# Implement max-len filter To implement a max-length filter, we need a rule/policy/filter file that contains the corresponding prefixes with their maximum length. The entitydb contains a bash script `build_maxlen_filter.sh` for this purpose. If you run this script, you will get a bird-compatible list. ``` define CRXN_IPs = [ include ""; ]; function is_crxn_net() { return net ~ CRXN_IPs; } ``` This bird configuration can be used to load the file. You have to replace `` with the path of the filter file. The function `is_crxn_net` then checks whether a route complies with the rules or not. ``` if (! is_crxn_net() ) then { print "[CRXN] Invalid crxn route: ", net; reject; } ``` This configuration can then be added to your import filter before 'accept'. The line with `print` is optional. If you leave this line, every hjack attempt will be logged in the bird log output.