
379 lines
8.6 KiB

module client.mail;
import std.json;
import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
* Mailbox
* This represents an in-memory representation of a user's
* mailbox.
public final class Mailbox
* The owner of this Mailbox
public string username;
* Returns `true` if the given mailbox, `username`, exists.
public static bool isMailbox(string username)
return exists("mailboxes/"~username) && isDir("mailboxes/"~username);
public static Mailbox createMailbox(string username)
Mailbox newMailbox;
/* Create the mailbox directory */
mkdir("mailboxes/"~username); /* TODO: Error handling */
newMailbox = new Mailbox(username);
/* TODO: Create the base set of folders */
return newMailbox;
this(string username)
this.username = username;
public Folder[] getFolders()
Folder[] folders;
/* Get a list of all the directories within this directory */
foreach(DirEntry dirEntry; dirEntries("mailboxes/"~username~"/", SpanMode.shallow))
folders ~= new Folder(this, dirEntry.name());
/* TODO: Implement me */
return folders;
public Folder addBaseFolder(string folderName)
Folder newFolder;
/* Create the directory */
newFolder = new Folder(this, folderName);
return newFolder;
public void storeMessage(Folder folder, string mailID, JSONValue mailBlock)
/* Generate the filename to store the message under */
string filename = "mailboxes/"~username~"/"~folder.folderPath~"/"~mailID;
/* Save the message to the file system */
File mailFile;
mailFile.open(filename, "wb");
public void deleteMailbox()
/* TODO: Run deletion on all folders */
Folder[] folders = getFolders();
foreach(Folder folder; folders)
/* Delete the folder */
/* TODO: Delete the mailbox directory */
* Folder
* This represents an in-memory representation of a folder
* that resides in another folder or mailbox.
public final class Folder
* The parent folder of this folder
private Folder parentFolder;
* The path of this folder
private string folderPath;
* The associated Mailbox
private Mailbox mailbox;
* Constructs a new Folder object which represents an
* existing folder in a user's Mailbox.
* The Mailbox is specified by `mailbox` and the location
* of the folder within the mailbox by `folderPath`.
* TODO: DIsallow simply empty folder name (somewhere)
this(Mailbox mailbox, string folderPath)
/* Ensure that the folder exists */
if(!(exists("mailboxes/"~mailbox.username~"/"~folderPath) && isDir("mailboxes/"~mailbox.username~"/"~folderPath)))
/* TODO: Throw exception */
this.folderPath = folderPath;
this.mailbox = mailbox;
* Get the mail inside this folder
public Mail[] getMessages()
Mail[] messages;
/* Get a list of all the files within this directory */
foreach(DirEntry dirEntry; dirEntries("mailboxes/"~mailbox.username~"/"~folderPath, SpanMode.shallow))
/* Only append files */
string[] paths = split(dirEntry.name(), "/");
string mailID = paths[paths.length-1];
messages ~= new Mail(mailbox, this, mailID);
return messages;
* Get the folders within this folder
public Folder[] getFolders()
Folder[] folders;
/* Get a list of all the directories within this directory */
foreach(DirEntry dirEntry; dirEntries("mailboxes/"~mailbox.username~"/"~folderPath, SpanMode.shallow))
/* Only append folders */
folders ~= new Folder(mailbox, folderPath~"/"~dirEntry.name());
return folders;
* Delete this folder
* This deletes all the sub-folders and the mail
* within each.
public void deleteFolder()
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* Get a list of all files in this folder */
Mail[] messages = getMessages();
/* Delete all messages in this folder */
foreach(Mail message; messages)
/* Get a list of all folders in this folder */
Folder[] folders = getFolders();
* Delete all child folders of the current
foreach(Folder child; folders)
/* Delete this folder */
* Create a new Folder
public Folder createFolder(string folderName)
Folder newFolder;
/* Create the folder in the filesystem */
/* Create an instance of the newly created folder */
newFolder = new Folder(mailbox, folderPath~"/"~folderName);
return newFolder;
override public string toString()
string[] paths = split(folderPath, "/");
string folderName = paths[paths.length-1];
return "\""~folderName~"\"";
* Mail
* This represents an in-memory representation of a mail message.
public final class Mail
* The associated Mailbox
private Mailbox mailbox;
* The associated Folder
private Folder folder;
* The mail message's name
private string mailID;
public static Mail createMail(Mailbox mailbox, Folder folder, JSONValue mailBlock)
Mail newMail;
/* Generate a unique mailID of this message */
string mailID = getNameForMail(mailBlock);
/* Save the mail into the mailbox */
mailbox.storeMessage(folder, mailID, mailBlock);
/* fetch the mail object */
newMail = new Mail(mailbox, folder, mailID);
/* TODO: Re think our system */
return newMail;
* Returns a name unique to this message
private static string getNameForMail(JSONValue mailBlock)
import std.digest.md;
MD5Digest digester = new MD5Digest();
ubyte[] hash = digester.digest(cast(ubyte[])toJSON(mailBlock));
/* TODO: Hash message here and return hex of hash */
return toHexString(hash);
this(Mailbox mailbox, Folder folder, string mailID)
this.mailbox = mailbox;
this.folder = folder;
this.mailID = mailID;
* Removes the mail message from the folder
public void deleteMessage()
/* Get the file system path to this message */
string messageFilePath = mailbox.username~"/"~folder.folderPath~"/"~mailID;
/* Remove the message from the filesystem */
private void sanityCheck()
/* TODO: Throw error if the message is somehow malformed */
* Check for `from` field
* Check for `to` field
* Returns the mail message JSON
public JSONValue getMessage()
JSONValue messageBlock;
/* Get the file system path to this message */
string messageFilePath = "mailboxes/"~mailbox.username~"/"~folder.folderPath~"/"~mailID;
/* TODO: Implement me */
File file;
byte[] fileBytes;
fileBytes.length = file.size();
fileBytes = file.rawRead(fileBytes);
messageBlock = parseJSON(cast(string)fileBytes);
return messageBlock;
override public string toString()
return "\""~mailID~"\"";
public string getMailID()
return mailID;