module tasky.engine; import std.container.dlist : DList; import core.sync.mutex : Mutex; import tristanable.manager; import std.socket : Socket; import tristanable.queue : Queue; import tristanable.encoding : DataMessage, encodeForSend; import eventy; import core.thread : Thread; public final class TaskManager : Thread { /** * Job queue */ private DList!(Job) jobs; private Mutex jobsLock; /* * Tristanable queue filter */ private Manager manager; /** * Event-loop */ private Engine eventEngine; this(Socket socket) { super(&worker); /* Initialize tristanable */ manager = new Manager(socket); /* Initialize the event-loop */ eventEngine = new Engine(); /* Start the thread */ start(); } private void worker() { while(true) { /* Lock the job queue */ jobsLock.lock(); /* Clean list (list of jobs to be removed) */ Job[] cleanList; foreach(Job job; jobs) { /* If the job is fulfilled */ if(job.isFulfilled()) { /* Get the job's task */ Task jobTask = job.getTask(); /* Free the tristanable tag for this job */ job.complete(); /* Add job to the deletion queue */ cleanList ~= job; } } /* Delete tje jobs */ foreach(Job job; cleanList) { jobs.linearRemoveElement(job); } /* Unlock the job queue */ jobsLock.unlock(); } } /** * Job * * Represents an enqueued (in-progress) task with * an associated tristanable tag * * Created by the task manager and not to be used * by the user at all */ private final class Job { private Task task; private Queue tristanableTag; this(Task task, Queue tristanableTag) { this.task = task; this.tristanableTag = tristanableTag; } public Task getTask() { return task; } public DataMessage encode() { /* Get the Task's data to be sent */ byte[] taskPayload = task.getData(); /* Encode into tristanable format */ DataMessage tEncoded = new DataMessage(tristanableTag.getTag(), taskPayload); return tEncoded; } public bool isFulfilled() { return tristanableTag.poll(); } public void complete() { manager.removeQueue(tristanableTag); } } /* * Registers the type of Task by the Event it returns * * This is always called by `submitTask` but is only * ever used once to */ public void registerTaskType(Task task) { /* Task typeID */ ulong typeID = task.getTypeID(); /* Get the EventHandler */ EventHandler handler = task.getHandler(); /* Check if there is already such a handler */ /* FIXME: This should (in eventy) take a ulong, semantics of taking in EVent give it a weird meaning */ bool signalExists = eventEngine.getSignalsForEvent(new Event(typeID)).length > 0; /* If no such signal handler exists, then add it */ if(!signalExists) { Signal signalHandler = new Signal([typeID], handler); eventEngine.addSignalHandler(signalHandler); } } /** * Submits a new Task, enqueues it as a job, * sends the payload */ public void submitTask(Task task) { /* Get a unique tristanable ID for the new job */ Queue newQueue = manager.generateQueue(); /* If the queue generation was successful */ if(newQueue) { /* Register the task (if not already done) */ registerTaskType(task); /* Create a new job */ Job newJob = new Job(task, newQueue); /* Lock the job queue */ jobsLock.lock(); /* Enqueue the job */ jobs ~= newJob; /* Unlock the job queue */ jobsLock.unlock(); /* Get the DataMessage of the job */ DataMessage jobDMessage = newJob.encode(); /* Encode for sending (bformat) */ byte[] bEncoded = encodeForSend(jobDMessage); /* Send the payload */ manager.getSocket().send(bEncoded); } /* If unsuccessful, throw exception */ else { /* TODO: Add an exception */ } /* Lock the jobs */ } } /** * Represents a Task */ public abstract class Task { private byte[] data; private ulong typeID; private EventHandler handler; /* * Constructs a new Task with the given data to be * sent and a typeID that reoresents which Signal * handler to call */ this(byte[] data, ulong typeID, EventHandler handler) { = data; this.typeID = typeID; this.handler = handler; } public byte[] getData() { return data; } public ulong getTypeID() { return typeID; } public EventHandler getHandler() { return handler; } /** * Intended to take the received data from the Job's * tristanable queue and decode it as per this Task's * type */ public abstract Event getEvent(byte[] dataIn); } public final class TestTask : Task { this(string payloadOut) { super(cast(byte[])payloadOut, 69, &TestTaskHandlerFunc); } private static void TestTaskHandlerFunc(Event e) { import std.stdio; writeln("Poes", e); } public override Event getEvent(byte[] dataIn) { auto event = new class Event { this() { /* TestTask is of type 69 for signal dispatching in Eventy */ super(getTypeID()); } }; return event; } }