module libtun.adapter; extern (C) int ioctl(int fd, ulong request, void* data); extern (C) int open(char* path, int flags); import core.stdc.stdio; /** * TUN maintenance routines in `tunctl.c` */ extern (C) int createTun(char* interfaceName, int iffFlags); extern (C) int destroyTun(int fd); extern (C) int tunWrite(int fd, char* data, int length); extern (C) int tunRead(int fd, char* data, int amount); public class TUNAdapter { /* Tunnel device descriptor */ private int tunFD; private bool isClosed; this(string interfaceName, AdapterType adapterType = AdapterType.TAP) { init(interfaceName); } private void init(string interfaceName) { tunFD = createTun(cast(char*)interfaceName, 4096|2); if(tunFD < 0) { throw new TUNException("Error creating tun device"); } } private void sanityCheck() { if(isClosed) { throw new TUNException("Cannot operate on closed tunnel device"); } } public void close() { sanityCheck(); isClosed = true; destroyTun(tunFD); } public void receive(ref byte[] buffer) { sanityCheck(); /* TODO: Get device MTU and add functions for setting it */ ushort mtu = cast(ushort)-1; /* Temporary scratchpad buffer */ byte[] scratch; scratch.length = mtu; /** * We read with a request of maximum possible * Ethernet frame size (-1 -> 2 bytes) 65535, * this ensures our buffer fills up in all cases * but we get returned either < 0 or > 0. * * Former, systemcall read error * Latter, ethernet frame size */ int status = tunRead(tunFD, cast(char*)scratch.ptr, mtu); if(status < 0) { throw new TUNException("Read failed"); } else if(status == 0) { assert(false); } else { /* Copy the data into their buffer (and of correct length) */ buffer = scratch[0..status]; } } public void send(byte[] buffer) { sanityCheck(); tunWrite(tunFD, cast(char*)buffer.ptr, cast(int)buffer.length); } public void close() { int status = destroyTun(tunFD); if(status) { throw new TUNException("Closing tun interface failed"); } } } public final class TUNException : Exception { this(string msg) { super(msg); } } public enum AdapterType : ushort { TUN = 1, TAP = 0 }