
995 lines
23 KiB

* Container types
* Authors: Tristan Brice Velloza Kildaire (deavmi)
module niknaks.containers;
import core.sync.mutex : Mutex;
import std.datetime : Duration, dur;
import std.datetime.stopwatch : StopWatch, AutoStart;
import core.thread : Thread;
import core.sync.condition : Condition;
import std.functional : toDelegate;
import std.string : format;
import niknaks.arrays : removeResize;
import std.stdio : writeln;
* Represents an entry of
* some value of type `V`
* Associated with this
* is a timer used to
* check against for
* expiration
private template Entry(V)
* The entry type
public struct Entry
private V value;
private StopWatch timer;
private this();
* Creates a new entry
* with the given value
* Params:
* value = the value
public this(V value)
timer = StopWatch(AutoStart.yes);
* Sets the value of this
* entry
* Params:
* value = the value
public void setValue(V value)
this.value = value;
* Returns the value associated
* with this entry
* Returns: the value
public V getValue()
return this.value;
* Resets the timer back
* to zero
public void bump()
* Gets the time elapsed
* since this entry was
* instantiated
* Returns: the elapsed
* time
public Duration getElapsedTime()
return timer.peek();
* A `CacheMap` with a key type of `K`
* and value type of `V`
public template CacheMap(K, V)
* A replacement function which takes
* in the key of type `K` and returns
* a value of type `V`
* This is the delegate-based variant
public alias ReplacementDelegate = V delegate(K);
* A replacement function which takes
* in the key of type `K` and returns
* a value of type `V`
* This is the function-based variant
public alias ReplacementFunction = V function(K);
* A caching map which when queried
* for a key which does not exist yet
* will call a so-called replacement
* function which produces a result
* which will be stored at that key's
* location
* After this process a timer is started,
* and periodically entries are checked
* for timeouts, if they have timed out
* then they are removed and the process
* begins again.
* Accessing an entry will reset its
* timer ONLY if it has not yet expired
* however accessing an entry which
* has expired causing an on-demand
* replacement function call, just not
* a removal in between
public class CacheMap
private Entry!(V)[K] map;
private Mutex lock;
private Duration expirationTime;
private ReplacementDelegate replFunc;
private Thread checker;
private bool isRunning;
private Condition condVar;
private Duration sweepInterval;
* Constructs a new cache map with the
* given replacement delegate and the
* expiration deadline.
* Params:
* replFunc = the replacement delegate
* expirationTime = the expiration
* deadline
* sweepInterval = the interval at
* which the sweeper thread should
* run at to check for expired entries
this(ReplacementDelegate replFunc, Duration expirationTime = dur!("seconds")(10), Duration sweepInterval = dur!("seconds")(10))
this.replFunc = replFunc;
this.lock = new Mutex();
this.expirationTime = expirationTime;
this.sweepInterval = sweepInterval;
this.condVar = new Condition(this.lock);
this.checker = new Thread(&checkerFunc);
this.isRunning = true;
* Constructs a new cache map with the
* given replacement function and the
* expiration deadline.
* Params:
* replFunc = the replacement function
* expirationTime = the expiration
* deadline
* sweepInterval = the interval at
* which the sweeper thread should
* run at to check for expired entries
this(ReplacementFunction replFunc, Duration expirationTime = dur!("seconds")(10), Duration sweepInterval = dur!("seconds")(10))
this(toDelegate(replFunc), expirationTime, sweepInterval);
* Creates an entry for the given
* key by creating the `Entry`
* at the key and then setting
* that entry's value with the
* replacement function
* Params:
* key = the key
* Returns: the value set
private V makeKey(K key)
// Lock the mutex
// On exit
// Unlock the mutex
// Run the replacement function for this key
V newValue = replFunc(key);
// Create a new entry with this value
Entry!(V) newEntry = Entry!(V)(newValue);
// Save this entry into the hashmap[key] = newEntry;
return newValue;
* Called to update an existing
* `Entry` (already present) in
* the map. This will run the
* replacement function and update
* the value present.
* Params:
* key = the key
* Returns: the value set
private V updateKey(K key)
// Lock the mutex
// On exit
// Unlock the mutex
// Run the replacement function for this key
V newValue = replFunc(key);
// Update the value saved at this key's entry[key].setValue(newValue);
return newValue;
* Check's a specific key for expiration,
* and if expired then refreshes it if
* not it leaves it alone.
* Returns the key's value
* Params:
* key = the key to check
* Returns: the key's value
private V expirationCheck(K key)
// Lock the mutex
// On exit
// Unlock the mutex
// Obtain the entry at this key
Entry!(V)* entry = key in;
// If the key exists
if(entry != null)
// If this entry expired, run the refresher
if(entry.getElapsedTime() >= this.expirationTime)
version(unittest) { writeln("Expired entry for key '", key, "', refreshing"); }
// Else, if not, then bump the entry
// If it does not exist (then make it)
version(unittest) { writeln("Hello there, we must MAKE key as it does not exist"); }
version(unittest) { writeln("fic"); }
* Gets the value of
* the entry at the
* provided key
* This may or may not
* call the replication
* function
* Params:
* key = the key to
* lookup by
* Returns: the value
public V get(K key)
// Lock the mutex
// On exit
// Unlock the mutex
// The key's value
V keyValue;
// On access expiration check
keyValue = expirationCheck(key);
return keyValue;
* See_Also: get
public V opIndex(K key)
return get(key);
* Removes the given key
* returning whether or
* not it was a success
* Params:
* key = the key to
* remove
* Returns: `true` if the
* key existed, `false`
* otherwise
public bool removeKey(K key)
// Lock the mutex
// On exit
// Unlock the mutex
// Remove the key
* Runs at the latest every
* `expirationTime` ticks
* and checks the entire
* map for expired
* entries
private void checkerFunc()
// Lock the mutex
// On loop exit
// Unlock the mutex
// Sleep until sweep interval
// Run the expiration check
K[] marked;
foreach(K curKey;
Entry!(V) curEntry =[curKey];
// If entry has expired mark it for removal
if(curEntry.getElapsedTime() >= this.expirationTime)
version(unittest) { writeln("Marked entry '", curEntry, "' for removal"); }
marked ~= curKey;
foreach(K curKey; marked)
Entry!(V) curEntry =[curKey];
version(unittest) { writeln("Removing entry '", curEntry, "'..."); };
* Wakes up the checker
* immediately such that
* it can perform a cycle
* over the map and check
* for expired entries
private void doLiveCheck()
// Lock the mutex
// Signal wake up
// Unlock the mutex
* On destruction, set
* the running status
* to `false`, then
* wake up the checker
* and wait for it to
* exit
writeln("Dtor running");
writeln("Dtor running [done]");
// Set run state to false
this.isRunning = false;
// Signal to stop
// Wait for it to stop
* Tests the usage of the `CacheMap` type
* along with the expiration of entries
* mechanism
int i = 0;
int getVal(string)
return i;
// Create a CacheMap with 10 second expiration and 10 second sweeping interval
CacheMap!(string, int) map = new CacheMap!(string, int)(&getVal, dur!("seconds")(10));
// Get the value
int tValue = map["Tristan"];
assert(tValue == 1);
// Get the value (should still be cached)
tValue = map["Tristan"];
assert(tValue == 1);
// Wait for expiry (by sweeping thread)
// Should call replacement function
tValue = map["Tristan"];
assert(tValue == 2);
// Wait for expiry (by sweeping thread)
writeln("Sleeping now 11 secs");
// Destroy the map (such that it ends the sweeper)
* Creates a `CacheMap` which tests out
* the on-access expiration checking of
* entries by accessing an entry faster
* then the sweep interval and by
* having an expiration interval below
* the aforementioned interval
int i = 0;
int getVal(string)
return i;
// Create a CacheMap with 5 second expiration and 10 second sweeping interval
CacheMap!(string, int) map = new CacheMap!(string, int)(&getVal, dur!("seconds")(5), dur!("seconds")(10));
// Get the value
int tValue = map["Tristan"];
assert(tValue == 1);
// Wait for 5 seconds (the entry should then be expired by then for on-access check)
// Get the value (should have replacement function run)
tValue = map["Tristan"];
assert(tValue == 2);
// Destroy the map (such that it ends the sweeper
* Tests the usage of the `CacheMap`,
* specifically the explicit key
* removal method
int i = 0;
int getVal(string)
return i;
// Create a CacheMap with 10 second expiration and 10 second sweeping interval
CacheMap!(string, int) map = new CacheMap!(string, int)(&getVal, dur!("seconds")(10), dur!("seconds")(10));
// Get the value
int tValue = map["Tristan"];
assert(tValue == 1);
// Remove the key
// Get the value
tValue = map["Tristan"];
assert(tValue == 2);
// Destroy the map (such that it ends the sweeper
public template Always(T)
public bool Always(Tree!(T) treeNode)
import std.stdio : writeln;
writeln("Strat for: ", treeNode);
return true;
public template Nothing(T)
public void Nothing(Tree!(T) treeNode)
* The inclusion stratergy which
* will be called upon the tree
* node prior to it being visited
* during a dfs operation.
* It is a predicate to determine
* whether or not the tree node
* in concern should be recursed
* upon.
public template InclusionStratergy(T)
public alias InclusionStratergy = bool delegate(Tree!(T) item);
* This is called on a tree node
* as part of the first action
* that takes place during the
* visitation of said node during
* a dfs operation.
public template TouchStratergy(T)
public alias TouchStratergy = void delegate(Tree!(T) item);
// TODO: Technically this is a graph
public class Tree(T)
private T value;
private Tree!(T)[] children;
this(T value)
this.value = value;
public void setValue(T value)
this.value = value;
public void appendNode(Tree!(T) node)
this.children ~= node;
public bool removeNode(Tree!(T) node)
bool found = false;
size_t idx;
for(size_t i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++)
found = this.children[i] == node;
idx = i;
this.children = this.children.removeResize(idx);
return true;
return false;
// public T opIndex(size_t idx)
// {
// return idx < this.children.length ? this.children[idx].getValue() : T.init;
// }
private static bool isTreeNodeType(E)()
return __traits(isSame, E, Tree!(T));
private static bool isTreeValueType(E)()
return __traits(isSame, E, T);
public E[] opSlice(E)()
if(isTreeNodeType!(E) || isTreeValueType!(E))
// If the children as tree nodes is requested
static if(isTreeNodeType!(E))
return this.children;
// If the children as values themselves is requested
else static if(isTreeValueType!(E))
T[] slice;
foreach(Tree!(T) tnode; this.children)
slice ~= tnode.value;
return slice;
// import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
// return map!(getValue)(this.children)[];
public T[] opSlice()
return opSlice!(T)();
public E opIndex(E)(size_t idx)
if(isTreeNodeType!(E) || isTreeValueType!(E))
// If the cjild as a tree node is requested
static if(isTreeNodeType!(E))
return this.children[idx];
// If the child as a value itself is requested
else static if(isTreeValueType!(E))
return this.children[idx].value;
public T opIndex(size_t idx)
return opIndex!(T)(idx);
public T[] dfs
InclusionStratergy!(T) strat = toDelegate(&Always!(T)),
TouchStratergy!(T) touch = toDelegate(&Nothing!(T))
writeln("dfs entry: ", this);
T[] collected;
writeln("leaving node ", this, " with collected ", collected);
// Touch
touch(this); // root[x]
foreach(Tree!(T) child; this.children) // subtree[x],
writeln("dfs, strat good for child: ", child);
// Visit
collected ~= child.dfs(strat, touch);
writeln("dfs, strat ignored for child: ", child);
// "Visit"
collected ~= this.value;
return collected;
public override string toString()
return format("TreeNode [val: %s]", this.value);
import std.functional : toDelegate;
import std.stdio : writeln;
private void DebugTouch(T)(Tree!(T) node)
writeln("Touching tree node ", node);
* Test out usage of the tree
Tree!(string) treeOfStrings = new Tree!(string)("Top");
Tree!(string) subtree_1 = new Tree!(string)("1");
Tree!(string) subtree_2 = new Tree!(string)("2");
Tree!(string) subtree_3 = new Tree!(string)("3");
InclusionStratergy!(string) strat = toDelegate(&Always!(string));
TouchStratergy!(string) touch = toDelegate(&DebugTouch!(string));
string[] result = treeOfStrings.dfs(strat, touch);
writeln("dfs: ", result);
assert(result[0] == "1");
assert(result[1] == "2");
assert(result[2] == "3");
assert(result[3] == "Top");
auto i = treeOfStrings.opSlice!(Tree!(string))();
writeln("Siblings: ", i);
assert(i[0] == subtree_1);
assert(i[1] == subtree_2);
assert(i[2] == subtree_3);
auto p = treeOfStrings.opSlice!(string)();
writeln("Siblings (vals): ", p);
assert(p == treeOfStrings[]);
* A kind-of a tree which has the ability
* to linearize all of its nodes which
* results in performing a depth first
* search resulting in the collection of
* all nodes into a single array with
* elements on the left hand side being
* the most leafiest (and left-to-right
* on the same depth are in said order).
* It also marks a node as visited on
* entry to it via the dfs call to it.
* When dfs is performed, a child node
* is only recursed upon if it has not
* yet been visited.
* With all this, it means a graph of
* relations can be flattened into an
* array.
public class VisitationTree(T) : Tree!(T)
private bool visisted;
* Constructs a new node
* Params:
* value = the value
this(T value)
* Performs the linearization
* Returns: the linearized list
public T[] linearize()
return dfs(toDelegate(&_shouldVisit), toDelegate(&_touch));
* The inclusion startergy
* Params:
* tnode = the tree node
* Returns: `true` if not
* yet visited or incompatible
* node type
private static bool _shouldVisit(Tree!(T) tnode)
VisitationTree!(T) vnode = cast(VisitationTree!(T))tnode;
return vnode && !vnode.isVisited();
* The touching stratergy
* Only works on compatible
* tree nodes
* Params:
* tnode = the tree node
private static void _touch(Tree!(T) tnode)
VisitationTree!(T) vnode = cast(VisitationTree!(T))tnode;
* Marks this node as
* visited
private void mark()
this.visisted = true;
* Checks this node has been
* visited
* Returns: `true` if visited,
* otherwise `false`
private bool isVisited()
return this.visisted;
* Tests out using the visitation tree
VisitationTree!(string) root = new VisitationTree!(string)("root");
VisitationTree!(string) thing = new VisitationTree!(string)("subtree");
string[] linearized = root.linearize();
assert(linearized[0] == "subtree");
assert(linearized[1] == "root");