PocketBase wrapper with serializer/deserializer support http://deavmi.assigned.network/projects/libpb
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Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire 707a1b9373 - `fromJSON()` now throws `RemoteFieldMissing` exception if the input JSON does not have a field found in the input struct type `RecordType`
- Added a unittest to test the above
2023-01-08 13:36:01 +02:00
source/libpb - `fromJSON()` now throws `RemoteFieldMissing` exception if the input JSON does not have a field found in the input struct type `RecordType` 2023-01-08 13:36:01 +02:00
.gitignore Initial commit 2022-12-29 15:24:07 +02:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2022-12-29 15:24:07 +02:00
README.md - Fixed API call in usage example 2023-01-05 11:29:11 +02:00
dub.json - Fixed the filtering in `listRecords()`, now escaping is automatically done 2023-01-02 14:15:44 +02:00
dummy.json Updated testing DB schema 2023-01-05 13:01:53 +02:00



PocketBase wrapper with serializer/deserializer support

Example usage

View the full API documentation (methods etc.) here.

Server initiation

Firstly we create a new PocketBase instance to manage our server:

PocketBase pb = new PocketBase("");


This is just to show off the serialization method serializeRecord(RecordType) which returns a JSONValue struct:

import std.algorithm.searching : canFind;
import std.string : cmp;

struct Person
	public string firstname, lastname;
	public int age;
	public string[] list;
	public JSONValue extraJSON;
	public EnumType eType;

Person p1;
p1.firstname  = "Tristan";
p1.lastname = "Kildaire";
p1.age = 23;
p1.list = ["1", "2", "3"];
p1.extraJSON = parseJSON(`{"item":1, "items":[1,2,3]}`);
p1.eType = EnumType.CAT;

JSONValue serialized = serializeRecord(p1);

string[] keys = serialized.object().keys();
assert(canFind(keys, "firstname") && cmp(serialized["firstname"].str(), "Tristan") == 0);
assert(canFind(keys, "lastname") && cmp(serialized["lastname"].str(), "Kildaire") == 0);
assert(canFind(keys, "age") && serialized["age"].integer() == 23);



This is to show off deserialization method fromJSON(RecordType)(JSONValue jsonIn) which returns a struct of type RecordType (so far most features are implemented):

import std.string : cmp;
struct Person
	public string firstname, lastname;
	public int age;
	public bool isMale;
	public JSONValue obj;
	public int[] list;
JSONValue json = parseJSON(`{
"firstname" : "Tristan",
"lastname": "Kildaire",
"age": 23,
"obj" : {"bruh":1},
"isMale": true,
"list": [1,2,3]

Person person = fromJSON!(Person)(json);


assert(cmp(person.firstname, "Tristan") == 0);
assert(cmp(person.lastname, "Kildaire") == 0);
assert(person.age == 23);
assert(person.isMale == true);
assert(person.obj["bruh"].integer() == 1);
//TODO: list test case

Record management

Normal collections

Below we have a few calls like create and delete:

PocketBase pb = new PocketBase();

struct Person
	string id;
	string name;
	int age;

Person p1 = Person();
p1.name = "Tristan Gonzales";
p1.age = 23;

Person recordStored = pb.createRecord("dummy", p1);
pb.deleteRecord("dummy", recordStored.id);

recordStored = pb.createRecord("dummy", p1);
recordStored.age = 46;
recordStored = pb.updateRecord("dummy", recordStored);

Person recordFetched = pb.viewRecord!(Person)("dummy", recordStored.id);

pb.deleteRecord("dummy", recordStored);

Person[] people = [Person(), Person()];
people[0].name = "Abby";
people[1].name = "Becky";

people[0] = pb.createRecord("dummy", people[0]);
people[1] = pb.createRecord("dummy", people[1]);

Person[] returnedPeople = pb.listRecords!(Person)("dummy");
foreach(Person returnedPerson; returnedPeople)
	pb.deleteRecord("dummy", returnedPerson);

auth collections

Auth collections require that certain calls, such as createRecord(table, record, isAuthCollection) have the last argument se to true.

import core.thread : Thread, dur;
import std.string : cmp;
PocketBase pb = new PocketBase();

struct Person
	string id;
	string email;
	string username;
	string password;
	string passwordConfirm;

Person p1;
p1.email = "deavmi@redxen.eu";
p1.username = "deavmi";
p1.password = "bigbruh1111";
p1.passwordConfirm = "bigbruh1111";

p1 = pb.createRecordAuth("dummy_auth", p1);
pb.deleteRecord("dummy_auth", p1);



This requires that you have the libcurl libraries available for linking against.

Unit tests

To run tests you will want to enable the pragmas and writelns. therefore pass the dbg flag in as such:

dub test -ddbg

Run pocketbase on the default port and then use the schema provided as dummy.json to test with (in a collection named dummy).
