module tristanable.watcher; import std.socket : Socket; import core.sync.mutex : Mutex; import bmessage : receiveMessage; import tristanable.queue : Queue; import tristanable.queueitem : QueueItem; import tristanable.manager : Manager; import core.thread : Thread; import tristanable.encoding; import tristanable.exceptions; public final class Watcher : Thread { /* The manager */ private Manager manager; /* The socket to read from */ private Socket socket; private bool running; this(Manager manager, Socket endpoint) { super(&run); this.manager = manager; socket = endpoint; // running = true; start(); } public void shutdown() { running=false; /* Close the socket, causing an error, breaking the event loop */ socket.close(); } private void run() { /* Continuously dequeue tristanable packets from socket */ while(true) { /* Receive payload (tag+data) */ byte[] receivedPayload; /* Block for socket response */ bool recvStatus = receiveMessage(socket, receivedPayload); /* If the receive was successful */ if(recvStatus) { /* Decode the ttag-encoded message */ DataMessage message = DataMessage.decode(receivedPayload); /* TODO: Remove isTag, improve later, oneshot */ /* The matching queue (if any) */ Queue queue = manager.getQueue(message.getTag()); /* If the tag belongs to a queue */ if(queue) { /* Add an item to this queue */ queue.enqueue(new QueueItem(message.getData())); } /* If the tag is unknwon */ else { /* TODO: Add to dropped queue? */ /* Do nothing */ } } /* If the receive failed */ else { /* TODO: depending on `running`, different error */ /* TODO: Stop everything */ break; } /** * Like in `dequeue` we don't want the possibility * of racing back to the top of the loop and locking * the mutex again right before a thread switch, * so we make sure that a switch occurs to a different * thread */ Thread.getThis().yield(); } /* Check if we had an error */ if(running) { throw new TristanableException(manager, "bformat socket error"); } else { /* Actual shut down, do nothing */ } } }