
439 lines
14 KiB

module renaissance.connection.connection;
import davinci;
import core.thread : Thread;
import renaissance.server;
import river.core;
import tristanable;
import renaissance.logging;
import renaissance.server.messagemanager : MessageManager, Message;
import davinci.base.components : Validatable;
import davinci.c2s.auth : AuthMessage, AuthResponse;
import davinci.c2s.generic : UnknownCommandReply;
import davinci.c2s.channels : ChannelEnumerateRequest, ChannelEnumerateReply, ChannelMembership, ChannelMessage;
import davinci.c2s.test : NopMessage;
import renaissance.server.channelmanager : ChannelManager, Channel;
import std.conv : to;
public enum LinkType
public class Connection : Thread
* Associated server instance
private Server associatedServer;
* Underlying stream connecting us to
* the client
private Stream clientStream;
// TODO: TRistanable manager here
private Manager tManager;
private Queue incomingQueue;
* Whether this is a user connection
* or a server link
private LinkType linkType;
private this(Server associatedServer, Stream clientStream)
this.associatedServer = associatedServer;
this.clientStream = clientStream;
// TODO: Setup the tristanable manager here
this.tManager = new Manager(clientStream);
// TODO: If we not using tasky, probably not, then
// ... register some queues here or use all
// ... we need access ti akk so maybe
// ... when the queue listener support drops
// UPDATE: Use the throwaway queue method
/* Set the worker function for the thread */
private void initTManager()
/* Create a Queue (doesn't matter its ID) */
this.incomingQueue = new Queue(0);
/* Set this Queue as the default Queue */
public LinkType getLinkType()
return this.linkType;
private void worker()
// TODO: Start tristanable manager here
this.tManager.start();"Connection thread '"~this.toString()~"' started");
// TODO: Add ourselves to the server's queue, we might need to figure out, first what
// ... kind of connection we are
// TODO: Well, we'd tasky I guess so I'd need to use it there I guess
// TODO: Imp,ent nthe loop condition status (exit on error)
bool isGood = true;
// TODO: Addn a tasky/tristanable queue managing thing with
// ... socket here (probably just the latter)
// ... which decodes using the `davinci` library
import core.thread;
// Thread.sleep(dur!("seconds")(5));
// FIXME: If connection dies, something spins inside tristanable me thinks
// ... causing a high load average, it MIGHT be when an error
// ... occurs that it keeps going back to ask for recv
// ... (this would make sense as this woul dbe something)
// ... we didn't test for
// Dequeue a message from the incoming queue
TaggedMessage incomingMessage = incomingQueue.dequeue();
logger.dbg("Awoken? after dequeue()");
// Process the message
TaggedMessage response = handle(incomingMessage);
if(response !is null)
logger.dbg("There was a response, sending: ", response);
logger.dbg("There was no response, not sending anything.");
// Clean up (TODO: Shutdown the TManager)
// Clean up - notify disconnection
// FIXME: These should be part of the auth details
// ... associated with this user
string myUsername = "bababooey";
private bool isAuthd()
return myUsername.length != 0;
* Given a `TaggedMessage` this method will decode
* it into a Davinci `BaseMessage`, determine the
* payload type via this header and then handle
* the message/command accordingly
* Params:
* incomingMessage = the `TaggedMessage`
* Returns: the response `TaggedMessage`, or
* `null` if no response is to be sent
private TaggedMessage handle(TaggedMessage incomingMessage)
// TODO: In future this decoder, surely, should be idk
// ... in davinci as in stateful encoder/decoder
// ... reply-generator
logger.dbg("Examining message '"~incomingMessage.toString()~"' ...");
byte[] payload = incomingMessage.getPayload();
import davinci;
BaseMessage baseMessage = BaseMessage.decode(payload);
logger.dbg("Incoming message: "~baseMessage.getCommand().toString());
logger.dbg("BaseMessage type: ", baseMessage.getMessageType());
Command incomingCommand = baseMessage.getCommand();
CommandType incomingCommandType = baseMessage.getCommandType();
logger.dbg("Incoming CommandType: ", incomingCommandType);
BaseMessage response;
MessageType mType;
Command responseCommand;
CommandType responseType;
Status responseStatus;
* Perform validation before continueing
Validatable validtabaleCommand = cast(Validatable)incomingCommand;
string reason;
logger.error("Validation failed with reason: '", reason, "'");
UnknownCommandReply unknownCmdReply = new UnknownCommandReply(reason);
mType = MessageType.CLIENT_TO_SERVER;
responseType = CommandType.UNKNOWN_COMMAND;
responseCommand = unknownCmdReply;
// TODO: Can we do this without gotos?
goto encode_n_send;
* Handle the different types of commands
* Handle NOP commands
case CommandType.NOP_COMMAND:
logger.dbg("We got a NOP");
NopMessage nopMessage = cast(NopMessage)baseMessage.getCommand();
mType = MessageType.CLIENT_TO_SERVER;
responseType = CommandType.NOP_COMMAND;
responseCommand = nopMessage;
* Handle authentication request
case CommandType.AUTH_COMMAND:
AuthMessage authMessage = cast(AuthMessage)baseMessage.getCommand();
bool status = this.associatedServer.attemptAuth(authMessage.getUsername(), authMessage.getPassword());
// TODO: This is just for testing now - i intend to have a nice auth manager
AuthResponse authResp = new AuthResponse();
// Save username
this.myUsername = authMessage.getUsername();
mType = MessageType.CLIENT_TO_SERVER;
responseType = CommandType.AUTH_RESPONSE;
responseCommand = authResp;
* Handle channel list requests
// FIXME: Figure out how we want to do auth checks
ChannelEnumerateRequest chanEnumReq = cast(ChannelEnumerateRequest)baseMessage.getCommand();
ubyte limit = chanEnumReq.getLimit();
ulong offset = chanEnumReq.getOffset();
string[] channelNames = this.associatedServer.getChannelNames(offset, limit);
ChannelEnumerateReply chanEnumRep = new ChannelEnumerateReply(channelNames);
mType = MessageType.CLIENT_TO_SERVER;
responseType = CommandType.CHANNELS_ENUMERATE_REP;
responseCommand = chanEnumRep;
* Handle channel joins
case CommandType.MEMBERSHIP_JOIN:
ChannelMembership chanMemReq = cast(ChannelMembership)baseMessage.getCommand();
string channel = chanMemReq.getChannel();
// Join the channel
ChannelManager chanMan = this.associatedServer.getChannelManager();
bool status = chanMan.membershipJoin(channel, this.myUsername); // TODO: Handle return value
mType = MessageType.CLIENT_TO_SERVER;
responseType = CommandType.MEMBERSHIP_JOIN_REP;
responseCommand = chanMemReq;
* Handle channel membership requests
case CommandType.MEMBERSHIP_LIST:
ChannelMembership chanMemReq = cast(ChannelMembership)baseMessage.getCommand();
string channel = chanMemReq.getChannel();
// Obtain the current members
ChannelManager chanMan = this.associatedServer.getChannelManager();
string[] currentMembers;
// TODO: Handle return value
bool status = chanMan.membershipList(channel, currentMembers);
logger.dbg("Current members of '"~channel~"': ", currentMembers);
mType = MessageType.CLIENT_TO_SERVER;
responseType = CommandType.MEMBERSHIP_LIST_REP;
responseCommand = chanMemReq;
* Handle channel leaves
case CommandType.MEMBERSHIP_LEAVE:
ChannelMembership chanMemReq = cast(ChannelMembership)baseMessage.getCommand();
string channel = chanMemReq.getChannel();
// Join the channel
ChannelManager chanMan = this.associatedServer.getChannelManager();
bool status = chanMan.membershipLeave(channel, this.myUsername); // TODO: Handle return value
mType = MessageType.CLIENT_TO_SERVER;
responseType = CommandType.MEMBERSHIP_LEAVE_REP;
responseCommand = chanMemReq;
* Handle message sending
ChannelMessage chanMesg = cast(ChannelMessage)baseMessage.getCommand();
// TODO: Get channel, lookup and do permission checks
// TODO: Use a messagemanager thing here
MessageManager mesgMan = this.associatedServer.getMessageManager();
// TODO: Check multiple recipients
string[] recipients = chanMesg.getRecipients();
foreach(string to; recipients)
Message message;
logger.dbg("Sending message: ", message);
// TODO: Set this ONLY if we succeeeded in delivery
mType = MessageType.CLIENT_TO_SERVER;
responseType = CommandType.SEND_CHANNEL_MESG_REP;
responseCommand = chanMesg;
* Anything else is an unknown
* command, therefore generate
* an error reply
logger.warn("Received unsupported message type", baseMessage);
UnknownCommandReply unknownCmdReply = new UnknownCommandReply("Command with type number: "~to!(string)(cast(ulong)incomingCommandType));
mType = MessageType.CLIENT_TO_SERVER;
responseType = CommandType.UNKNOWN_COMMAND;
responseCommand = unknownCmdReply;
logger.warn("We have generated err: ", responseCommand);
// Generate response
response = new BaseMessage(mType, responseType, responseCommand);
// Construct a response using the same tag
// (for matching) but a new payload (the
// response message)
return incomingMessage;
* Creates a new connection by associating a newly created
* Connection instance with the provided Server and Socket
* after which it will be added to the server's connection
* queue, finally starting the thread that manages this connection
* TODO: Change this, the returning is goofy ah, I think perhaps
* we should only construct it and then let `Server.addConnection()`
* call start etc. - seeing that a Listener will call this
* Params:
* associatedServer = the server to associate with
* clientStream = the associated stream backing the client
* Returns: the newly created Connection object
public static Connection newConnection(Server associatedServer, Stream clientStream)
Connection conn = new Connection(associatedServer, clientStream);
/* Associate this connection with the provided server */
/* Start the worker on a seperate thread */
// new Thread(&worker);
return conn;