScope getModifierType()}
\item TODO: Describe this
The \texttt{Container} type is an interface that specifies a certain
type to implement a set of methods. These methods allow the type to
\emph{become} a container by then allowing one or more instances of
\texttt{Statement} or rather a \texttt{Statement[]} to be contained
within the container i.e. making it contain them.\\
It should be noted that the parenting method is used to climb up the
hierachy \textbf{given} a Statement instance, however the Container
technique is useful for a top-down search for an Entity - they are
independent in that sense but can be used toghether .
\section{How to parse}
The basic flow of the parser involves the following process:
\item Firstly you need an entry point, this entry point for us is the \texttt{parse()}
method which will return an instance of \texttt{Module} which represents
the module - the TLang program.
\item Every \texttt{parseX()} method gets called by another such method
dependent on the current symbol (and sometimes a lookahead)
\item For example, sometimes when we come across \texttt{SymbolType.IDENTIFIER}
we call \texttt{parseName()} which can then either call \texttt{parseFuncCall()},
\texttt{parseTypedDeclaration()} or \texttt{parseAssignment()}.
This requires a lookahead to check what follows the identifier because
just by itself it is too ambuguous grammatically.
\item After determining what comes next the token is pushed back using \texttt{previousToken()}
and then we proceed into the correct function
\item Lookaheads are rare but they do appear in situations like that
\item The \texttt{parseX()} methods return instances of \texttt{Statement}
which is the top type for all parser-generated nodes or \emph{AST
\item When you are about to parse a sub-section (like an if statement) of
a bigger syntax group (like a body) you leave the \emph{offending
token} as the current token, then you call the parsing method (in
this case \texttt{parseIf()}) and let it handle the call to \texttt{nextToken()}
- this is simply the structure of parsing that TLang follows.
\item Upon exiting a \texttt{parseX()} method you call \texttt{nextToken()}
- this determines whether this method would continue parsing or not
- if not then you return and the caller will continue with that current
token and move on from there.
\subsection{Example of parsing if-statements}
We will now look at an example of how we deal with parsing if statements
in our parser, specifically within the \texttt{parseBody()}. The
beginning of this method starts by moving us off the offending token
that made us call \texttt{parseBody()} (hence the call to \texttt{nextToken()}).
After which we setup an array of \texttt{Statement} such that we
can build up a \emph{body} of them:\begin{lstlisting}[language=Java]
gprintln("parseBody(): Enter", DebugType.WARNING);
Statement[] statements;
/* Consume the `{` symbol */
Now we are within the body, as you can imagine a body is to be made
up of several statements of which we do not know how many there are.
Therefore we setup a loop that will iterate till we run out of tokens:\begin{lstlisting}[language=Java]
while (hasTokens())
Next thing we want to do if grab the current token and check what
type of symbol it is:\begin{lstlisting}[language=Java]
while (hasTokens())
/* Get the token */
Token tok = getCurrentToken();
SymbolType symbol = getSymbolType(tok);
gprintln("parseBody(): SymbolType=" ~ to!(string)(symbol));
Following this we now have several checks that make use of \texttt{getSymbolType(Token)}
in order to determine what the token's type is and then in our case
if the token is \texttt{"if"} then we will make a call to \texttt{parseIf()}
and append the returned Statement-sub-type to the body of statements
/* If it is a branch */
else if (symbol == SymbolType.IF)
statements ~= parseIf();

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\chapter{Dependency idk}
TODO: Add lexer information here

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\chapter{Code emit}
The code emit process is the final process of the compiler whereby
the \texttt{initQueue}, \texttt{codeQueue} and all assorted auxilllary
information is passed to an instance of \texttt{CodeEmitter} (in
the case of the C backend this is sub-typed to the \texttt{DGen}
class) such that the code can be written to a file. At this stage
all queues consist simply of instances of the \texttt{Instruction}
Our C backend or \emph{custom code emitter}, \texttt{DGen}, inherits
from the \texttt{CodeEmitter} class which specifies that the following
methods must be overriden/implemented:
\item \texttt{emit()}
\item Begins the emit process
\item \texttt{finalize()}
\item Finalizes the emitting process (only to be called after the `emit()`
\item \texttt{transform(Instruction instruction)}
\item Transforms or emits a single Instruction and returns the transformation
as a string
There are several notable queues that the \texttt{CodeEmitter} class
contains, these are as follows:
\item \texttt{initQueue}
\item Despite its name this holds instructions for doing memory allocations
for static entities (\textbf{not} initialization code for said entities)
\item \texttt{globalsQueue}
\item This queue holds instructions for the globals executions. This includes
things such as global variable declarations and the sorts.
\item Function definitions map
\item This is a string-to-queue map which contains the code queues for every
function definition.
Along with these queues there are some methods used to amniopulate
and use them, these are:
\item \texttt{selectQueue(QueueType, string)}
\item Select the type of queue: \texttt{ALLOC\_QUEUE} (for the \texttt{initQueue}),
\texttt{GLOBALS\_QUEUE} (for \texttt{globalsQueue} and \texttt{FUNCTION\_DEF\_QUEUE}
(for the function definitions queue)
\item For function definitions, the optional string argument (second argument)
must specify the name of the function definition you would wish to
use. An invalid name will throw an error.
\item This automatically calls \texttt{resetCursor()}.
\item \texttt{nextInstruction()}
\item Moves the cursor to the next instruction. Throws an exception if out
of bounds.
\item \texttt{previousInstruction()}
\item Moves the cursor to the previous instruction. Throws an exception
if out of bounds.
\item \texttt{resetCursor()}
\item Resets the position of the instruction pointer to 0.
\item \texttt{getCurrentInstruction()}
\item Retrieves the current instruction at the cursor.
\section{Custom code emits}
We override/implement the \texttt{transform(Instruction instruction)}
in \texttt{DGen} to work somewhat as a big if-statement that matches
the different sub-types of Instructions that exist, then the respective
code-emit (C code) is generated. This method has the potential to
be recursive as some instructions contain nested instructions that
must be transformed prior before the final transformation, in which
case a recursive call to \texttt{transform(Instruction)} is made.
\subsection{Code emit example: Variable declarations}
The example below is the code used to transform the in-memory representation
of a variable declaration, known as the \texttt{VariableDeclaration}
instruction, into the C code to be emitted:\\
/* VariableDeclaration */
else if(cast(VariableDeclaration)instruction)
VariableDeclaration varDecInstr = cast(VariableDeclaration)instruction;
Context context = varDecInstr.getContext();
Variable typedEntityVariable = cast(Variable)context.tc.getResolver().resolveBest(context.getContainer(), varDecInstr.varName);
string renamedSymbol = SymbolMapper.symbolLookup(typedEntityVariable);
return varDecInstr.varType~" "~renamedSymbol~";";
\end{lstlisting}What we have here is some code which will extract the name of the
variable being declared via \textbackslash texttt\{varDecInstr.varName\}
which is then used to lookup the parser node of type \texttt{Variable}.
The \texttt{Variable} object contains information such as the variable's
type and also if a variable assignment is attached to this declaration
or not.\\
TODO: Insert code regarding assignment checking\\
Right at the end wwe then build up the C variable declaration with
the line:\begin{lstlisting}[language=Java]
return varDecInstr.varType~" "~renamedSymbol~";";
\subsection{Symbol renaming}
In terms of general code emitting we could have simply decided to
use the TLang-esque symbol name structure where entities are seperated
by periods such as \texttt{simple\_module.x} where \texttt{simple\_module}
is a container-type such as a \texttt{module} and \texttt{x} is
some entity within it, such as a variable. However, what we have decided
to do in the emitter process, specifically in \texttt{DGen} - our
C code emitter - is to actually rename these symbols to a hash, wherever
they occur.\\
The renaming mechanism is hanlded by the \texttt{symbolLookup(Entity)}
method from the \texttt{SymbolMapper} class. This method takes in
a single argument:
\item \texttt{entity}
\item This must be a type-of \texttt{Entity}, this is the entity of which
the symbol renaming should be applied on.
This allows one do then translate the symbol name with the following
usage. In this case we want to translate the symbol of the entity
named \texttt{x} which is container in the module-container named
\texttt{simple\_variables\_decls\_ass}. Therefore we provide both
peices of information into the function \texttt{symbolLookup}:\begin{lstlisting}[language=Java]
// The relative container of this variable is the module
Container container = tc.getModule();
// Lookup a variable named "x"
string varLookup = "x"
// The Variable (type-of Entity)
Variable variable = cast(Variable)tc.getResolver().resolveBest(context.getContainer(), varLookup);
// Symbol map
string renamedSymbol = SymbolMapper.symbolLookup(variable);
// renamedSymbol == t_c326f89096616e69e89a3874a4c7f324
The resulting hash is generated by resolving the absolute path name
of the entity provided, applying an md5 hash to this name and then
pre-pending a \texttt{t\_} to the name. Therefore for the above code
we will have \texttt{simple\_variables\_decls\_ass.x} mapped to a
symbol name of \texttt{t\_c326f89096616e69e89a3874a4c7f324} to be
emitted into the C code file.

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