Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire 2c65c61c0a Packet
- Added `flip!(T)(T  integral)` for byteswapping
- Added `order!(T)(T integral, Order)` for byte swapping dependent on current system configuration
- Added `CoapOption` for storing options
- `CoapPacket`'s `options` field is now an array of `CoapOption` structs
- `fromBytes(ubyte[])` now prints the partially decoded packet befor message ID and options processing
- Added initial options support
- Options are still not decoding all correctly
- Added `OptionLenType`
- Added `getOptionLenType(ubyte)` which determins the length type based on the 4 bits in the header (lower)
- The `toString()` method now includes the `CoapOptions[]` in its output

Packet (unit tests)

- Added example CoAP packet to play with
2023-09-18 15:18:25 +02:00
doap Packet 2023-09-18 15:18:25 +02:00