
178 lines
5.5 KiB

* Urban Dictionary module
module botty.modules.urbandict;
import botty.mod;
import : Bot;
import birchwood.protocol.messages : Message;
import : CurlException;
import std.json : JSONValue, JSONException, parseJSON;
import birchwood;
* Urban dictionary command
public final class UrbanDict : Mod
private static string commandStr = ".ub";
* Base URL to use for constructing requests
private static string ubBase = "";
* Constructs a new `UrbanDict` module with the provided
* bot to associate with
* Params:
* bot = the `Bot` to associate with
this(Bot bot)
public override bool accepts(Message fullMessage, string channel, string messageBody)
import std.string : startsWith;
return messageBody.startsWith(commandStr);
public override void react(Message fullMessage, string channel, string messageBody)
import std.string : indexOf, strip;
import std.stdio;
import std.string : split;
import std.conv : to, ConvException;
* Split the ` .ub dictionarydef`
* into two parts `[.ub, dictionarydef]`
messageBody = strip(messageBody);
string[] splits = split(messageBody, " ");
writeln("splits", splits);
if(splits.length >= 2)
* Checks for `.ub:2`
ulong count = 0;
long countIdx = splits[0].indexOf(":");
if(countIdx > -1)
string countStr = splits[0].split(":")[1];
count = to!(ulong)(countStr);
catch(ConvException e)
getBot().channelMessage("Invalid index '"~countStr~"'", channel);
writeln("Are we ongod yet? ",messageBody.indexOf(" "));
string searchTerm = strip(messageBody[messageBody.indexOf(" ")..$]);
writeln("search term: '"~searchTerm~"'");
// Perform lookup and parsing
JSONValue[] definitions = doThing(searchTerm);
writeln("Definitions count: ", definitions.length);
writeln("Selecting definition: ", count);
if(definitions.length > 0)
// TODO: Send result below
// getBot().channelMessage(translatedText, channel);
JSONValue firstDef = definitions[count];
string definition = firstDef["definition"].str();
string example = firstDef["example"].str();
string author = firstDef["author"].str();
string permalink = firstDef["permalink"].str();
import birchwood.protocol.formatting;
writeln("Def '"~definition~"'");
writeln("Ex '"~example~"'");
writeln("Au '"~definition~"'");
writeln("Perm '"~permalink~"'");
getBot().channelMessage(bold("Definition: ")~definition, channel);
getBot().channelMessage(bold("Example: ")~example, channel);
getBot().channelMessage(bold("Author: ")~author, channel);
getBot().channelMessage(bold("Permalink: ")~permalink, channel);
// If no definitions are found
getBot().channelMessage("No definitions for '"~searchTerm~"'", channel);
// On network error
catch(CurlException e)
getBot().channelMessage("There was a network error when looking up on urban dictionary", channel);
// On parsing error
catch(JSONException e)
getBot().channelMessage("There was a parsing error when looking up on urban dictionary", channel);
// Do nothing
writeln("IMM A W ");
writeln("IMM A W ");
writeln("IMM A W ");
writeln("IMM A W ");
writeln("IMM A W ");
writeln("IMM A W ");
writeln("IMM A W ");
writeln("IMM A W ");
catch(BirchwoodException e)
writeln("Birchwood error: ", e);
private static JSONValue[] doThing(string term)
import std.string : fromStringz;
import etc.c.curl : curl_escape;
term = cast(string)fromStringz(curl_escape(cast(const(char)*)term.ptr, cast(int)term.length));
// Do the request
import std.stdio;
string data = cast(string)get(ubBase~term);
writeln("UB result: ", data);
JSONValue[] json = parseJSON(data)["list"].array();
return json;