
267 lines
7.3 KiB

module dante.client;
import std.socket;
import river.core;
import river.impls.sock : SockStream;
import davinci;
import tristanable;
import guillotine;
import guillotine.providers.sequential;
import std.stdio;
public class DanteClient
* The underlying stream connecting us to
* the endpoint server
private Stream connection;
* Tristanable manager
private Manager manager;
* Guillotine engine
private Executor executor;
private Provider provider;
// TODO: We do this because maybe lookup DNS rather than Address and then decice
// ... on whetherto make a TLS stream or not
this(string domain, ushort port)
// TODO: TLS check etc? Then construct a CryptCLient stream ...
// TODO: Exception handling for DNS resolution
// TODO: Preference over which record to use
Address resolvedAddress = getAddress(domain, port)[0];
// TODO: Are we sure we want to do this?
// as this connects immediately, then again all of these do
// actually (the stream based one assumes an opened stream is passed in)
this(Address endpointAddress)
Socket clientSocket = new Socket(endpointAddress.addressFamily(), SocketType.STREAM);
// TODO: Exception handling (for the `connect()` call)
this(new SockStream(clientSocket));
* Creates a new Dante client based on the provided stream
* Params:
* connection = the stream to the server
this(Stream connection)
this.connection = connection;
/* Create a tristanable manager based on this */
this.manager = new Manager(connection);
/* Create a provider (for the executor) and start it */ // TODO: change later to multi-threaded one or something
this.provider = new Sequential();
/* Create a task executor */
this.executor = new Executor(this.provider);
public void start()
/* Start the tristanable manager */
version(dbg) { writeln("Dante started tristanable manager..."); }
public void stop()
/* Stop the tristanable manager */
/* Stop the task executor's provider */
public Future nopRequest()
import davinci.c2s.test;
import davinci;
NopMessage testMessage = new NopMessage();
testMessage.setTestField("Lekker Boetie");
BaseMessage msg = new BaseMessage(MessageType.CLIENT_TO_SERVER, CommandType.NOP_COMMAND, testMessage);
return makeRequest(msg);
public Future authenticate(string username, string password)
import davinci.c2s.auth;
import davinci;
AuthMessage authMessage = new AuthMessage();
BaseMessage msg = new BaseMessage(MessageType.CLIENT_TO_SERVER, CommandType.AUTH_COMMAND, authMessage);
// TODO: We should handle auth here for the user, instead of just returning a future?
return makeRequest(msg);
public Future enumerateChannels_imp(ulong offset, ubyte limit)
import davinci.c2s.channels : ChannelEnumerateRequest;
import davinci;
ChannelEnumerateRequest chanEnumReq = new ChannelEnumerateRequest();
BaseMessage msg = new BaseMessage(MessageType.CLIENT_TO_SERVER, CommandType.CHANNELS_ENUMERATE_REQ, chanEnumReq);
// TODO: We should handle auth here for the user, instead of just returning a future?
return makeRequest(msg);
public string[] enumerateChannels(ulong offset, ubyte limit)
import davinci.c2s.channels : ChannelEnumerateReply;
BaseMessage response = cast(BaseMessage)enumerateChannels_imp(offset, limit).await().getValue().value.object;
ChannelEnumerateReply responseCommand = cast(ChannelEnumerateReply)response.getCommand();
return responseCommand.getChannels();
public string[] enumerateChannels()
return enumerateChannels(0, 0);
* Makes a request and returns a future which
* can be awaited on for when the request
* is fulfilled server-side.
* This method automatically manages
* the queueing for you.
* Params:
* request = the request message
* Returns: a `Future`
private Future makeRequest(BaseMessage request)
// Obtain a unique queue for this request
Queue uniqueQueue = this.manager.getUniqueQueue();
return makeRequest(request, uniqueQueue, true);
* Makes a request described by the provided message
* which, we will then return a future which will
* wait for a reply on the queue provided.
* Params:
* request = the request message
* responseQueue = the queue which the future
* should await a reply from on
* releaseAfterUse = whether or not to automatically
* deregister the provided queue after completion. Default
* is `false`.
* Returns: a `Future`
private Future makeRequest(BaseMessage request, Queue responseQueue, bool releaseAfterUse = false)
byte[] encoded = request.encode();
// BUG: If you tried encoding INSIDE of the delegate/closure then runtime probelm with msgpack
// ... hence I encode outside and then refer to it inside. TELL MSGPACK people about this!
BaseMessage doRequest()
TaggedMessage message = new TaggedMessage(responseQueue.getID(), encoded);
TaggedMessage response = responseQueue.dequeue();
// De-register queue here to prevent resource leak
// ... and allow queue id recycling
return BaseMessage.decode(response.getPayload());
Future future = this.executor.submitTask!(doRequest);
return future;
import std.stdio : writeln;
DanteClient client = new DanteClient(new UnixAddress("/tmp/renaissance.sock"));
Future fut = client.nopRequest();
writeln("Awaitinf future...");
Result res = fut.await();
writeln("Awaitinf future... [done]");
writeln("Future result: ", res.getValue().value.object);
DanteClient client = new DanteClient(new UnixAddress("/tmp/renaissance.sock"));
Future fut = client.authenticate("deavmi", "testpassword");
writeln("Awaitinf future...");
Result res = fut.await();
writeln("Awaitinf future... [done]");
writeln("Future result: ", res.getValue().value.object);
import niknaks.debugging : dumpArray;
DanteClient client = new DanteClient(new UnixAddress("/tmp/renaissance.sock"));
writeln("Waiting for channels...");
string[] channels = client.enumerateChannels();