Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire 16bbeeece4 Manager
- Added a default queue
- `getQueue(ulong)` now calls `getQueue_nothrow(ulong)` with the same id
- Implemented `getQueue_nothrow(ulong)` which returns the `Queue` if found, `null` otherwise
- Added `getDefaultQueue()` which gets the default queue by calling `getDefaultQueue_nothrow(ulong)` with the same id
- Added `getDefaultQueue_nothrow(ulong)` which returns the default queue as a `Queue` object if it exists, else `null`
- Added `setDefaultQueue(Queue)` which sets the provided queue as the default queue (i.e. the queue where messages tagged with a tag of a queue not registered will be dumped into - if the default queue is set)


- Set the worker thread, `watch`, in the constructor
- Added a TODO relating to checking if the socket read succeeded or not
- Added a debug print for the received `TaggedMessage` post-decode
- Extract the tag of the message and find the matching queue (potentially, if it exists)
- If the queue exists then add the `TaggedMessage` to said `Queue`
- If the queue doesn't exist then, get the so-called "Default queue", if it doesn't exist don't do anything, if it does then enqueue the message (the `TaggedMessage`) to said `Queue`

Unit test

- Added a unit test (WIP) for testing the `Manager` and `Watcher` mechanism
- Updated unittest to test the `getQueue_nothrow(ulong)` method
- Added a unit test to test adding a `Queue` with a tag that already exists in a `Queue` registered prior
2023-03-31 11:31:56 +02:00
tristanable Manager 2023-03-31 11:31:56 +02:00