
765 lines
26 KiB

module client.client;
import core.thread : Thread;
import std.socket : Socket, AddressFamily, SocketType, ProtocolType, parseAddress, Address, SocketOSException;
import bmessage;
import std.stdio;
import std.json;
import std.string;
import client.mail;
import server.server;
import std.conv : to;
import client.exceptions;
import std.file;
import std.exception;
import std.datetime.systime : Clock, SysTime;
import server.listener : ButterflyListener;
public final class ButterflyClient : Thread
* The associated listener
private ButterflyListener listener;
* Socket of the client connection
private Socket clientSocket;
* Whether or not the server is active
private bool active = true;
* The type of connection
private enum ClientType
private ClientType connectionType;
* The Mailbox (if client) of the connected
* user.
private Mailbox mailbox;
this(ButterflyListener listener, Socket clientSocket)
this.clientSocket = clientSocket;
this.listener = listener;
private void run()
/* The received command block */
JSONValue commandBlock;
/* The received bytes */
byte[] receivedBytes;
/* The JSON response to be sent */
JSONValue responseBlock;
long status = 0;
string message;
* TODO: My error handling in bformat is not good.
* A dead connection sitll returns successful write.
/* TODO: Implement loop read-write here */
writeln("Awaiting command from client...");
/* Await a message from the client */
bool recvStatus = receiveMessage(clientSocket, receivedBytes);
/* If the receive succeeded */
/* Reset the response JSON */
responseBlock = JSONValue();
message.length = 0;
status = 0;
/* TODO: Add error handling catch for all JSON here */
/* Parse the incoming JSON */
commandBlock = parseJSON(cast(string)receivedBytes);
writeln("Received response: "~commandBlock.toPrettyString());
/* Get the command */
string command = commandBlock["command"].str();
/* TODO: Add command handling here */
if(cmp(command, "authenticate") == 0)
/* Get the username and password */
string authUsername = commandBlock["request"]["username"].str();
string authPassword = commandBlock["request"]["password"].str();
/* TODO: Implement authentication */
bool authStatus = authenticate(authUsername, authPassword);
* If the auth if successful then upgrade to
* a client-type connection.
connectionType = ClientType.CLIENT;
* Set the user's associated Mailbox up
mailbox = new Mailbox(authUsername);
/* TODO: Error handling for authentication failure */
/* TODO: Add command handling here */
else if(cmp(command, "register") == 0)
/* Get the username and password */
string regUsername = commandBlock["request"]["username"].str();
string regPassword = commandBlock["request"]["password"].str();
/* Attempt to register the new account */
register(regUsername, regPassword);
else if(cmp(command, "sendMail") == 0)
/* Make sure the connection is from a client */
if(connectionType == ClientType.CLIENT)
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* Get the mail block */
JSONValue mailBlock = commandBlock["request"]["mail"];
/* Send the mail message */
/* TODO: Add error handling */
else if(cmp(command, "storeMail") == 0)
/* Make sure the connection is from a client */
if(connectionType == ClientType.CLIENT)
/* Get the mail block */
JSONValue mailBlock = commandBlock["request"]["mail"];
/* Get the folder to store the mail message in */
Folder storeFolder = new Folder(mailbox, commandBlock["request"]["folder"].str());
/* Store the message in the mailbox */
Mail storedMail = storeMail(storeFolder, mailBlock);
responseBlock["response"]["mailID"] = storedMail.getMailID();
/* TODO: Add error handling */
else if(cmp(command, "editMail") == 0)
/* Make sure the connection is from a client */
if(connectionType == ClientType.CLIENT)
/* Get the mail block */
JSONValue mailBlock = commandBlock["request"]["mail"];
/* Get the folder the mail message wanting to be edited resides in */
Folder storeFolder = new Folder(mailbox, commandBlock["request"]["folder"].str());
/* Get the mail message wanting to be edited */
Mail messageOriginal = new Mail(mailbox, storeFolder, commandBlock["request"]["mailID"].str());
/* Update the message with the new data */
Mail updatedMail = editMail(messageOriginal, storeFolder, mailBlock);
responseBlock["response"]["mailID"] = updatedMail.getMailID();
/* TODO: Add error handling */
else if(cmp(command, "deliverMail") == 0)
/* Make sure the connection is from a server */
if(connectionType == ClientType.SERVER)
/* Deliver the mail message from the remote host */
/* TODO: Add error handling */
else if(cmp(command, "fetchMail") == 0)
/* Make sure the connection is from a client */
if(connectionType == ClientType.CLIENT)
/* The folder where the mail message is stored */
Folder fetchFolder = new Folder(mailbox, commandBlock["request"]["folder"].str());
/* The mail ID of the mail message */
string mailID = commandBlock["request"]["id"].str();
/* Fetch the Mail */
Mail fetchedMail = new Mail(mailbox, fetchFolder, mailID);
/* Set the response */
JSONValue response;
response["mail"] = fetchedMail.getMessage();
responseBlock["response"] = response;
/* TODO: Add error handling */
else if(cmp(command, "createFolder") == 0)
/* Make sure the connection is from a client */
if(connectionType == ClientType.CLIENT)
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* TODO: Add error handling */
else if(cmp(command, "deleteFolder") == 0)
/* Make sure the connection is from a client */
if(connectionType == ClientType.CLIENT)
/* The folder to be deleted */
Folder deleteFolder = new Folder(mailbox, commandBlock["request"]["folder"].str());
/* Delete the folder */
/* TODO: Add error handling */
else if(cmp(command, "addToFolder") == 0)
/* Make sure the connection is from a client */
if(connectionType == ClientType.CLIENT)
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* TODO: Add error handling */
else if(cmp(command, "removeFromFolder") == 0)
/* Make sure the connection is from a client */
if(connectionType == ClientType.CLIENT)
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* TODO: Add error handling */
else if(cmp(command, "listMail") == 0)
/* Make sure the connection is from a client */
if(connectionType == ClientType.CLIENT)
/* Get the folder wanting to be listed */
Folder listFolder = new Folder(mailbox, commandBlock["request"]["folderName"].str());
/* Write back an array of mailIDs */
responseBlock["mailIDs"] = parseJSON(to!(string)(listFolder.getMessages()));
/* TODO: Add error handling */
else if(cmp(command, "listFolder") == 0)
/* Make sure the connection is from a client */
if(connectionType == ClientType.CLIENT)
/* Get the folder wanting to be listed */
Folder listFolder = new Folder(mailbox, commandBlock["request"]["folderName"].str());
/* Write back an array of folder names */
responseBlock["folders"] = parseJSON(to!(string)(listFolder.getFolders()));
/* TODO: Add error handling */
else if(cmp(command, "totsiens") == 0)
/* Close the connection on next loop condition check */
active = false;
/* TODO: Add error handling for invalid commands */
catch(JSONException e)
/* TODO: Set error message and status code */
status = -2;
message = e.msg;
catch(FileException e)
/* Status=-1 :: I/O error */
status = -1;
message = e.msg;
catch(ErrnoException e)
/* Status=-1 :: I/O error */
status = -1;
message = e.msg;
catch(ButterflyException e)
/* Set the status */
status = e.status;
message = e.msg;
/* Generate the `status` block */
JSONValue statusBlock;
statusBlock["code"] = status;
statusBlock["message"] = message;
/* Set the `status` field of the response block */
responseBlock["status"] = statusBlock;
/* Write the response block to the client */
writeln("Writing back response: "~responseBlock.toPrettyString());
bool sendStatus = sendMessage(clientSocket, cast(byte[])toJSON(responseBlock));
/* If there was an error writing the response back */
/* End the session */
writeln("Response write back failed");
* If we failed to receive, then close the connection
writeln("Closing session...");
/* Close the socket */
* Stores a mail message in the users Mailbox
* at in the given Folder, `folder`.
private Mail storeMail(Folder folder, JSONValue mailBlock)
/* Create the Mail message to store it */
Mail savedMail = Mail.createMail(mailbox, folder, mailBlock);
return savedMail;
* Updates the given mail message in the
* provided folder with a new message.
private Mail editMail(Mail messageOriginal, Folder storeFolder, JSONValue mailBlock)
Mail updatedMail;
/* Delete the old message */
mailbox.deleteMessage(storeFolder, messageOriginal.getMailID());
/* Store the new message in the same folder */
updatedMail = Mail.createMail(mailbox, storeFolder, mailBlock);
return updatedMail;
private bool authenticate(string username, string password)
/* TODO: Implement me */
return true;
private void register(string username, string password)
* Check if the account already exists.
* If it does then throw an exception.
/* Status=1 :: Account exists */
throw new ButterflyException(1);
/* Create the mailbox for the new user */
/* Create the account */
/* TODO: Implement me */
* Create a folder in your mailbox
private Folder createFolder(string folderName)
/* Strip infront or behind slashes */
folderName = strip(folderName, "/");
/* Seperated paths */
string[] seperatedPaths = split(folderName, "/");
/* The newly created Folder */
Folder newFolder;
/* If it is a base folder wanting to be created */
newFolder = mailbox.addBaseFolder(folderName);
/* If it is a nested folder wanting to be created */
string folderPathExisting = folderName[0..lastIndexOf(folderName, "/")];
Folder endDirectoryExisting = new Folder(mailbox, folderPathExisting);
newFolder = endDirectoryExisting.createFolder(folderName[lastIndexOf(folderName, "/")+1..folderName.length]);
return newFolder;
* Given the address of the mail block, applying incoming
* mail filters to the mail message.
* Returns `true` if we are to outright reject this incoming
* mail.
private bool filterMailIncoming(JSONValue* mailBlock)
/* Add the received time stamp */
(*mailBlock)["receivedTimestamp"] = Clock.currTime().toString();
/* TODO: Add plugin-based filtering here */
/* TODO: Filter using bester */
/* TODO: Implement rejection */
return false;
* Delivers the mail to the local users
private void deliverMail(JSONValue mailBlock)
/* Filter the mail */
bool reject = filterMailIncoming(&mailBlock);
/* Check to see if we must reject this mail */
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* Get a list of the recipients of the mail message */
string[] recipients;
foreach(JSONValue recipient; mailBlock["recipients"].array())
recipients ~= recipient.str();
/* Store the mail to each of the recipients */
foreach(string recipient; recipients)
/* Get the mail address */
string[] mailAddress = split(recipient, "@");
/* Get the username */
string username = mailAddress[0];
/* Get the domain */
string domain = mailAddress[1];
* Check if the domain of this recipient is this server
* or if it is a remote server.
if(cmp(domain, listener.getDomain()) == 0)
writeln("Storing mail message to "~recipient~" ...");
/* Get the Mailbox of a given user */
Mailbox userMailbox = new Mailbox(username);
/* Get the Inbox folder */
Folder inboxFolder = new Folder(userMailbox, "Inbox");
/* Store the message in their Inbox folder */
Mail.createMail(userMailbox, inboxFolder, mailBlock);
writeln("Stored mail message");
* Given the address of the mail block, applying outgoing
* mail filters to the mail message.
* Returns `true` if we are to outright reject this outgoing
* mail.
private bool filterMailOutgoing(JSONValue* mailBlock)
/* Add the from field to the mail block */
(*mailBlock)["from"] = mailbox.username~"@"~listener.getDomain();
/* Add the sent time stamp */
(*mailBlock)["sentTimestamp"] = Clock.currTime().toString();
/* TODO: Add plugin-based filtering here */
/* TODO: Filter using bester */
/* TODO: Implement rejection */
return false;
* Sends the mail message `mail` to the servers
* listed in the recipients field.
private void sendMail(JSONValue mailBlock)
/* Filter the mail */
bool reject = filterMailOutgoing(&mailBlock);
/* Check to see if we must reject this mail */
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* Get a list of the recipients of the mail message */
string[] recipients;
foreach(JSONValue recipient; mailBlock["recipients"].array())
recipients ~= recipient.str();
/* List of server's failed to deliver to */
string[] failedRecipients;
/* Send the mail to each of the recipients */
foreach(string recipient; recipients)
writeln("Sending mail message to "~recipient~" ...");
/* Get the mail address */
string[] mailAddress = split(recipient, "@");
/* Get the username */
string username = mailAddress[0];
/* Get the domain */
string domain = mailAddress[1];
* Check if the domain of this recipient is this server
* or if it is a remote server.
writeln("Local delivery occurring...");
/* TODO: Add failed delivery here too */
goto deliveryFailed;
/* Get the Mailbox of a given user */
Mailbox userMailbox = new Mailbox(username);
/* Get the Inbox folder */
Folder inboxFolder = new Folder(userMailbox, "Inbox");
/* Filter mail incoming (for local) */
reject = filterMailIncoming(&mailBlock);
/* Check to see if we must reject this mail */
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* Store the message in their Inbox folder */
Mail.createMail(userMailbox, inboxFolder, mailBlock);
/* TODO: Do remote mail delivery */
writeln("Remote delivery occurring...");
* Construct the server message to send to the
* remote server.
JSONValue messageBlock;
messageBlock["command"] = "deliverMail";
JSONValue requestBlock;
requestBlock["mail"] = mailBlock;
messageBlock["request"] = requestBlock;
/* Deliver the mail to the remote server */
Socket remoteServer = new Socket(AddressFamily.INET, SocketType.STREAM, ProtocolType.TCP);
/* TODO: Add check over here to make sure these are met */
string remoteHost = split(domain, ":")[0];
ushort remotePort = to!(ushort)(split(domain, ":")[1]);
remoteServer.connect(parseAddress(remoteHost, remotePort));
bool sendStatus = sendMessage(remoteServer, cast(byte[])toJSON(messageBlock));
goto deliveryFailed;
byte[] receivedBytes;
bool recvStatus = receiveMessage(remoteServer, receivedBytes);
goto deliveryFailed;
/* Close the connection with the remote host */
JSONValue responseBlock = parseJSON(cast(string)receivedBytes);
/* TODO: Get ["status"]["code"] code here an act on it */
if(responseBlock["status"]["code"].integer() == 0)
writeln("Message delivered to user "~recipient);
goto deliveryFailed;
goto deliveryFailed;
/* When delivery fails */
writeln("Error delivering to "~recipient);
/* Append failed recipient to array of failed recipients */
failedRecipients ~= recipient;
writeln("Sent mail message to "~recipient);
writeln("Mail delivered");
* If there are failed sends then send an error message
* to the sender.
/* Create the error message */
JSONValue deliveryReport;
JSONValue[] errorRecipients = [JSONValue(mailbox.username~"@"~listener.getDomain())];
deliveryReport["recipients"] = errorRecipients;
/* TODO: Make more indepth, and have copy of the mail that was tried to be sent */
string errorMessage = "There was an error delivery the mail to: "~to!(string)(recipients)~"\n";
errorMessage ~= "\nThe message was:\n\n"~mailBlock.toPrettyString();
deliveryReport["message"] = errorMessage;
/* Deliver the error message */
writeln("Mail delivery report sent: "~deliveryReport.toPrettyString());
/* Store the message in this user's "Sent" folder */
Folder sentFolder = new Folder(mailbox, "Sent");
/* Store the message in their Inbox folder */
Mail.createMail(mailbox, sentFolder, mailBlock);
writeln("Saved mail message to sent folder");